
2 May 2018

government & royal corruption and paedophile ring fuckery

Butler-Sloss sister of the Attorney General who helped bury the Dickens Dossiers and closed down the investigation into Elm Guest House to chair abuse inquiry

‘The Government are wheeling out Establishment figures, intelligence insiders and child abuse apologists to orchestrate another child abuse white-wash with the People paying the bill.
Who does Theresa May and Cameron appoint to chair the National child abuse Inquiry but the sister of one of the men who buried the Dickens dossiers!!

Baroness Butler-Sloss is sister to Robert Michael Oldfield Havers, Baron Havers,QC .was given this position by Theresa may at the time home secretary, an do you still think this cack handed sketchy wench has the best interests of the nation when ordering coverups and bombing other parts of the world

Battled hardened war hero

You have no idea how hard I find it to write about The Duck of Edinburgh and his family of parasitic in-breeds without descending into a torrent of foul mouthed abuse.

Strange, that I cannot recall the old fart, pictured here all dressed up in his sailor suit so as to con the gullible nation into thinking he is some kind of battled hardened war hero, doing the same last year. Well certainly not with the same amount of press exposure as we see in the Daily Mail today. I may be wrong of course, but I doubt it.

In truth this is nothing more than a fake photo opportunity, staged by a nervous Royal family, who are acutely aware that if they are not very careful, their house of cards could quickly come tumbling down right about now. In fact, there is as much sincerity on show as there are tears in the perverted old git’s eyes. Cry for our heroic war dead? Don’t make me laugh. The old pervert is doing nothing more than trying to get the nation on side before the truth comes out about him and his odious family.

So-vile was implicated in the Yorkshire Ripper murders. So much so in fact, that the Police even took a mould of his teeth in order to compare them with bite marks found on the murder victims bodies. 

Police chiefs have known about So-vile since at least the early 1970’s if not before, so for the parasites to now try and distance themselves from the sicko DJ with the old “we didn’t know” routine, just doesn’t hold water.

The Duck’s eldest son Big Ears on the other hand, managed to remain great friends with Savile right up until his death. Hell, the future King of England even took the time out to go for a meal at Saviles Poky, out of the way highland cottage. The very same cottage that the Police raided the other week after suspecting Savile of raping some of his young victims there… Two fact’s that the MSM even linked in a headline… Is there another one of those MSM hints there?

I would imagine that the Christmas Card that Big Ears sent the Vile, bleach Blonde Necrophile, which said;“Jimmy, with affectionate greetings from Charles. Give my love to your ladies in Scotland.” was a reference to the Scottish Cottage. Then again, for the benefit of the Royal Legal Eagles, that is just my opinion.

Never the less, anyone, and I mean anyone, who is in contact with the Royal family is closely vetted. The security services would be woefully failing in their duty if they failed to do so. Predictably, the true cost of protecting the in-breeds is impossible to find out. However, realistic estimates put the yearly bill somewhere between £120 Million – £200 Million. Personally, I strongly suspect the cost as being a lot higher.


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