
5 May 2018

weaponized radio frequencies being deployed in your child's school, we must fight this fuckery to protect ourselves and our children, we must Protect Homes, Schools, Parks & Wilderness Areas, from intense RF exposure

weaponized radio frequencies being deployed in your child's school, we must fight this fuckery to protect ourselves and our children, we must Protect Homes, Schools, Parks & Wilderness Areas, from intense RF exposure

Scientists For Wired Technology lobbies local, state and federal government to support measures that will protect all from the hazards of exposures to pulsed,data-modulated Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation (RF Microwave radiation) — a known human carcinogen. As duration, not intensity, is the most important factor in RF/MW radiation exposures, the collateral damage of the misguided and ill-advised Wireless revolution will be us.
We seek to keep all residential neighborhoods, schools, parks, and wilderness areas as free as possible from RF/MW radiation exposures. This starts by recognizing the the long-con at the root the 1996 Telecommunications Act and the series of FCC regulations passed in the last 20 years that forces down communities’ throats too many unnecessary and redundant wireless networks that deprive many of their constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without unreasonable government surveillance, intrusion into our homes and forced exposures to a known toxic agent, RF/MW radiation, that has been proven to cause two forms of cancer, DNA damage and other adverse biological effects.

Scientists For Wired Technology quotes many scientists’ research and recommendations in their respective published papers, web sites and social media posts, and we link to the original sources. These scientists are not on the editorial team at Scientists for Wired Technology and the inclusion of these quotes does not imply their endorsement of the statements made on this web site.

The solution for high-speed, high-bandwidth internet is to install fiber-optic cables to every business, home and school, similar to what the city of San Francisco is planning to do:

Fiber-optic networks, which transmit data via light over glass fibers, are considered “future-proof” because their speed can be upgraded simply by swapping out equipment on each end. Socia said most experts think fiber networks could have decades of use. Copper wiring, which currently predominates, has built-in speed limits because signals degrade as they get faster.

Fiber-optic networks enable data transmissions that are much faster, more reliable, safe for humans and other living organisms, and far more secure from cyber and physical attack when compared to any wireless network which relies on sending data via pulsed microwave radiation (Wi-Fi, 4G/LTE and 5G). In addition, fiber-optic cables use only a fraction of the energy required by wireless networks.

The United States needs One Big Dig — a coordinated private/public infrastructure project to connect every business, school, home and farm with fiber optical cables. This would create an invaluable and defensible national asset, as well provide jobs to many thousands of Americans. Private companies could then share access to this national asset to offer competing services, much in the same way that long distance telecommunications providers shared access to one integrated system of copper telephone wires.
On 3/15/18, Michigan State Senator Scott Colbeck Tells the Truth on the Senate Floor
Michigan State Senator Scott Colbeck:

I have serious concerns regarding evidence of adverse health impacts due to a specific class of technology wonders — wireless transmitters — , especially high-frequency, high-power wireless transmitters. The most ubiquitous examples of wireless technology are** cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and smart meters**. This technology is found in our homes, our workplaces, hospitals, and in our schools. For techies such as myself, it provides unparalleled convenience by connecting a growing number of devices to the Internet of Things.

However, it is becoming increasingly evident that this convenience comes at a price, and it comes at a price to the health of many of our citizens, most notably children, babies in the womb, and even adults who suffer from [electromagnetic] sensitivity to wireless transmissions. A few weeks ago, I distributed sample data to each of you from scientific studies of the effects of radio frequency emissions compiled by that highlight the adverse health effects of various profiles of wireless transmissions.

The adverse health effects identified by these studies are very serious. These effects include cancer, neurological problems, immune system disorders, and reproductive harm. It has been demonstrated that radio frequency microwave radiation can have adverse impacts at the cellular level including harmful mutations of human DNA. Most alarming of all is that children are most vulnerable to these adverse impacts, including children in the womb of pregnant mothers.

It is for this reason that Wi-Fi in schools represents a particularly significant health risk, not just for students but also for pregnant teachers. Classrooms can have as many as one transmitter for every 10 students. Countries such as France and Israel have responded to these health concerns by passing laws restricting the use of Wi-Fi in schools. Yesterday, this body passed a suite of bills designed to protect Michigan’s children. Today, we are proposing to do the exact opposite and put our children at increased risk.

We are now discussing the deployment of 5G networks throughout our state. 5G networks operate in the 24-90 GHz spectrum. This is a much higher frequency than the current 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequencies found in current Wi-Fi networks. High frequency transmissions don’t travel well through solid objects so 5G will likely require one transmitter for every two to ten homes .

This is a much higher density than current cell tower distribution which has already been associated with significant health risks. This legislation makes matters worse. Under these bills, local units of government are prohibited from enacting ordinances that would provide safe havens for citizens with sensitivity to high-frequency radio frequency [microwave] emissions.

In the wake of the 1996 federal Telecommunications Act, the Federal Communications Commission, not the Centers for Disease Control, is responsible for regulating human exposure standards. The FCC has established maximum [public exposure to RF microwave radiation at] power density thresholds for radio frequency emissions in the 24-90 GHz spectrum of 5G networks as [10,000,000 µW/m2]. This exposure threshold is based upon thermal [effects] analogous to microwave cooking but has yet to be defined on the basis of nonthermal [effects].

[Non-Ionizing] radiation has been proven to disrupt basic cell functions at well below the thermal thresholds promoted by the FCC. As a result, any concerns about radiation exposure are routinely greeted with the words, “emissions are well within FCC guidelines.”

The issue is that these guidelines indicate acceptable radiation levels which are orders of magnitude above what has been demonstrated as safe when non-thermal effects are considered. The FCC guidelines are clearly insufficient. Many of us are rightly concerned about the hazards of cigarettes, lead levels, PFAS levels, and other harmful substances in our environment. I regret to inform you that we need to add electromagnetic radiation from wireless technology to this list.

In light of the policy initiatives before our body and our representatives in D.C. that would put our current wireless infrastructure on steroids, it is critically important that we evaluate the non-thermal health impacts of this technology before we invest billions of dollars on these systems.

Article IV, Section 51 of the Michigan Constitution states, “The public health and general welfare of the people of the state are hereby declared to be matters of primary public concern. The legislature shall pass suitable laws for the protection and promotion of the public health.” Despite the convenience and the enormous economic growth potential associated with the internet of things, our primary concern as legislators is not convenience nor economic growth. As much as I love technology, per our Michigan Constitution, the public health and general welfare of the people of the state are supposed to be our primary concerns.

In this light, we need to proceed with caution before we fully immerse our citizens in the internet of things. I urge my colleagues to vote “no” on Senate Bill Nos. 637 and 894.


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