
2 May 2018

nwo fuckery

Whenever we look into child sex slavery rings, the dots connect back to the elites of Europe, and America. They run the whole sordid affair.

A Police State is being formented on your very doorstep. Billions of your tax dollars are being spent on repressive forces designed to enslave you.

Orwell's nightmare vision has already been surpassed only you didn't hear about it, learn how and when the state was usurped by Big Brother.

Forced Drugging, DNA fingerprinting for all, genetic engineering, Gene ID cards, a DARPA cyborg servant race, its all here right NOW.

The elite are nothing more than high powered peddlers of filth and debauchery, our society is losing all sense of morality and decency.

The War on Terror is not only built on a foundation of lies, it is a lie. There are no real terrorists except those under Globalist control.

From Nixon to Clinton, Arnold to George W, all have been initiated into and are regular visitors to the Satanic hideout known as Bohemian Grove.

Yale's secret society acting as the US branch of the order of the Illuminati. The 2004 Presidential election is a staged event between two bonesmen.

Hundreds of high powered world figures, politicians to film directors meet every year to direct world events and formulate plans for the takeover.

Wierd blood rituals, satanistic sacrifices and a multitude of occult symbols in everyday society character- ise the freemason web of deceit.

Regionalization on a mass scale to slowly integrate the populations of Europe into the New World Order and take away States' soveriegn rights.

Chief Weapons inspector Dr David Kelly was murdered to keep him from releasing information pertaining to the illegality of the Iraq war.

The capture was a staged media event, we reveal the smoking guns behind the story and de-bunk the official version of events.

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