
27 May 2018



full text on blue link bellow


from the original



by T. Henry Moray

Revised and Reprinted

1978 from the 1960

4th edition

History and Biography by

John E. Moray

First Printing 1930

as "Beyond the Light Rays"

copyrighted 1945 and 1956 by

T. Henry Moray

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part, in any form or by any means,

electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system,

without permission in writing from the Publisher. Inquiries should be addressed to Cosray Research Institute,

2505 South 4th East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115.

Printed in the U.S.A.

5th edition

Published by

Cosray Research Institute, Inc.








ORIGINAL BOOK LIST OF ENCLOSURES ____________________________________ 6

INTRODUCTION TO 4th EDITION ___________________________________________ 8

INTRODUCTION TO THE 5th EDITION ______________________________________ 9

FOREWORD _____________________________________________________________ 11

CHAPTER 1 EARLY YEARS ________________________________________________ 13

CHAPTER 2 RADIANT ENERGY IN EARNEST _______________________________ 17

Brief History of Moray Radiant Device. ___________________________________________18

CHAPTER 3 "FRIENEMIES" ______________________________________________ 33

CHAPTER 4 MORAY PRODUCTS CO. _______________________________________ 44

The Patent Situation ___________________________________________________________46

CHAPTER 5 PATENTS ____________________________________________________ 73

CHAPTER 6 GOVERNMENTAL SUPPORT ___________________________________ 79


__________ 88


CHAPTER 9 THE DISSOCIATION OF MATTER _____________________________ 108

CHAPTER 10 CAPTURE OF ENERGY BY RESONANCE ______________________ 113

CHAPTER 11 CONCLUSION ______________________________________________ 118

REFERENCES __________________________________________________________ 121

LIST OF APPENDICES ___________________________________________________ 123

APPENDIX I ____________________________________________________________ 124

APPENDIX II____________________________________________________________ 126

APPENDIX III___________________________________________________________ 128

APPENDIX IV ___________________________________________________________ 130

APPENDIX V____________________________________________________________ 131

APPENDIX VI ___________________________________________________________ 135

THE SEA OF ENERGY ... _________________________________________________ 139

PICTURES, LETTER PHOTOS_____________________________________________ 141

Fig. 0 (Page 4) - T. Henry Moray pictured as in office __________________________________________141

Fig. 1 (Page 10) - T. Henry Moray, 1932 ____________________________________________________141

Fig. 2 (Page 15) - Dr. T. Henry Moray in Salt Lake City, Utah October, 1970 _______________________141

Fig. 3 (Page 23 upper) - Memo in newspaper, saved by Dr. Moray ________________________________141

Fig. 4 (Page 23 lower) - Nellie Moray Todd, top left, Chester M. Todd, back center, Petronella Larson, top

right, James D. Todd, front left, and Ella Ryser Moray, front right. __________________________141

Fig. 5 (Page 24) - Dr. T. Henry Moray's concept of Civil Engineering______________________________141



Fig. 6 (Page 25) - American Association of Engineers __________________________________________141

Fig. 7 (Page 28) - Lord Cecil with gold medal, a prize chicken in front of the coops, ribbons with silver cup141

Fig. 8 (Page 29) - VALENCIA DON _______________________________________________________141

Fig. 9 (Page 33 upper) - Early RE device at base of antenna. The coils are superficial and used by Henry only

to protect his discovery. ____________________________________________________________141

Fig. 10 (Page 33 lower) - Dr. T. Henry Moray ________________________________________________141

Fig. 11 (Page 62) - Dr. Moray tuning third generation device ____________________________________141

Fig. 12 (Page 63) - Photographing often became difficult _______________________________________141

Fig. 13 (Page 64) - Antenna looking west to east ______________________________________________141

Fig. 14 (Page 68) - Affidavit, 1927 ________________________________________________________141

Fig. 15 (Page 69) - Written description of Moray Valve (MV) for patent ___________________________141

Fig. 16 (Page 70) - Patent drawing _________________________________________________________141

Fig. 17 (Page 71) - Drawing, March 21, 1931 ________________________________________________141

Fig. 18 (Page 72 upper) Picture of the Moray Valve radio itself, no batteries, referred to by Moray as pocket

radio: operated full-sized speaker ____________________________________________________141

Fig. 18 (Page 72 lower) - Moray Valve radio powered by Radiant Energy. __________________________141

Fig. 19 (Page 77) - Telegram to M.O. Hayes _________________________________________________141

Fig. 20 (Page 78) - Letter from Dr. Robert Millikan to W.H. Lovesy_______________________________141

Fig. 21 (Page 80) - Letter from Dr. Harvey Fletcher to C.R. Benzil ________________________________142

Fig. 22 (Page 81) - Letter to K.K. Steffenson from Bell Labs_____________________________________142

Fig. 23 (Page 82) - Letter from Dr. Harvey Fletcher to K.K. Steffenson ____________________________143

Fig. 24 (Page 84) - Letter to John Hand from Dr. Harvey Fletcher_________________________________143

Fig. 25 (Page 85) - Letter to Mr. Schiess from Dr. Harvey Fletcher________________________________144

Fig. 26 (Page 86-87) - Letter from A.G. Foster________________________________________________144

Fig. 27 (Page 88)- Letter from Ernest Wilkinson ______________________________________________145

Fig. 28 (Page 90) - Letter from Dr. Henry Eyring to E.W. Hermann _______________________________145

Fig. 29 (Page 91-92) - Letter from Gene Vickers ______________________________________________146

Fig. 30 (Page 94-95) - Memo, Feb. 19, 1965 _________________________________________________147

Fig. 31 (Page 96) - Dr. Henry Eyring's Letter to R.B. Craig ______________________________________147

Fig. 32 (Page 97) - Letter from AEC to William Kerber_________________________________________148

Fig. 33 (Page 99-100) - Letter to Lyle Holmgren from Sen. Wallace Bennett ________________________148

Fig. 34 (Page 102) - Letter from Dr. O.L. Polly _______________________________________________149

Fig. 35 (Page 103) - William Lovesy _______________________________________________________149

Fig. 36 (Page 104) - Gabriel Mes __________________________________________________________149

Fig. 37 (Page 107) - S.E. Bringhurst photograph of Dr. Moray's Lab_______________________________149

Fig. 38 (Page 108) - S.E. Bringhurst statement on photo (See Fig. 37) _____________________________149

Fig. 39 (Page 109) - S.E. Bringhurst sworn statement before J.B. Bell _____________________________149

Fig. 40 (Page 110 upper) - C. Todd lab photo ________________________________________________150

Fig. 41 (Page 110 lower) - C. Todd statement on photo _________________________________________150

Fig. 42 (Page 111) - C. Todd statement sworn before Notary Public _______________________________151

Fig. 43 (Page 112) - A.B. Jenson sworn statement _____________________________________________151

Fig. 44 (Page 113-115) - David Gardner Affidavit _____________________________________________152

Fig. 45 (Page 116) - A.B. Jensen sworn statement _____________________________________________153

Fig. 46 (Page 118) - Letter from Robert B. Craig ______________________________________________153

Fig. 47 (Page 119) - Letter from W.H. Lovesy ________________________________________________154

Fig. 48 (Page 120) - Letter from J.D. Richards________________________________________________154

Fig. 49 (Page 121-124) - Memo on Vern Knudsen _____________________________________________155

Fig. 50 (Page 125 upper) - Memo by Moray re Fletcher and Knudsen______________________________157

Fig. 51 (Page 125 lower) - Memo on Tugman ________________________________________________157

Fig. 52 (Page 126) - Letter from E.G. Jensen _________________________________________________157

Fig. 52 (Page 127) - Letter from E.G. Jensen (contined) ________________________________________157

Fig. 53 (Page 128) - Sworn Statement by J.J. Jurgensen_________________________________________158

Fig. 54 (Page 129) - R.E. Device Used in Air-plane Test ________________________________________158

Fig. 55 (Page 130-131) - Various photos ____________________________________________________158

Fig. 56 (Page 132) - Letter from George Piper ________________________________________________158

Fig. 57 (Page 173) - Yakovlev's insignia that he gave to Dr. Moray________________________________160

Fig. 58 (Page 174-177) - Letter from Dan Magdiel ____________________________________________160

Fig. 59 (Page 182) - Dr. Moray's Laboratory built 1939-40 2505 S. 4th E. Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 ____160

Fig. 60 (Page 184) - News clippings with comments by Dr. Moray ________________________________160



Fig. 61 (Page 242) - Schematic Drawing — Diagram: Flow-Sheet Showing Diferent Stages The RE Goes

Through ________________________________________________________________________160






Fig #1 - Dr. Moray, 1932 10

Fig #2 - Dr. Moray, 1970 15


Fig #3 - Memo in newspaper 23

Fig #4 - Moray family, 1917 23

Fig #5 - Ye Faithful Engineer 24

Fig #6 - American Association of Engineers 26

Fig #7 - Lord Cecil, chicken ribbons 28

Fig #8 - Valencia Don 29


Fig #9 - Early R.E. Device 33

Fig #10 - Dr. Moray, 1931 33

Fig #11 - Dr. Moray, tuning third generation device 62

Fig #12 - R.E. experiment 63

Fig #13 - Antenna looking west to east 64


Fig #14 - Affidavit, 1927 68

Fig #15 - Written description Moray valve (MV) for patent 69

Fig #16 - Patent drawing 70

Fig #17 - Drawing, March 21, 1931 71

Fig #18 - Picture MV radio 72

Fig #19 - Telegram to M.O. Hayes 77

Fig #20 - Milikan to Lovesy,1929 78

Fig #21 - Fletcher to Benzil 80

Fig #22 - K.K. Steffenson from Bell Labs 81

Fig #23 - Fletcher to K.K. Steffenson 82

Fig #24 - Hand from Fletcher 84

Fig #25 - Schiessfrom Fletcher 85

Fig #26 - Foster, Oct. 3,1973 86

Fig #27 - Wilkinson to Moray 88

Fig #28 - Eyring from Hermann 90

Fig #29 - Vickers to Moray 91

Fig #30 - Memo, Feb. 19, 1965 94

Fig #31 - Eyring to Craig 96

Fig #32 - AEC to Kerber 97

Fig #33 - Holmgren from Bennett 99

Fig #34 - Polly, Nov. 8,1936 102

Fig #35 - William Lovesy 103

Fig #36 - Gabriel Mes 104

Fig #37 - Bringhurst photo of Moray Lab 107

Fig #38 - S.E. Bringhurst statement of photo 108

Fig #39 - Sworn statement, Bringhurst 109

Fig #40 - Todd photo of Moray Lab 110

Fig #41 - Todd statement on photo 110

Fig #42 - Sworn statement, Todd 111

Fig #43 - Sworn statement, Jensen 112

Fig #44 - David Gardner Affidavit 113

Fig #45 - Sworn statement, Jensen 116

Fig #46 - Craig to Dahl 118

Fig #47 - Lovesyto Moray 119

Fig #48 - Richards to Moray 120



Fig #49 - Letter on Knudson 121

Fig #50 - Memo on Fletcher and Knudsen 125

Fig #51 - Memo on Tugman 125

Fig #52 - Jensen to Moray, with illustration 126

Fig #53 - Sworn statement Jurgensen 128

Fig #54 - RE Device for aircraft test 129

Fig #55 - Four photos, RE demonstration 130

Fig #56 - Pyper, Jan. 10,1938 132


Fig #57 - Yakovlev's insignia 173

Fig #58 - Magdiel to Moray 174

Fig #59 - Photos of laboratory, built in 1939-40 182

Fig #60 - News clipping with comments by Dr. Moray 184




RADIANT ENERGY - the term Moray has used to describe that source of energy coming from the cosmos to

the earth and radiating from the earth back from whence it came. This is the energy the Moray device captures

and could be described as those particles of energy pervading all space. In the evolution of energy and the

evolution of matter these particles of matter and energy (one and the same) manifest under certain conditions as

pure energy and under others as pure matter. Radiant Energy from the cosmos, like radiant particles of matter,

being composed of an infinitesimal quantity whose behaviours are described by mathematical equations similar to

those used for describing electrical waves, keeping in mind to differentiate between wave length and frequency.

Radiant Energy is particles of energy, just as light is wavelengths and particles are comparable to the electron and

magneton: a ring of negative electricity travelling in a vortex with the speed of light, streams of energy quanta,

each quantum having energy and momentum where the electron revolves around the proton at a distance equal to

the electron radius.

To Summarise — Radiant Energy as herein used is that energy existing in the luminiferous medium of the

universe, kinetic and exercised in wave transmission and rendered sensible by conversion of its energy into a







At a recent Kiwanis meeting I heard a lecture given by the public relations officer of the Bell Telephone

Company. The speaker illustrated his lecture with a historical film by Bell Laboratories justifying their position

as a research organisation and a leader in communications. It was interesting to note that although the film was

essentially correct, the story told did not coincide in all particulars with what actually took place. For example,

Bell gave Mr. Edison the credit for the electric light. He definitely deserves a great deal of credit. However,

Edison only took a known principle of the day and produced a workable lamp globe by discovering through

tedious trial and error the one thing, the tungsten filament, that would stand up under the crude vacuum systems

then available to him. Naturally enough, the Bell film also gave Alexander Graham Bell great credit for the

telephone. But it was really Joshius Coppersmit who first made a practical demonstration of a telephone.

Likewise, the narrator in the film spoke of how Mr. Farnsworth had developed television. In fact, the first

television demonstration was made by Francis Jenkins to Secretary of the Navy Wilber at the old Naval Radio

Station in Washington, D.C., in June 1925. *

Research organisations such as Bell Labs have succeeded in large part because they have been able to inform

the world of their work and thus market it. On the other hand, many young men - Francis Jenkins, for example -

have come and gone, disappearing into obscurity, making great discoveries but receiving no credit for them,

unable to develop them fully. I think one of the greatest such discoveries was the invention of radio by the

Spanish physicist, Slava. One hundred and fifty years before radio was generally known, Slava transmitted radio

signals from an island off' the coast of Spain back to the mainland.

Fifty years before the advent of the atomic bomb, Dr. Gustav LeBon published a book describing what a

nuclear fission reaction would be like, estimating it would be equivalent to the energy released by "1,340,000

barrels of gun powder." I am told that, years later, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to LeBon's slaughter stating that

Dr. LeBon, physician turned physicist, was truly the father of nuclear physics. Though generally unheralded,

LeBon's position as a nuclear pioneer can easily be verified simply by going to one of our better stocked public

libraries and checking out his book, The Evolution of Matter.

At this point the reader may well ask what my concern is with such obscure individual research. The reader

may also question my interest in scientific experiments whose results do not behave in accord with accepted

scientific dogma. My answer is that I am a scientist and the son of a scientist, and I desire to see facts published

as they really are. I also wish to present some unorthodox theories.

In the first edition of my father T. Henry Moray's book, The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats, the

history of the Moray radiant energy device was secondary, contained only in one chapter near the end. I wish,

however, to emphasise that the work-ability of this device was repeatedly demonstrated, and it was successfully

reproduced many times by Dr. Moray. Consequently, in this extensive revision of my father's book, I have

introduced the subject of Radiant Energy with the history, leaving the theory to the last.

If, in repeating what my father felt and thought in the past, I should offend some innocent bystander or "well-meaning"

individuals who did not intend offense to Dr. Moray, then all I can say is that the purposes of science

sometimes are inadvertently obstructed by well-meaning individuals, and I will be the first to apologise if

someone will point out my error. The historical information is as I have received the notes and as I remember it,

living with my father some 45 years.

In this book I have gone into the historical background to try to interpret Dr. Moray's feelings. In writing his

history I have taken the liberty to give some of my own opinions since I lived through many of these events and

they are encircled with emotion for me.

Dr. Moray's work, unfinished as it is, can stand the strain of criticism. And, hopefully, its publication at this

time will excite the interest and support it deserved originally. At times during the story's unfolding it becomes

impossible for me to eliminate entirely my father's religious convictions. However, I wish to emphasise that at no

time did he allow religion to become involved in his work, lest any man should say that he used religion for his

own aggrandisement, and therefore imply that he should be found lacking before the Lord in whom he so

fervently believed.

Although he was frequently misunderstood, at all times he exhibited rectitude. Only once did I see him "lose

his cool," and that was when asked to comment on the "dirty tricks" department of life.

The story of Dr. T. Henry Moray is the story of a man working alone, whose discoveries and theories were

years, even decades, ahead of his time. His many pamphlets and writings advanced ideas with which science is

only now coming more and more into agreement. His active mind delved into many fields of science and always

came up with new and startling discoveries.


 CBS, "Industries of Tomorrow", April 24, 1937



Time and space do not allow a full discussion of the various Moray devices, since the primary subject of this

book is a presentation of Radiant Energy (RE). A very complete and detailed record of letters; articles, and

pamphlets are on file in the records of The House of Moray in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dr. Moray and Radiant Energy are so closely related that one cannot be separated from the other. It is not the

purpose of this history to give a complete picture of Radiant Energy. But a discussion of it is necessary since all

of the other work with which Dr. Moray was involved seems to be received on the basis of how the party or

parties involved feel about Radiant Energy. Since 1926 he paralleled his work on Radiant Energy with study in a

number of other fields, the most important among them being his intensive studies of radiation and radioactive


Through the years, Dr. Moray's chief wish was to be free of bothersome business details so that he could

concentrate on research. Yet every time he turned business details over to someone else, chaos resulted. One of

his chief difficulties was to find the unusual person who combined the talents of a good business manager with a

knowledge of science and who was dedicated, truth worthy, unselfish, and tough enough to withstand the rough

road which had to be travelled. The qualities of truth worthiness and toughness seem to have been lacking most

often. One must admit that Dr. Moray did an outstanding job in keeping his private Utah corporation alive in the

entity of Research Institute Incorporated. His personal business ability was above question. The only fault to be

found (if one can call it a fault) is that he was too willing to forgive those with selfish interests who attempted to

destroy his work.

Throughout history, progress has been slowed and at some points stopped by selfish interests. But in spite of

all obstacles, mankind crawls slowly forward. Similarly, the work of T. Henry Moray has been slowed to a crawl;

nonetheless, it painstakingly continues.

On his deathbed, my father said to me, "I only wanted to finish it! If only I had been given a chance. No one

even went half-way with me."

But our father taught my brother and me his dream. We are endeavouring to carry it out. An "impossible

dream"? Perhaps, but we believe that we can make it come true - and that our world will be the better for it.




When John Moray asked me to assist with the rewrite and editing of this new edition of The Sea of Energy in

Which the Earth Floats, I was both delighted and deeply appreciative. For several years I have devoted a great

amount of time in the research for the theory - even an ad hoc theory - that could possibly explain the profound

achievement of John's father, Dr. T. Henry Moray, in his discovery and development of free radiant energy. And

I can assure the reader that only through such a diligent and unrelenting search for an explanation can the

magnitude of T. Henry Moray's accomplishment truly be appreciated, or the breadth of his vision be grasped.

Even today, decades after Moray built his successful free energy device, the most advanced physics theory is not

quite capable of encompassing his work, though it has approached it ever more closely as the years have passed.

If comprehension were not formidably difficult, rediscovery of the device would have occurred over and over,

and free energy would already be available to every household. Though Moray was a relatively simple man,

nationally unknown, he was an engineer of excellent ability and strong character. He was a giant, an experimental

genius who was far ahead of his own time.

The story of Dr. T. Henry Moray and his free energy device is incredible but true. There really are two stories

involved. One is the story of a courageous and lone pioneer who attempted the impossible and succeeded, who

wrested from nature one of her most zealously guarded secrets to produce a device which could literally have

ushered in a golden age for all mankind. The second is the story of the greed, arrogance, hostility, and stony

disbelief that greeted all his efforts to introduce his great invention into the service of mankind.

Make no mistake about it, Dr. Moray did what he claimed to have done. He achieved free energy. He also

built the forerunner of the transistor long before such a device was dreamed of by Western scientists. If people

had listened and his work had been recognized, there would be no energy crisis and no energy problem today.

Everyone could have energy sufficient for his needs, and the vast amounts of unburden hydrocarbons that pour

into our atmosphere today from the burning of fossil fuels would be reduced to a mere trickle. Cheap, portable,

plentiful power would be available to every underdeveloped country in the world. This was T. Henry Moray's

dream - a dream that was thwarted through no fault of his own, in spite of his prodigious efforts to overcome the

indifference and cynicism which continually faced him.

Moray demonstrated his device over and over - even allowing prominent scientists to visit his laboratory,

disassemble his equipment and satisfy themselves that no trickery or fraud was involved, then run the experiment

themselves to produce free energy. Yet, try as he would, he was unable to overcome the ignorance and bias which

greeted him on every turn. The scientists of his day would not believe the demonstration even when they

themselves conducted it, and the patent office would not grant him a patent.

I am particularly chagrined because, while our Western scientists were castigating Moray's work at every turn

and successfully suppressing it, more dictatorial societies were earnestly seeking to obtain Moray's services and

his invention. Imperial Japan sought to bring Moray to Japan and have him build a death ray - for Moray had

shown that a beam of radiant energy of sufficient intensity could simply destroy every living thing in its path. The

Soviet Union offered to give him his own fully equipped laboratory in Russia, with no expense spared, and to

back his experiments fully. One man-who in my personal opinion was a trained Soviet agent - even succeeded in

working his way into Moray's confidence and gaining access to Moray's laboratory as a technician and assistant.

When Moray still refused to give his invention and services to the Soviet Union, the assistant destroyed the

device, smashing it to pieces with a hammer.

Shortly thereafter Moray was assaulted and shot in his own laboratory. Except for his own skill with a pistol

to successfully defend himself against his assailants, Moray would have been murdered. Repeated assassination

attempts were made against his life; it was necessary for him to bulletproof his automobile since he was shot at

while driving down the public street. Small wonder that Moray developed an extremely alert and suspicious

nature, and visitors to his desk often noticed a fully loaded pistol lying on the desktop within easy reach of his

hand! Sadly, T. Henry Moray died with his dream unrealized and the original device destroyed.

But the House of Moray lives on. John and Richard Moray have endeavoured to continue their father's work

and to bring their father's dream to the fruition it so richly deserves. Yet the same hostility and derision have

greeted them at almost every turn. However, the Morays are made of stern stuff, and John and Richard have

continued to the best of their ability and resources. I have found John a man of great courage, strong

determination, complete sincerity, and down-to-earth wisdom. I consider it an honour to be his friend. I am also

deter minded to contribute whatever I can to an understanding of the Moray radiant energy device and to the

realization of T. Henry Moray's dream.

In my opinion, time is of the essence in telling the true story of Dr. T. Henry Moray's achievement. We see an

economic noose being slowly drawn around the neck of the world by the oil-producing countries. They have the

power to destroy civilisation economically whenever they wish, simply by cutting off the oil flow. The raw



impact of this power is already being felt in world diplomacy, and it is not at all exaggerated to say that the "big

stick" the U.S. used to carry has shrunk considerably of late because of the problem of energy. Oil blackmail is

already a potent force on the international scene, and if we are to avert economic disaster, we must find a cheap

new source of bountiful energy quickly.

Today we can state unequivocally that such a source is present everywhere in the universe, free for the taking

if we can become knowledgeable enough. At the present state of development of quantum mechanics, quantum

electrodynamics, and geometrodynamics, we know that each tiny portion of space - pure empty vacuum -

contains almost infinite energy. According to Wheeler's calculation, the available energy in one cubic centime

of pure vacuum is greater than 10100 grams (expressed in mass units), an incredible packet of raw energy

sufficient to provide for the formation of entire solar systems. Zero-point energy of the vacuum is essentially

infinite and free for the taking, if we are clever enough to discover how to do it. Further, we know that this energy

can be tapped because the lowly hydrogen atom already does it - the Lamb shift is in fact due to the "tapping" of

a tiny bit of this vast storehouse of power. And that is precisely what Dr. T. Henry Moray did, long before zero point

energy as such was known, and long before Wheeler made his calculation.

It is only because of some of the most theoretically advanced concepts of today that some of the simple but

profound concepts of Dr. T. Henry Moray can be. understood. Let us hope that with the advent of the new edition

of this book, his dream of plentiful power for mankind can yet be realised.

Tom Bearden

June 4, 1977


. (5) 4K (1) a (14) ABANDONED (51) Abandoned Medieval Castle (1) Abandoned Mine (2) Advanced Civilization (36) AI Weapons (16) ALIEN EVIDENCE (29) Alien Life (3) Alien Technology (3) Aliens and Robots (4) Almost DIED (4) ancient (31) Ancient Artifacts (9) Ancient Artifacts Pyramids (9) Ancient Ruins (8) Ancient technology using physics and chemistry. Ancient technology (5) Ancient White People. waga (1) antennas (3) Archaix (2) Artifacts (1) Artificial Sun (1) as IAM a420rhbrh. (1) Best Evidence Proving Aliens Exist (7) bravo (1) CABBAGE PATCH (1) Camping (3) catastrophe (31) Caught on Camera (1) censorship (1) CERN (1) change the future (20) chemical engineering (1) Civilization (1) Classified (2) CLONING (1) Conspiracy (1) Corporate (10) Cover-Ups (29) cp freaks waste of skin trash sicko. repent or die! no more (1) creative frequencies (27) Creepiest TikToks (4) Creepy (1) Creepy and Scary (3) CREEPY TikTok (1) Creepy TikTok's (14) Creepy TikToks (6) Creepy videos (2) CRIMINAL (7) Criminal Messaging Network (1) Crusade (3) Cursed UUnlockednlUnlockedocked (2) Dark Corners of the internet (125) DARK MATTER (14) DARK MATTER EXISTS 2022 (VERIFIED BY THE SHADOW THEORY AND LAW PARTICLE) (2) Dark Matter Portals (1) DARK WEB (2) Defy The Laws Of Physics (3) DEMON (5) DEMONIC ENTITIES (5) Demons (3) destructive modern technologies (22) destructive technology (1) Did a (7) did you catch this??? life from the inanimate (1) dielectric fields (1) Disturbing (1) Disturbing Discoveries (1) Documentary (3) drones (1) eclipse (1) electric fields (1) Electricity (1) Electrogravitic (1) energy (1) engineering (1) enhancing water (1) entities (12) Evidence (21) existence (1) exowomb (1) facts (1) fake moon (1) fake sun (2) FBI (1) fermi (1) ffake x (6) food (1) Fractal Toroidal Moment (1) fucked up shit (1) funding help (11) genius (9) ghosts (79) giving back (1) Glitch (64) Graveyard (2) guns (4) Harvesting Human Souls (1) HAUNTED (12) HAUNTED f (50) Haunted House (5) he Amazon Rainforest (1) hemisync (17) HIDDEN . (2) history (17) Hole (1) huanitarian aid (1) Human History (1) human psyche. (5) humanity (9) illegal weapons systems (3) investigations (40) ionosphere. HAARP (5) Jasko (1) Jerusalem (1) Kryptos Code 4 solved (2) law (8) Levitating Statue (1) Lidar (1) Lost Citied (1) Lost Cities (31) Lost Civilization Found (14) Lost Ruins (8) Lost Technology (89) LOVE (16) magnetic fields (1) magnetism (1) Mandela effect (9) Mansion (2) maps (17) Mars (1) Martian (1) matrix (82) Mega Machines (10) Megalithic (4) megaliths (7) Megastructure (3) military (32) Military Lasers and Directed Energy Weapons (8) missing (7) Monoliths (1) moon (20) moon and sun simulator (1) MORONS (1) mpox the facts (2) Mysterious (9) Mysterious Creatures (4) mysterious discoveries (41) Mystery history (1) n (1) nanobubble (1) NASA and the government (17) NASA government (3) NASA LIES (1) nazi Experiments (8) Nazi in plain-sight (1) Nazi in plainsight (1) nazi inplainsight (9) NEWS (54) noaaq (1) non-human entities (16) nvestigations (6) OCCULT (88) Ocean Mysteries (11) on the Moon (2) Paranormal Files Marathon: Mind Boggling Sightings and Abductions (1) PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION (1) Patents (1) Phobos (1) Physics (2) police abuse (1) policy (1) Portal (2) Practical Application (2) Pre-Egyptian Technology (10) Pre-Flood -Civilization (1) Pre-Flood Ruins (10) Project Looking Glass (1) propaganda (16) Propulsion (2) psychological experimen (1) psychological experiment (5) Psychotronics (6) pump (4) Pyramid (9) Pyramids (7) quantum (1) Questions (1) REACTION (1) reaction creepy (11) Reality (9) red vs blue & white triangle (6) relic (4) research (4) Reverse Speech (1) ritual (1) rocket (8) Ruins (1) SCARIEST (1) Secrets (1) sharing is caring (1) shipwrecks (3) SITES LINKED TO THE HIDDEN (6) Skinwalker (1) Sky Trumpets (1) Solomon's Temple (1) solutions (1) Sonic Magic (1) Sound (1) space (16) Space Programs (1) space weather (2) Strange Case (8) Strange Things Caught On Live TV (1) STRANGE Tik Toks. Realitys. R (2) sun (1) symbology (28) Temple (2) Terrifying Creatures From The Bible (1) Terrifying Experiments (5) the dark side of YouTube. (7) The Hidden (54) The Hidden banner ad (2) The Human Mind (6) The Moon (3) the True Cross. Holy (1) The Universe (1) The Unknown. (12) Tik Toks (1) Tik Toks. (2) TikTok (1) TikTok. cult (4) TikTok. culy (1) TikToks (1) time (1) Tomb Discovered (1) Treasure (1) Treasure and Artifact's Finds (2) truth (105) Tunnel (29) Tunnels (2) uap (2) ufo (69) UFOs (11) Underground (3) Unexplained (24) Unexplained Mysteries (2) Unknown Civilization (16) Unsolved Mysteries (166) Vampires Immortals (1) VIMANA (1) water (1) weather sat tools (17) Weird videos (1) Where did this COME FROM (1) white triangle (16)