
2 May 2018

dumb A.F military war profiteers, aka BAE systems and world government, trying to convince people that this is a good thing, in fact its quite the opposite

dirty A.F military war profiteers, aka BAE systems and world government, trying to convince people that this, (see bellow) is a good thing, in fact its quite the opposite, roving hunter killer drone fleets, nigh on undetectable and they wont stop, until the target is dead)

this is them trying to sell their product, note that any other company that provides a product, if that product harms or kills you, then it would be withdrawn from sale and a hefty lawsuit would follow, as it is illegal to cause harm to a human being whatever its by willful neglect or on purpose, if it harms you they are liable, this also applies to the military industrial complex, and the government,
their spiel bellow, and after that a more indepth look at what it really is,

Self-driving cars may become a reality on our roads at some point in the near future, but war robots will roam the world’s battlefields before that, according to the US Department of Defense.

“We’re going to have self-driving vehicles in theater for the Army, before we’ll have self-driving cars on the streets,” Michael Griffin, the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, told a hearing on Capitol Hill last month. “But the core technologies will be the same.”

More than half of combat zone casualties involve logistics and transport personnel. Griffin believes that, the fewer people involved in these roles, the fewer the casualties.

“You’re in a very vulnerable position when you’re doing that kind of activity,” Griffin said. “If that can be done by an automated unmanned vehicle with a relatively simple AI driving algorithm where I don’t have to worry about pedestrians and road signs and all of that, why wouldn’t I do that?”

With civilian companies like Tesla, Uber, Ford and General Motors, (war profiteers), all developing and testing autonomous vehicles, the military has been keeping a close eye on the technology. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has funded research into self-driving vehicles since it sponsored its first competition in the area in 2004.

At the moment, several autonomous vehicles are in the works or are already in use by the US military.


Developed by BAE Systems, Ironclad is a miniature tracked vehicle capable of operating in urban or off-road environments. Its modular platform means it can be fitted with different equipment, making it useful for reconnaissance, casualty evacuation, bomb disposal, and combat roles. It has a 50 kilometer range, runs almost silently, and is protected against explosives and small arms fire by its armored shell.

While the Ironclad vehicle is not yet autonomous, the technology is being tested, and is described by BAE Systems’ Future Programs Director Craig Fennell as “at a high state of readiness.”

“Ironclad – while being a product in its own right – is also a step towards the battlefield of the future where we expect fleets of unmanned air and ground vehicles to work together, sharing situational awareness and pursuing combat objectives,”said Fennell.
The Ox

Lockheed Martin’s Convoy Active Safety Technology (CAST) system allows military drivers to switch their vehicles to fully autonomous operation. If a convoy came under attack for instance, drivers could press a button and their vehicles would stay in formation as the drivers took shelter or engaged targets.

Since 2006, Lockheed Martin has taken the CAST concept further, with the development of a more advanced combat vehicle called the Squad Mission Support System (SMSS), which could track and follow the movements of a single soldier, (or civilian or anyone just trying to get away and like the terminator it wont stop),  or haul 1,000 pounds of supplies/small tactical nuke, over rough terrain and transport casualties (pfft yeah right).

The remote-controlled variety of SMSS has been in use in Afghanistan since 2011, where it earned the nickname “The Ox”for its load-bearing strength.

now lets look deeper

Flying Sniper, (flying silent death from above fuckery, perfect for the illegal long range assassination of non combatants :(  :(  :(  )


The Precision Weapons Platform (PWP) is a lightweight turret that SDL created for the U.S. Army’s Aviation Applied Technology Directorate (AATD) as part of the Autonomous Rotorcraft Sniper System (ARSS). SDL also developed the operator’s station and the algorithms and software needed to control the PWP.

The PWP is intended to integrate a sniper system onto a rotary‐winged unmanned aircraft that will allow sniper capability on a platform that can achieve line of sight to a target by going above or around obstacles. This system could provide an accurate delivery of fire with little or no collateral damage, which is particularly useful in "urban settings", (when butchering civilians). One of the system’s key elements is its stabilization technology that enables precise pointing on unstable platforms. The PWP is also being tested for use on various towers used by the U.S. military.

Another key element of the program is the use of commercial off‐the‐shelf components to reduce cost and the time needed for development. The operator’s station is similar to a video game with video imagery from the cameras displayed on a flat‐panel monitor. A gaming controller is used for aiming, arming, safing, and firing tasks. The controller is also used by the remote operator to change camera views or modes of operation. A laptop computer configures and controls the system.

The PWP began as an internally‐funded research and development project, which was then advanced through funding provided by AATD. The system was developed under AATD’s umbrella Science and Technology program called the Aerial Delivery of Effects from Lightweight Aircraft (ADELA). The purpose of this program is to move unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) beyond the reconnaissance, surveillance and targeting acquisition role.

With programs like ARSS, SDL is assisting with the U.S. Army’s goal of supplying the war fighter, (aka brainwashed murderers) with relevant technologies that are platform‐independent.

The unfortunately named Advanced Rotorcraft Sniper System (ARSS) is nothing to laugh at. An autonomous helicopter drone carrying a human-operated sniper rifle, the ARSS can kill with impunity from hundreds of yards, thanks to software that corrects the operator’s aim and steadies the .338 Magnum rifle attachment.

With point-and-shoot simplicity, the remote operator can use an Xbox controller, (to further make it seem like a game, to the morons with the control pad, to detach them from the actual act of murdering peeps like a true coward), to squeeze off between seven and ten lethal shots per minute, taking out targets, (peep's), at a fraction of the cost of a drone-carried Hellfire missile. (who gives a fuck about the price, i know i value my life infinitely more than either of those illegal products, and most of the elite seem to value theirs, yet they act with impunity and flaunt the law and illegally manufacture and sell weapons, with the specific purpose of killing peeps)

Work on ARSS began in 2005, but no information about the project has been made public since 2010.
Submarine Hunter, (silent hunter killer packs at sea fuckery, theres no escape route for global evacuations

The US Navy and DARPA are working on an anti-submarine drone, able to track and monitor modern, quiet diesel-electric submarines. The craft, called the ASW Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) was trialled successfully in January, and will be able to patrol autonomously for between 60 and 90 days, all while avoiding hazards, (because it kills at a distance) like ship traffic, marine mammals and fishing activities. DARPA has successfully completed its Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) program and has officially transferred the technology demonstration vessel, christened Sea Hunter, to the Office of Naval Research (ONR). ONR will continue developing the revolutionary prototype vehicle—the first of what could ultimately become an entirely new class of ocean-going vessel able to traverse thousands of kilometers over open seas for months at a time, without a single crew member aboard—as the Medium Displacement Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MDUSV).

“ACTUV’s move from DARPA to ONR marks a significant milestone in developing large-scale USV technology and autonomy capabilities,” said Alexander Walan, a program manager in DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office (TTO). “Our collaboration with ONR has brought closer to reality a future fleet in which both manned warships and capable large unmanned vessels complement each other to accomplish diverse, evolving missions.”

“ONR appreciates the truly impressive work by DARPA in advancing this technology, and the strong partnership we've had on ACTUV over the years,” said Robert Brizzolara, ONR program officer for MDUSV. “As ACTUV transfers from DARPA to ONR, ONR is looking forward to continuing and capitalizing on the science and technology work. In particular, we are already working on autonomous control, a challenging area that is key to maturing MDUSV and delivering it to the fleet.”

“ACTUV represents a new vision of naval surface warfare that trades small numbers of very capable, high-value assets for large numbers of commoditized, simpler platforms that are more capable in the aggregate,” said Fred Kennedy, TTO director. “The U.S. military has talked about the strategic importance of replacing ‘king’ and ‘queen’ pieces on the maritime chessboard with lots of ‘pawns,’ and ACTUV is a first step toward doing exactly that.”

The agencies’ collaboration started in September 2014, when DARPA and ONR agreed to jointly fund an extended test phase of an ACTUV prototype. An April 2016 christening ceremony marked the vessel’s formal transition from a DARPA-led design and construction project to a new stage of open-water testing conducted jointly with ONR in San Diego, Calif.

In October 2016, DARPA and ONR began at-sea testing of Sea Hunter’s sensing and autonomy suites. Between February and September 2017, the vessel passed three progressively challenging tests to integrate the suites and use them to comply with International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) in operationally realistic scenarios.

DARPA and ONR also conducted tests to prove a key element of the ACTUV/MDUSV design: the flexibility to handle diverse missions by switching among modular payloads. Sea Hunter had a successful joint test in September 2016 with DARPA’s Towed Airborne Lift of Naval Systems (TALONS)research effort. In August 2017, the vessel conducted at-sea tests with a mine countermeasures (MCM) payload.

ONR plans additional at-sea tests to further develop ACTUV/MDUSV technologies, including automating payload and sensor data processing, rapidly developing new mission-specific autonomous behaviors, and exploring autonomous coordination among multiple USVs. Pending test results, MDUSV could transition to U.S. Navy operations by 2018.

Image Caption: DARPA has successfully completed its Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) program and has officially transferred the technology demonstration vessel, christened Sea Hunter, to the Office of Naval Research (ONR). ONR will continue developing the revolutionary prototype vehicle as the Medium Displacement Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MDUSV). Click below for high-resolution image.

ACTUV Video Library:

and now back to the hunter killer search and terminate teams

this is what they want you to think its for 

to retrieve fallen soldiers from war zones, but its not one has only to look at it to realize it has one very obvious flaw they shows its a lie, if it is to remove soldiers who have been injured in a hot zone, that means they are unable to defend themselves, as they are strapped in and possibly unconscious, and would require some form of shielding to protect the fallen, which it compleatly lacks, its clearly not for that, its to mount small scale tactical nukes on, and with its combination of spotter, shooter and active Area denial system means it could use the other autonomous systems to escort the nuke carrier to its predetermined launch zone, saving on the need to fly it to targets to deploy or use larger more easily spotted nuke launcher ICBMs

Craig Fennell,(super cunt, needs slapping into next week for his crimes against humanity, Craig Fennell's Email
Future Programmes Director - Land (UK) @ BAE Systems
Location Newport, United Kingdom
Work Managing Director - CTA International @ BAE Systems
Head of Business Development @ BAE Systems), Future Programmes Director at BAE Systems Land (UK) 
and his Facebook page do feel free to abuse him
lives Shirenewton, who frequents the Old Albion Inn. (Restaurant · Crantock) also feel free to shun him and shame the fuck out of him, at every opportunity !!, this man is a scum bag, who send bombs to kill innocent men, women, and children, around the world so he can get rich!, what a cunt!!,
he had this to say to endorse their illegal product, “Ironclad has a unique set of capabilities for a UGV. Using high endurance battery power, it offers near silent running up to a 50km range and will come with a set of mission systems that can be quickly changed in the field. (so its role isn't fixed and can be easily retro fitted to carry a small arsenal of weaponry), A modular connection system allows two vehicles to be connected together to handle additional loads, such as a specialised stretcher./mini tactical nuke launch vehicle, It is also protected against blast and small arms fire to increase mission survivability.”

“The next step is for Ironclad to act autonomously as part of a battlegroup, interacting with other vehicles and ground troops to follow mission objectives. This is being tested on existing vehicles as the technology – already at a high state of readiness – is developed.”

Each Ironclad is built with a hardware interface that allows the different mission fits to be attached easily. This connection supplies both power and command from the main vehicle chassis, which houses the battery and a two-way remote control unit. The chassis is designed so that hardware needed for autonomous capability can be added at a later stage. (so it has the potential for misuse,

On display at DSEI this year, Ironclad™ is a new Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) designed to take on some of the most dangerous jobs that soldiers currently face.
Ironclad is small enough to negotiate tight urban environments, but maintains the mobility needed to handle extreme cross-country terrain. It can also be fitted to carry out reconnaissance, combat and casualty evacuation roles.

Craig Fennell, Future Programmes Director at BAE Systems Land (UK) explained: “Ironclad has a unique set of capabilities for a UGV. Using high endurance battery power, it offers near silent running up to a 50km range and will come with a set of mission systems that can be quickly changed in the field. A modular connection system allows two vehicles to be connected together to handle additional loads, such as a specialised stretcher. It is also protected against blast and small arms fire to increase mission survivability.”

“The next step is for Ironclad to act autonomously as part of a battlegroup, interacting with other vehicles and ground troops to follow mission objectives. This is being tested on existing vehicles as the technology – already at a high state of readiness – is developed.”

Each Ironclad is built with a hardware interface that allows the different mission fits to be attached easily. This connection supplies both power and command from the main vehicle chassis, which houses the battery and a two-way remote control unit. The chassis is designed so that hardware needed for autonomous capability can be added at a later stage. 

Mission fits currently in development

Reconnaissance – imaging and audio streamed directly back to soldiers. Ideal for exploring hazardous environments before putting boots on the ground
Casualty evacuation – stretcher attachment for transporting wounded soldiers away from battlefield. (pffft not really though is it as there is zero shield capacity for the injured soldiers), Each UGV frees up two soldiers who would otherwise be needed to carry the casualty.
Area denial – remote weapon station combined with imaging and audio sensors allowing soldiers to project force at a distance, 
Explosive ordnance disposal – similar to existing bomb disposal robots, but with the flexibility to change roles. Craig Fennell summarised what Ironclad offers: “Ironclad – while being a product in its own right – is also a step towards the battlefield of the future where we expect fleets of unmanned air and ground vehicles to work together, (meaning we intend to remove human combatants from the system as they have the ability to recognise immoral and illegal orders and refuse to follow them, unlike a robot that will just keep right om killing with impunity)

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