
12 May 2018

Black Budget Operations of Pentagon

Black Budget Operations of Pentagon

The US military and Intelligence (CIA) has had functioning operations, for decades, that are termedBlack Budget Operations (****), who’s budgetary disclosures are either hidden, or are not mandatory for congressional oversight. There has long been a gray area concerning the destinations, or operations that use such allocations of undisclosed money.

That gray area has resulted in many books, investigative reporting, as well as far fetched and almost imaginative literature, but concerning the topic herein, namely technologies developed for the battlefield, and behavior influence, the gray, may become less gray, when considering the two authors cited above, as well as titles within the bibliography linked below.

Secret developments of non-lethal energy technologies, and behavioral experimentation, includes using ground based as well as satellite delivery (see Begich titles***). The use of unwitting civilians, in daily life, will, and to this writers knowledge, has, included (effected) many areas of American life. The use of businesses, neighborhoods, schools, families, transportation, city and county government, goes beyond the hospitals, scientists and researchers, hired for such funded developments, and even includes law enforcement at the local level. There are few authors, media, or investigators of any authority, willing, or able to, commit any energy to uncovering these atrocious exercises by US Intelligence and the military. The numbers of people affected, the numbers of unwitting citizens used, is a very gray area, and will remain so, as long as our sitting politicians, media, and law enforcement, are hampered, or intimidated, by the structure of censorship and control, set in place by the Pentagon and Department of Defense. Some indication as to how deeply disturbing the current situation is, can be known in the fact that the US government has not had a proper investigation of such activities, since the mid to late 70s, during the Church Committee, and Senate Hearings, aimed at misconduct by the CIA (2). 

Today, the only expression of concern at the federal level has been from failed attempts by legislators, such as Dennis Kucinich, who in a bill, called for bans on spaced based weapons(3), Language in the Bill included references to technologies capable of interfering with human mental functioning. Conversely, there has also been, in this writers assessment, a large campaign, using the internet, to make such claims of unwitting test subjects of the above stated research, seem similar to the UFO abductees phenomena, or at least not believed by a public, thus covering up real atrocities through false websites, fantastic claims, which are fake accounts by the 1000s (search gang stalkingor remote neural monitoring and mind control victims, organized stalking victms/blogs) .

These internet resources, websites, blogs, foundations, and some fake organization with stated goals to help victims, serve as a distraction for, as well as a venue for harassment of, an unknown number of unwitting subjects of non-lethal weapons and energies technologies. They also represent a flood of information and misinformation, within the mind control realm, which serves to drown much of any legitimate, scientific, and or authoritative works concerning the reality of the perverse, corrupt and incredibly unethical uses of these technologies by our military and intelligence (CIA), in the name of research. 

This reality highlights a military, a Department of Defense, and branches of intelligence (including the CIA), all of which are in continual breach of the Nuremburg code. The scientists, medical doctors, and employees, operation specialists all commit crimes that reduce the unwitting human subjects to a tool, a toy, a human specimen for a pure, but grotesque science. 

Further Reading:
Wired Magazine: Pentagon’s Black Budget Grows to More Than $50 Billion
Dr. Nick Begich displays genuine concern over the military’s HAARP, the worlds largest ionospheric heater and radio transmitter: 
Assata Shakur Forums QUOTE: “It is child’s play to transmit an ELF modulated signal to be broadcast by the en”tire mobile phone network – if need be. By this means, all mobile phone users can be behaviourally modified, at the cost of developing cancer from low level microwave exposure from the phones they constantly use, stressing the neural network by constant calcium ion efflux and interference with bioelectric fields.” Margaret Thatcher Masers, Microwaves, Mindcontrol & Abductions” Assata Shakur Forums:


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