
12 May 2018

Mark Passio ~ Natural Law and Do Animals Have Rights ?

obviously there has to be a line between food and friend, but there is a general lack of an alternative available to the consumer, i myself has tried the entire vegetable diet, i basically starved or lived on chips, yes while chips are good, but for every meal or rice, i was growing weaker by the day, there are ways to get around the whole food dependency issues, but there is a lack of will by others to do anything about it, we could create a pill with a time released capsule coating, for different courses, as i described quite sometime ago, but it would obviously have to be artificial in nature, which would put most people off, and we cannot conclusively say, that it would be any better for you, i tried to raise the general moral awareness of peeps with regards to animal cruelty and the food industry and the underlying problems thereof, and to help provide some ideas for alternate sources, but no one listened, but there is also the counter point that most die hard vegans wont admit it, (because they can't its like a structured belief system, just like another religion, it refuses to see it from the other side, and without that insight, they cannot hope to ever cooperate to work together, and move forwards towards a better way and brighter future for all, Rome wasn't built in a day, it even took 6 to make the world), most humans can only get certain metabolic enzymes needed for a healthy life, from being a carnivore, because of the many generations of meat eaters and unbalanced diets, this guy who he's on the phone to, is banging on about carnivores as being a satanic ideology, because and listen to his words carefully he says, "he was part of a satanic cult", you cannot trust his views to be fully unbiased, its not a choice for everyone, its a matter of survival, even in the most urban areas, there are poverty stricken areas, where they cannot even afford to buy all the best organic produce, or what about homeless people starving on the streets, this mans saying its wrong to eat meat, yet also says that in survival situations it is acceptable, but for most people who dont have masses of disposable income to throw away on fresh produce, it is a matter of survival as they will eat whatever they can afford, its double talk and twaddle speak, if his ideology cannot be applied to all situations, it is flawed, and as such not the best way to proceed for everyone, i have many full on vegan friends who can  happily survive on a solely veg diet, and yet I've other friends who tried it and became so hungry and weak from the lack of available food stuffs, and lack of nourishment from the actual veg dishes, that they were literally standing staring at a meat feast pizza's in the fridge, while mentally torturing themselves for having the thought of eating it, trying to adopt someone else' eating habits, to match a certain religious or spiritual ideology, just isn't achievable by everyone, and he goes on about other situations of survival, like what if you were in a plane crash, and stranded, and there were no plants but animals to catch, then he says that its acceptable to eat them then, so much for his high morals, if your going to claim it to be the best-est thing for people, remember not to admit that in certain situations, its acceptable to go against and violate those core beliefs, as it proves that deep down, you know them to be false, and that you don't really believe in them, like it even begs the question to be asked, what if there were no animals to eat, in a survival situation, would he then resort to cannibalism, pffft not i, so what i may eat the odd bit of chicken, but i make sure its locally sourced and organic and free-range, and i cut all those skanky bits off, that don't look good to the eye, and i prepare most of the ingredients myself, and what i cant i scrutinize fully, to make sure it has no nasty chemicals in it,  you have to have a healthy balanced diet, even vegans have top up with fruit or they would develop vitamin deficiencies, as just veg alone as a diet lacks certain vitamins and minerals, which females need for healthy reproduction, and unless you have money to throw away on an endless supply of vitamins, then its not a viable option, and not recommendable


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