
2 May 2018

Reaching Critical Will publications


The following is a list of Reaching Critical Will publications. They are available for download in PDF or in hard copy upon request.

Assuring destruction forever: 2018 edition

This updated study explores the ongoing and planned nuclear weapon modernisation programmes in China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The nuclear weapon ban treaty: a resource guide for WILPF

Reaching Critical Will is pleased to have published a new resource guide for the WILPF network about the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

2018 NPT Briefing Book

Published in advance of the 2018 Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee, this briefing book provides an overview of the current state of play and the critical issues ahead for this review cycle.

The humanitarian impact of drones

This study examines various humanitarian impacts of the use of armed drones from a number of different perspectives and regions.

Remote warfare and sexual violence in Djibouti

This report looks at possible connections between foreign military bases and sexual violence in the East African country of Djibouti.

Preventing gender-based violence through effective Arms Trade Treaty implementation

This briefing paper provides tools and guidelines for effective implementation of the gender-based violence provisions of the Arms Trade Treaty.

First Committee briefing book 2017

Published ahead of the 2017 UN General Assembly First Committee, this briefing book highlights a number of critical disarmament topics and suggests how governments can achieve progress.

Banning nuclear weapons: prohibitions for a nuclear weapon ban treaty

This discussion paper outlines Reaching Critical Will’s view of important prohibitions for a treaty banning nuclear weapons.

2017 NPT briefing book

Published in advance of the 2017 Non-Proliferation Treaty Preparatory Committee, this briefing book provides an overview of the current state of play and the critical issues ahead for this review cycle.

Assuring destruction forever: 2017 edition

This updated study explores the ongoing and planned nuclear weapon modernisation programmes in China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Banning nuclear weapons: principles and elements for a legally binding instrument

This discussion paper outlines Reaching Critical Will’s view of important principles, prohibitions, and positive obligations for a treaty banning nuclear weapons.

The impact of Germany's arms transfers on women

This shadow report, prepared with the WILPF human rights programme and the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, looks at Germany's extraterritorial obligations under the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) related to arms transfers and their impacts on women.

First Committee briefing book 2016

Published ahead of the 2016 UN General Assembly First Committee, this briefing book highlights a number of critical disarmament topics and suggests how governments can achieve progress.

The Spanish arms trade and risk assessments

This publication is a case study associated with our report Preventing gender-based violence through arms control: tools and guidelines to implement the Arms Trade Treaty and UN Programme of Action.

The Swedish arms trade and risk assessments: does a feminist foreign policy make a difference?

This publication is a case study associated with our report Preventing gender-based violence through arms control: tools and guidelines to implement the Arms Trade Treaty and UN Programme of Action.

Explosive weapons and the right to health, education, and adequate housing

Together with WILPF's Human Rights programme, Reaching Critical Will prepared three briefs to the Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights on the transfer of weapons from France, Sweden, and the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia and the use of explosive weapons in populated areas in Yemen.

Preventing gender-based violence through arms control: tools and guidelines to implement the Arms Trade Treaty and UN Programme of Action

This report provides tools and guidelines for effective implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty and the UN Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons provisions related to gender-based violence.

Women, weapons, and war: a gendered critique of multilateral instruments

This publication considers synergies—and contradictions—related to gender and women in a number of multilateral resolutions, treaties, and commitments on conventional weapons and women's rights and participation.

Trading arms, bombing towns

This briefing paper looks at the lethal connection between the international arms trade and the use of explosive weapons in populated areas and makes recommendations to governments and others on policy and practice.

First Committee briefing book 2015

Published ahead of the 2015 UN General Assembly First Committee, this briefing book highlights a number of critical disarmament topics and suggests how governments can achieve progress.

Gender-based violence and the Arms Trade Treaty

This briefing paper aims to provide some background on the terminology around GBV and to highlight questions that will be relevant for risk assessments under article 6 and 7 of the Arms Trade Treaty.

Filling the legal gap: the prohibition of nuclear weapons

This table overleaf from Reaching Critical Will and Article 36 summaries the gaps in existing treaty law related to nuclear weapons that could be filled by a treaty banning nuclear weapons.

Assuring destruction forever: 2015 edition

This updated study explores the ongoing and planned nuclear weapon modernization programmes in China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

2015 NPT Briefing Book

In advance of the 2015 NPT Review Conference, Reaching Critical Will has produced a briefing book that highlights a few critical issues that states must take into consideration during the Conference and beyond.

NPT Action Plan monitoring reports

At the 2010 NPT Review Conference, states parties adopted a 64 point action plan in order to further the implementation of the treaty. Reaching Critical Will, in partnership with the Government of Switzerland, has produced comprehensive reports on the implementation of this action plan from 2011 to 2015.

Filling the gap: report on the Vienna conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

This publication is a conference report for the meeting hosted by the government of Austria on 8-9 December 2014 on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons.

Sex and drone strikes: gender and identity in targeting and casualty analysis

This paper from Reaching Critical Will and Article 36 addresses concerns that the sex of individuals is being used as a signifier to designate people as militants in drone strike targeting decisions and post-strike analysis of casualties.

Banning nuclear weapons: an effective measure for disarmament

This paper explores the effective measures for nuclear disarmament presented by the New Agenda Coalition in its 2014 NPT working paper.

Small arms, big picture

Ahead of the UN General Assembly First Committee, Reaching Critical Will and Instituto Sou da Paz have published a briefing paper examining the relationship between small arms and armed violence reduction.

First Committee briefing book 2014

Published ahead of the 2014 UN General Assembly First Committee, this briefing book highlights a number of current disarmament issues and suggests ways forward.

An assessment of the PoA

This briefing paper, written by Daniel Mack of Instituto Sou da Paz, explores some of the key challenges facing the UN Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons and highlights opportunities and options for addressing small arms issues more effectively.

A treaty banning nuclear weapons

This joint paper by Reaching Critical Will and Article 36 explores the development of a legal framework for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons.

Assuring destruction forever: 2014 edition

This updated study explores the ongoing and planned nuclear weapon modernization programmes in China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Women and Explosive Weapons

Concern with the use of explosive weapons in populated areas has increased over the last few years, due to the severe harm caused to civilians and the wider community. However, the debate has so far not sufficiently highlighted the specific impact that explosive weapons have on women.

Preventing collapse: the NPT and a ban on nuclear weapons

This paper examines the complimentarity between the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a ban on nuclear weapons.

First Committee briefing book 2013

Published ahead of the 2013 UN General Assembly First Committee, this briefing book highlights a number of current disarmament issues and suggests ways forward.

Still assuring destruction forever

One year after the release of the groundbreaking 2012 report Assuring destruction forever: nuclear weapon modernization around the world, nuclear-armed states have continued to invest in modernization of their nuclear systems.

Unspeakable suffering: the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons

This publication examines the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and is aimed for civil society actors, academics, and governments that are interested in approaching weapons negotiations with a humanitarian lens.

The CTBT: obstacles to entry into force

Today, more than 16 years after the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) was adopted, significant obstacles remain on the path to its entry into force. This report on government positions on the CTBT highlights why entry into force of the treaty should not be treated as a precondition to nuclear disarmament or to the commencement of negotiations on a treaty banning nuclear weapons completely.

Assuring destruction forever: nuclear weapon modernization around the world

This new, groundbreaking study by Reaching Critical Will explores in-depth the nuclear weapon modernization programmes in China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, and analyzes the costs of nuclear weapons in the context of the economic crisis, austerity measures, and rising challenges in meeting human and environmental needs.

Costs, risks, and myths of nuclear power

On 11 September 2011, six months after the disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station in Japan, Reaching Critical Will released an NGO world-wide study on the implications of the catastrophe.

Beyond arms control: challenges and choices for nuclear disarmament

Beyond arms control is a collaborative work of non-governmental researchers and activists who critically examine the mainstream discourse of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Disorder or Cooperative Security?

A civil society analysis of the current disarmament regime and response to the WMD Commission Report, released in May 2007 by the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, Western States Legal Foundation, and Reaching Critical Will of WILPF.

Model Nuclear Inventory 2007

The Model Nuclear Inventory is a comprehensive database of all nuclear materials, both military and civilian, in the 44 States recognized as having a significant nuclear capability. Because the Inventory is designed to encourage better reporting in the context of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), only NPT states parties are included.

Model Nuclear Inventory 2005

The Model Nuclear Inventory is a comprehensive database of all nuclear materials, both military and civilian, in the 44 States recognized as having a significant nuclear capability.

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