
3 Jul 2018



April 6-14, 2018 Star Wars • Geoengineering

“Alaska’s super-power High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitters in Gakona, Alaska, will fire up again for the spring research campaign April 6 – 14. University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Space Physics Group researcher and HAARP Chief Scientist Chris Fallen, KL3WX, told ARRL that more than 40 hours of “externally funded” experiments are in the [...]

January 2018 Geoengineering

“In January 2018, the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are set to conduct joint research flights in Germany for the first time. The focus will be on alternative fuel emissions and the characterisation of ice crystals in condensation trails (contrails), using b [...]

November 8, 2017 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

The purpose of this hearing is to assess the status of geoengineering research in the United States, while also exploring potential technologies and innovation. Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 10:00am Location: 2318 Rayburn House Office Building Subcommittee on Energy (115th Congress) Subcommittee on Environment (115th Congress) Hearing charter Opening Statements: [...]

March 24, 2017 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

The Forum on U.S. Solar Geoengineering Research March 24, 2017 Washington, DC Produce research that advances solar geoengineering’s science and technology frontier, publishing high-impact papers, and disseminating ideas that are taken up by other researchers and government research programs. Take an active stance on research with a unique mandate to develop new path-b [...]

December 2015 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

If the recent clear sky “brightening” trend were due to cleaner air and fewer aerosols alone, it should be accompanied by an increase in direct downwelling shortwave radiation, one part of solar radiation reaching the surface directly from the Sun. That didn’t happen, Long reported during the American Geophysical Union fall meeting in San Francisco. Instead, Long and [...]

November - December 2015 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

“Our backs are against the wall and we must now start the process of preparing for geo-engineering,” the letter said. “We must do this in the knowledge that its chances of success are small and the risks of implementation are great.” The Paris Agreement commits countries to a system of volutary national climate action plans, which will be revie [...]

September 3, 2015 Star Wars • Geoengineering

Instead of falling to the dozer blade, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program has new life. In mid-August, U.S. Air Force General Tom Masiello shook hands with UAF’s Brian Rogers and Bob McCoy, transferring the powerful upper-atmosphere research facility from the military to the university. You may have heard of HAARP. Nick Begich wrote a book about [...]

August 11, 2015 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

Jim Lee, Max Bliss, Patrick Roddie, Michael Saraceno, and Amanda Baise speak at the world’s first hearing on flight pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency held a public hearing its Washington, D.C., headquarters to hear from environmental groups, aircraft industry representatives, private citizens and others on their reactions to the agency’s newly-relea [...]

July 2015 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

Plan to geoengineer contrails with biofuels and sulfur-doped jet fuel proposed (the Two-Fuels in One Tank solution) Applying high FSCs [fuel sulfur content] at aviation cruise altitudes combined with ULSJ [ultra-low sulfur jet fuel, aviation biofuel] fuel at lower altitudes result in reduced aviation-induced mortality and increased negative RE compared to the baseline [...]

January - March 2015 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

Rogue geoengineering is undetectable using modern sensors - January 2015 “A fundamental scientific question is whether an engineered increase in reflectivity (albedo), either from short-duration field experiments or from prolonged implementation of a “solar radiation management” (SRM) scheme, would be detectable with the current global climate observing system. [...]

January 2015 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

“Jon Egill Kristjansson told us about the fine line a potential cloud seeder would have to walk by seeding small, homogenous ice nuclei in cirrus clouds, which then cool the planet by letting more long-wave radiation out, but making sure not to “over-seed“, as injecting too many nuclei would mean reduced solar reflection and subsequently more warming. We heard that al [...]

March 2013 Geoengineering

Academy of Finland’s FICCA funded COOL Project. “Another technique examined was the use of commercial passenger aircraft flying at high altitudes to inject sulphate aerosols, emitted by aviation fuel, into the stratosphere. This would mimic a volcanic eruption, during which sulphur compounds are released into the stratosphere. They reflect solar radiation and the [...]

February 2013 - July 2014 Geoengineering

“Contrails might be a punch line in the culture these days, thanks to the imaginative folks who have rechristened them “chemtrails” and embroidered them with elaborate theories involving government and corporate misdeed. But contrails are pretty serious business for a less conspiratorial reason: scientists believe these ice clouds generated by water exhaust gase [...]

December 4, 2012 Geoengineering

“Up to 50 Gigatons of methane could be rapidly released from under arctic ice” - Arctic Methane Emergency Group. As for appropriate interventions, there are a number of things to do immediately in parallel: Consider practices and regulations that are having, or risk having, a heating effect on the Arctic.  A postponement of drilling in the Arctic would be sensibl [...]

November 12, 2012 Star Wars

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) research physicists and engineers from the Plasma Physics Division, working at the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) transmitter facility, Gakona, Alaska, successfully produced a sustained high density plasma cloud in Earth's upper atmosphere. "Previous artificial plasma density clouds have lifetimes of only te [...]

August 12-29, 2012 Geoengineering

Russ George dumps iron in the Pacific Ocean with his Haida Salmon Restoration Project. A very large subsequent algae bloom was spotted on satellite. Outrage ensues, then scientific studies. [...]

June 21, 2012 Star Wars

Nimbus is a fundamental science program focused on obtaining a comprehensive understanding of the lightning process, its associated emissions (such as x-rays), and its ionospheric components to better protect troops, ordnance, and other military assets. This program will yield insights into other high-voltage, high-current electromagnetic phenomena. [...]

May 30 - June 4, 2012 Geoengineering • Star Wars

Project LUCY aims to turn erupting arctic methane vents into artificial noctilucent cloud making volcanoes. Two high-powered microwaves, like the HAARP facility’s Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), compress atmospheric methane into nano diamond powder to reflect sunlight back into space. Also see: The ANGELS Proposal (Arctic Natural Gas Extraction Liquefacti [...]

April 16 - July 16, 2012 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

Fresh water has been dubbed “Blue Gold” in many publications as potable water will be to this century what oil was to the last century. Less than three percent of the water on the earth’s surface is fresh water. When we deduct the amount in the ice at each pole and the rivers flowing in uninhabited areas that number is less than one percent. From this amount the nearl [...]

August 21, 2011 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane. Or so the saying goes, but new research has confirmed that airplanes do cause clouds to dump their contents prematurely, often around airports, and in this week's show we explore this weather-altering effect of aviation. A fallstreak hole (also known as a hole punch cloud, punch hole cloud, skypunch, cloud canal or clou [...]


August 1-5, 2011 Geoengineering

Synthesis report: “Deliberate injections of sulphur-containing compounds into the stratosphere ... could have substantial unintended effects on the ozone layer.” [...]

February 23, 2011 Geoengineering

Marine cloud brightening field experiment (Geoengineering SRM test) [...]

October 2010 Geoengineering

SPICE (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering) is an EPSRC, NERC and STFC co-funded 3 1/2 year collaboration between the University of Bristol, the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford and the University of Edinburgh which began in October 2010. The SPICE project is investigating the effectiveness of Solar Radiation Management (SRM). SRM [...]

September 28, 2010 Geoengineering

UK Government response to The Regulation of Geoengineering: The Royal Society has launched SRMGI in partnership with the TWAS and the EDF to explore SRM [...]

March 22-24, 2010 Cloud Seeding • Star Wars • Geoengineering

“Weather Modification technologies that claim to achieve such large scale or dramatic effects do not have a sound scientific basis (e.g. hail canons, ionization methods) and should be treated with suspicion.” [...]

March 4, 2010 Geoengineering

“Contrail cirrus contributes a large fraction to the aviation induced climate impact (comparable to 50 years of aviation C02) Satellite data analyses suggest observable impact of aviation on cirrus cover and radiation fluxes. The climate impact of aviation induced contrail cirrus depends on aircraft properties (e.g. soot emissions) and routing (avoid cirrus form [...]

February 22-26, 2010 Geoengineering

“if the public comes to see geoengineering as, as one attendee put it, 'a crazy idea cooked up by rich Anglo Saxons to dominate the climate,' then they will all be rightfully tarred and feathered.” Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California. [...]

January 2010 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

“Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency (HSARPA) has embarked on what appears to be a hitherto missing key component of the hurricane research effort, HAMP ... (which) adopts the view that a good way to understand a meteorological system is to perturb it in some way.” Contracts & Grants Connected to HAMP Studies HAMP (Project FY2008-06-16) [...]

November 28, 2009 Geoengineering

Bill Gates’ “Stratoshield” would later be reborn and readied for a test flight in 2018 as David Keith’s “Stratocruiser.” Called a Stratospheric Shield, or StratoShield for short, the system would deliver sulfur dioxide to an altitude of 30 kilometers in liquid form, through a very long hose supported by large, long-duration balloons [...]

November 2009 - March 2010 Geoengineering

November 5, 2009 - Geoengineering: Assessing the Implications of Large-Scale Climate Intervention. US House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment. Witness Testimony: Dr. Ken Caldeira, Mr. John Shepherd, Mr. Lee Lane, Dr. James Fleming, Dr. Alan Robock. January 13, 2010 - The Regulation of Geoengineering. Geoengineering House of Commons Science and [...]

September 8-18, 2009 Star Wars

The radar scatter from dusty plasmas will be studied with the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE) launched from Wallops Island, Virginia in Spring of 2009. A dusty plasma will be produced in the ionosphere by releasing an expanding shell with 66kg of Aluminum Oxide particulates. The expansion velocity of the shell will be 2.5 km/s. Ground radars and optical syst [...]

July 29, 2009 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

Letter to William Laska, program manager for DHS’s Advanced Research Projects Agency, from Richard Spinrad, director of NOAA’s Office of Atmospheric Research (OAR) saying no to DHS funds to study hurricane mitigation, citing past failures with Project Cirrus, Stormfury, and SCUD. [...]

April 16, 2009 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

FAILED: S. 601 (111th): Weather Mitigation Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2009 [...]

April 2009 Geoengineering • Star Wars

“create localized fog or stratus cloud formations shielding critical assets against attack from energy based weapons” Michael C. Boger, Major, United States Air Force [...]

March 2009 Geoengineering

“A single aircraft operating in conditions favorable for persistent contrail formation appears to exert a contrail-induced radiative forcing some 5000 times greater (in W m−2 km−1) than recent estimates of the average persistent contrail radiative forcing from the entire civil aviation fleet. This study emphasizes the need to establish whether similar events are [...]

May 5, 2008 Geoengineering

Geoengineering: Workshop on Unilateral Planetary Scale Geoengineering, Council on Foreign Relations. Directors: David G. Victor, Adjunct Senior Fellow for Science and Technology, M. Granger Morgan, Head, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, John D. Steinbruner, Director, Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland, and [...]

April 21, 2008 Geoengineering • Star Wars

Atmospheric heating as a research tool - Monday, 21 April 2008: 10:30 AM-12:10 PM, Standley I Lyle M. Jenkins on behalf of the late Bernard J. Eastlund Eastlund Scientific Enterprises Corporation, Houston, TX HAARP MENTIONED: (06:30) “put a rectenna on the space station and have a big base array antenna on the surface of the Earth beam it up and collect the ener [...]

April 21, 2008 Geoengineering

Use of commuter aircraft with their jet fuels doped with aerosol generators is another possibility. Also the use of UAVs or blimps for aerosol dispersal could be considered. Potential adverse consequences, however, are likely including impacts on precipitation, local cold temperature extremes (which would also impact fossil fuel demands) and the hydrological cycle. … [...]

February 6-7, 2008 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

In view of these realities, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the organizational assistance of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Global Systems Division of the Earth Systems Research Laboratory sponsored a workshop on hurricane modification at the David Skaggs Research Center in Boulder, Colorado February 6-7, 2008. This action is [...]

January 2007 Geoengineering

The Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (FICER) Grants for (GEOENGINEERING) research are provided to the University of Calgary from gifts made by Mr. Bill Gates from his personal funds. The activities of the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research fall outside the scope of activities of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. FICER is not a Founda [...]


July 29, 2006 Geoengineering

CBS News, Aired July 29, 2006 2:19 PM. Contrails are lines of exhaust left by planes. It can be fun to watch them as they crisscross the sky. But as Anthony Mason reports, some people think they could spell trouble for the planet.New research suggests that jet exhaust is four times better at trapping heat than ground emissions with contrails playing a critical role. C [...]

2006 Star Wars • Geoengineering

HAARP IRI is completed, with 180 towers, 72’ tall, 80’ apart, each with two pairs of crossed dipole antennas (2.8 to 8.3 MHz)(7 to 10 MHz), and a radiated power of 3600 kW (3.6 Megawatts). [...]

October 1, 2005 Geoengineering

An atmospheric vortex engine (AVE) uses a controlled vortex to capture mechanical energy produced when heat is carried upward by convection in the atmosphere. A tornado-like vortex is produced by admitting warm or humid air tangentially into a circular arena. Tangential entries cause the warm moist air to spin as it rises forming an anchored convective vortex. The wor [...]

June 20, 2005 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

FAILED: H.R. 2995 (109th): Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005. Rep. Mark Udall (Democrat) [...]

March 3, 2005 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

FAILED: S. 517 (109th): Weather Modification Research and Development Policy Authorization Act of 2005. Sen. Kay Hutchison (Republican) [...]

October 2003 Cloud Seeding

“Although 40 years have passed since the first NAS report on weather modification, this Committee finds itself very much in concurrence with the findings of that assessment we conclude that the initiation of large-scale operational weather modification programs would be premature. Many fundamental problems must be answered first. It is unlikely that these proble [...]

2002-2005 Cloud Seeding

In 2002 Congress authorized funding the WDMP and specified that it be administered by U.S. Bureau of Reclamation [...]

2002 Star Wars

The space radiation environment presents a significant impediment to both human and robotic exploration and development of space. The Earth’s magnetic field traps high energy charged particles generated by cosmic rays, solar storms, and other processes, forming the “Van Allen” belts. The high fluxes of energetic particles in the radiation belts will rapidly damage ele [...]

September 11, 2001 Geoengineering

David J. Travis, Andrew M. Carleton, and Ryan G. Lauritsen, 2004: Regional Variations in U.S. Diurnal Temperature Range for the 11–14 September 2001 Aircraft Groundings: Evidence of Jet Contrail Influence on Climate. J. Climate, 17, 1123–1134. [...]

June 1999 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange weather derivatives stock exchange [...]

August 15, 1997 - April 19, 2002 Geoengineering

Teller, Wood, and Hyde from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory publish three papers on climate change, geoengineering, and national security. Ken Caldeira simulates a future geoengineered world (with a computer model) in the second published paper (1999) giving his stamp of approval. Full story below: “The whole game,” David Victor pointed out, “is about establish [...]

April 28, 1997 Star Wars

There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just e [...]

March 19, 1997 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

Dr. Arnold A. Barnes Jr. from the USAF Phillips Lab gave a presentation titled “Session B: Advanced Weapon/Instrumentation Technologies.” where he discussed making “Owning the Weather in 2025” a reality. John Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory. Note: HAARP on page 6. This presentation before the US Army/Air Force attendees comes two [...]

October 1996 Geoengineering

Pumping CO2 into live forests to measure the effect of future climates on trees. [...]

1996-1998 Star Wars

The Space Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, developed a small sounding rocket to measure vertical profiles of the electric field immediately prior to lighting-triggering attempts using the well-developed “rocket-and-wire” technique. A field experiment was conducted in the summer of 1996, dur [...]

1995-1996 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

US Air Force dreams of future weather warfare techniques. In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. Such a capability offers the warfighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible. It provides opportunities to impact opera [...]

June 1994 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

This paper proposes a counferforce weather control system (with both space and ground based segments) and identifies the prerequisites necessary for such a system to be feasible. Atmospheric scientists have pursued terrestrial weather modification in earnest since the 1940s, but have made little progress because of scientific complexities, legal battles, social concer [...]

March 1994 Star Wars

The HAARP facility becomes operational, with a radiated power of 960 kW. Multiple upgrades follow. [...]

1994 Cloud Seeding

TITLE: Weather Modification Using Carbon Black PROPOSED BY: Phillips Laboratory (AFMC), Geophysics Directorate Technical Description: In the paper "Weather Modification by Carbon Dust Absorption of Solar Energy" Gray el al (Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol 15, April 1976, 355-386) showed that observational and modeling information indicated that the solar heating o [...]

1994 Cloud Seeding

NON-LETHAL WARFARE PROPOSAL TITLE: WEATHER MODIFICATION PROPOSED BY: Code C2741 (Warhead Development Branch) NAWCWPNS, China Lake CA 93555-6001 CAPABILITY & USES: (1) To impede or deny the movement of personnel and material because of rains-floods, snow-blizzards, etc. (2) To disrupt economy due to the effect of floods, droughts, etc. “successful completion [...]


March 19, 1993 Star Wars

“possible using the NIIR facility located in the vicinity of Moscow or the HAARP heater currently under contstruction” [...]

May 25, 1992 Star Wars

USU to work in close Collaboration with scientists at the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory on a number of problems that are relevant to Air Force systems, including OTH radars, communications, and orbiting space structures. [...]

June 12, 1991 Geoengineering

The ozone hole over Antarctica was the largest recorded following the eruption. [...]

September 27, 1990 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

Double duty geoengineering/weather control boats that spray ocean salt water into ocean clouds (marine strato-cumulus) to make them reflect sunlight (albedo modification, solar radiation management SRM) and steer hurricanes: “cool ocean surface waters in the regions in which the genesis of hurricanes occurs. This would be achieved by seeding low-level maritime s [...]

July 1990 - September 1993 Star Wars

Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES) dumps chemicals in space while a ground-based microwave antenna in Arecibo, Puerto Rico heats them to modify the ionosphere. This heater was later destroyed by a hurricane then rebuilt as the Enhanced HF Ionospheric Heating Instrument. [...]

December 13, 1989 - February 12, 1990 Star Wars

HAARP HF Active Auroral Research Program - Joint Services Program Plans and Activities Summary of HAARP Steering Group Activities and Schedule Dec. 13, 1989: US Navy-Air Force meeting at Office of Naval Research to discuss mutual interests in carrying out a DoD program in the area of ionospheric modification. The need for a unique heating facility (HAARP) to conduct c [...]

September 1, 1989 Star Wars

Satellite explorations of the near earth environment have vastly increased our understanding of space plasmas and their interactions with systems. A logical next step involves active experiments in which small quantities of matter and energy are injected into space environments. These experiments seek to verify tentative, scientific understanding and to identify ways [...]

July 13, 1989 Star Wars

On July 13, 1989 the BEAM experiment Aboard Rocket (BEAR) linear accelerator was successfully launched and operated in space. The flight demonstrated that a neutral hydrogen beam could be successfully propagated in an exoatmospheric environment. The accelerator, which was the result of an extensive collaboration between Los Alamos National Laboratory and industrial pa [...]

April 15, 1986 - November 1987 Star Wars

Stanford's Star Lab plans future of space weather modification. By directing repetitive pulses of the electron beam downwards along the magnetic field, Banks and Gilchrist [1985] predicted that a structure consisting of a regularly-spaced series of ionized columns would be produced that could be observed from the ground by suitably located radars. Observations of the [...]

1983-1986 Star Wars

Last Christmas the low temperature records in 21 states and 60 cities were broken. According to the National Severe Storms Forecast Center in Kansas City (MO) , twelve cities shattered all known records for record low December temperatures. While this was going on, December in Europe was unseasonably warm. Paris was basking in temperatures ranging as high as 70 degree [...]

September 1982 Cloud Seeding

“I've seen instances when the blue sky, after a few hours, is laced almost completely in every conceivable direction, but mostly west to east, by jet contrails. By afternoon, the sky is clouded over as they spread out. Utility companies, oil refineries, and smelters have built higher smokestacks, thereby causing their pollution to be deposited hundreds of mi [...]

1981-1984 Star Wars

created a water vapour chemical reaction that poked a hole in the northern lights. [...]

December 1980 Cloud Seeding

JOHN CHANCELLOR, anchor: On clear days, you can often see long white lines being traced high in the sky. They are contrails of jet aircraft. They’re actually long, slender clouds. Other men are finding them especially fascinating because the theory is being developed that those long, white lines may be changing our weather for the better. Details from Roger O’Neil. RO [...]

1980-1994 Cloud Seeding

NOAA Federal-State Cooperative Program in Atmospheric Modification Research [...]

March 13, 1979 Cloud Seeding

Admires noted that President Gerald Ford signed an international weather modification act in 1976 and shortly thereafter was able to ski on fresh snow at Vail. Colo. Rep. John Fowler, D-Newtown, observed that airlines, in ads for ski excursions, promise fresh snow or your money back. David Horner of Columbia, an employee of the National Weather Service, declined to ex [...]

October 30, 1978 Star Wars

The space agency released barium from a satellite over Alaska Sunday, creating glowing, bluish-white clouds for a weather experiment to study the movement of particles in the earth’s atmosphere. Within several hours the spreading clouds were spotted by tracking telescopes as far as Arizona and Hawaii, although they were too high to be visible to the naked eye except i [...]

May 1978 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

[FULL DISCLOSURE] Scoping report on all weather modification activities in the USA. This report was required by the Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976. Prepared at the request of Howard W. Cannon, chairman, Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate ; [by the Congressional Research Service]. 95th Congress, 2d session. Committee print [...]

May 18, 1977 - January 17, 1980 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

Parties to the Environmental Modification Convention undertake not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party. In July 1972 the U.S. Government renounced the use of climate modification techniques for hos [...]

October 13, 1976 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

S. 3383 (94th): National Weather Modification Policy Act To authorize and direct the Secretary of Commerce to develop a national policy on weather modification, and for other purposes. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That this Act may be cited as the “National Weather Modification Pol [...]

August 13, 1975 Cloud Seeding

The United States urged Tuesday that manipulating the weather for military purposes be banned before scientists have developed the techniques to wage environmental warfare. [...]

July 23, 1975 Cloud Seeding

We’ve come a long way since the Hartford Courant lamented in an 1897 editorial, “Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it.” Today there is a rising concern that too many people and governments are trying to do something about it — even seeking a capability for waging “weather warfare”. [...]

November 4, 1974 Cloud Seeding

In two flights at Edwards Air Force Base in the Southern California desert. The pilotless plane has flown up to 5 hours and 8 minutes and to altitudes of up to 36.000 feet-controlled entirely from computerized ground consoles As a civilian transport, the RPV could haul survival aids such as radios and medical supplies, fire retardants, crop dusts, sprays and fertilize [...]

July 1974 Cloud Seeding

William Gray and company describe the use of carbon black dust (CBD) dispersed by aircraft to alter weather and create cirrus clouds. It may also be possible to use carbon dust to enhance precipitation over interior land areas, alter extratropical cyclones, inhibit daytime summer temperatures and severe weather, prevent frosts, and speed up springtime snowbelt in agri [...]

December 18, 1971 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering • Star Wars

Pubic Law 92–205, §1, Dec. 18, 1971, 85 Stat. 735 [H. R. 6893] CHAPTER 9A-WEATHER MODIFICATION ACTIVITIES OR ATTEMPTS; REPORTING REQUIREMENT §330. Definitions As used in this chapter- (1) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Commerce. (2) The term "person" means any individual, corporation, company, association, firm, partnership, society, joint stock company, [...]

1970 - 1975 Star Wars

December 1, 1970 to April 28, 1972 - ARPA Project SECEDE “Observations of the Developement of Striations in Large Barium Ion Clouds” Contractor: University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute. Auount of Contract: $283,849.00 Striations develop within large (12-352 kg releases) barium ion clouds in a two-stage process. First the clouds split into sheets commencing at the [...]

1970-1972 Geoengineering

“likely contrails are affecting precipitation to a much greater extent than are present deliberate seeding operations.” - On the possibility of weather modification by aircraft contrails, October 1970 Illinois and New Jersey officials will not settle pollution suits against the nation’s major airlines out of court, despite Tuesday’s agreement between the a [...]

1969-1970 Cloud Seeding

“But the seeding near Cuba was to cause less rain, not more. It was supposed to squeeze rain out of clouds before they reached the island. You might say we tried to embargo rainclouds.” Did the CIA order weather modification to ruin the Cuban sugar crop in 1969 and 1970, or didn't it? Lowell Ponte, former researcher for International Research and Technolog [...]

1968-1972 Cloud Seeding

to alleviate the heavy snowfalls which annually hamper Buffalo, New York, and other cities located along the shoreline of Lake Erie. [...]

1968 Star Wars

as long as the program was called Solar Energy by the United States, it could not be considered a weapons project. [...]

March 20, 1967 - July 5, 1972 Cloud Seeding

The chemical weather modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and allegedly sponsored by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and CIA without the authorization of then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird who had categorically denied to Congress that a program for modification of the weather for use as a tactical weapon even existed [...]

November 7, 1966 Cloud Seeding

A Report to the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences by Homer E. Newell. [...]

December 20, 1965 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

The Honorable Leland J. Haworth Director National Science Foundation Washington, D. C. Dear Dr. Haworth: It is an honor to transmit herewith to the National Science Foundation the report of the Special Commission on Weather Modification, authorized by the National Science Board at its meeting on October 17-18, 1963, in accordance with Sections 3(a)(7) and 9 of the Nat [...]

November 1965 Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

Presidential report advises Geoengineering solar radiation management (SRM) and hurricane modification. [...]

June 1965 Star Wars

U. S. ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND BALLISTIC’ RESEARCH LABORATORIES ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MARYLAND Project High Altitude Research Program (HARP) is dir-!cted toward the use of guns for scientific probing of the tipper atmosphere. The 4 attractive featuresof gunz for this purpose are the basic econourj of such a system and the high inhervnt accuracy of guns for place [...]

February 14, 1964 - December 3, 1964 Star Wars

So far seven different experiments have been carried out with sounding rockets in the Sahara and in Sardinia. [...]

October 10, 1963 Star Wars

Upper-atmospheric nuclear explosions fry satellites by creating artificial radiation belts. Discovery of “The Christofilos Effect” was made during Operation Argus: whistler waves scrape radiation from space and dump out on the poles: artificial aurora. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water, aka the Limited Te [...]

May 1963 - Present Star Wars

Create an artificial ion cloud in interplanetary space for studying the state of the interplanetary medium .. sounding rocket experiments of May 1963 [...]

1963 - 1972 Cloud Seeding

NOAA hurricane mitigation cloud seeding experiments over Carribbean and Florida. [...]

August 17, 1962 - 1983 Cloud Seeding

Project Stormfury - the ESSA/Navy hurricane research and modification program - will attempt to seed hurricanes massively and repeatedly, to learn whether the force of these storms can be diminished. The Project’s major goal this season is to repeat the eyewall-seeding experiments conducted in 1969, in the hope of confirming the results. Other experiments planned for [...]

May 27, 1962 - 1969 Star Wars • Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

“In his subcommittee’s detailed summary statement Johnson proclaimed that our very future depended on being the ones who first seized ownership of space. “Control of space means control of the world,” Johnson declared. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the [...]


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April 25, 1962 - November 16, 1962 Star Wars

Experimental release of water in the ionosphere resulted in ice clouds and radio disruption. SATURN WATER ROCKET TO BE EXPLODED 65 MILES UP SAN BERNARDINO SUN-TELEGRAM April 22, 1962 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) The United States plans to launch its Saturn superrocket on a second test flight next Wednesday, and as a bonus experiment, to blow it up 63 miles high to determ [...]

October 21, 1961 - September 5, 1963 Star Wars

480,000,000 copper dipole antennas launched into orbit. The West Ford Needles project was an experiment to allow long distance communications by bouncing radio waves off of a band small wires (passive dipoles) cut to a specific length. In an attempt to lay a radio-reflective ring around the world, small metal dipole needs were allowed to sublimate out of a matrix. Two [...]

September 25, 1961 Star Wars • Cloud Seeding • Geoengineering

“if the Soviets control space they can control earth, as in past centuries the nation that controlled the seas dominated the continents.” Senator John F. Kennedy agreed during the 1960 presidential campaign. “To this end, we shall urge proposals extending the United Nations Charter to the limits of man’s exploration of the universe, reserving outer space for peaceful [...]

June 17, 1961 - 1969 Cloud-Seeding

A French scientist, J. Dessens of the Observatoire du Puy de Dome, Clermont University, reports in Nature the discovery by accident of a way to make tornadoes artificially – and therefore of a means of studying the conditions under which they arise. On a plateau in the south of France the Observatory built an apparatus which was originally intended for making artifici [...]

1961 - 1988 Cloud Seeding

“to explore, develop and determine the feasibility of applying the technology of weather modification to meet the Nation’s increasing demand for clean water.” In 1961 Congress allocated funding for the creation of a weather modification program headed by the Bureau of Reclamation. Project Skywater came fifteen years after Irving Langmuir, Vincent Schaefer, and Bernard [...]

1959 - 1981 Cloud Seeding

Limited observational evidence suggests that the effects of cloud seeding on hailfalls may extend to clouds not directed affected by the seeding material. [...]

1958 Geoengineering • Star Wars

M. Gorodsky and Valentin Cherenkov proposed placing a ring of metallic potassium particles into Earth’s polar orbit to diffuse light reaching Earth and increase solar radiation to thaw the permanently frozen soil of Russia, Canada, and Alaska and melt polar ice. [...]

1956 - 1967 Cloud Seeding

The Project Skyfire cloud-seeding generator is designed to produce silver iodide nuclei for experiments performed in devising techniques for lightning suppression. This generator produces freezing nuclei by volatilizing a silver iodide-acetone solution in a propane flame. Several different types of silver iodide smoke generators were used during exploratory field prog [...]

October 1952 - March 1954 Cloud Seeding

In December 1949 Krick suggested cloud seeding without resorting to airborne devices; his proposal employed ground-based smoke generators dispersing vaporized silver iodide. A single smoke dispenser set, asserted Krick, could be moved by two wheelbarrows; it theoretically provided cloud-seeding particles for an area of 240 square miles (620 km2). Tests demonstrated a [...]

1952-1965 Cloud Seeding

Court, Arnold. Randomized cloud seeding in the United States. Proceedings of the Fifth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Volume 5: Weather Modification, 237–251, University of California Press, Berkeley, Calif., 1967 [...]

December 1949 Cloud Seeding

In December 1949 Krick suggested cloud seeding without resorting to airborne devices; his proposal employed ground-based smoke generators dispersing vaporized silver iodide. A single smoke dispenser set, asserted Krick, could be moved by two wheelbarrows; it theoretically provided cloud-seeding particles for an area of 240 square miles (620 km2). Tests demonstrated a [...]

November 16, 1948 - Present Geoengineering

As you know our entire economy is dependent upon tourist trade, which is predicated on our bright sunshine and warm climate. Recently our sky has resembled a mob of exuberant sky riders performing an aerial circus. The ‘contrails’ are breaking down into a haze and creating a cloud-like appearance in the sky. The Air Force, so far, is flabbergasted. Dire Predictions fo [...]

October 20, 1948 Geoengineering

The Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature was proposed by Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1940s, for land development, agricultural practices and water projects to improve agriculture in the nation. Its propaganda motto and catchphrase was “the great transformation of nature” (великое преобразование природы, velikoye preobrazovaniye p [...]

October 13, 1947 Cloud Seeding

The energy expended by a tropical hurricane is enough to drive all the machinery in the world for three or four years. Yet the Army, the Navy and General Electric Company are collaborating in a daring meteorological experiment which is to determine whether or not the colossal vortex that we call a hurricane can be broken by making it precipitate the thousands of tons [...]

November 13, 1946 Cloud Seeding

Vincent Schaefer (1906–1993) discovered the principle of cloud seeding in July 1946 through a series of serendipitous events. Following ideas generated between himself and Nobel laureate Irving Langmuir while climbing Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, Schaefer, Langmuir’s research associate, created a way of experimenting with supercooled clouds using a deep free [...]

1946 Cloud Seeding

During world war two, fog was dispersed with a secret weapon called Fido. This stood for either “Fog Investigation and Dispersal Operations” or “Fog, Intensive, Disposal Of.” Calcium chloride sprays had shown some promise for absorbing fog in the 1930s but, by 1940, the only proven dispersal method was heating on a massive scale. Churchill instructed the Petroleum War [...]

1945 Geoengineering • Star Wars

Professor Julian Huxley, biologist and Secretary-General of UNESCO 1946–48, proposed exploding atomic bombs at an appropriate height above the polar regions to raise the temperature of the Arctic Ocean and warm the entire climate of the northern temperate zones [...]

1934-1942 Geoengineering

The Great Plains Shelterbelt was a project to create windbreaks in the Great Plains states of the United States, that began in 1934. President Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated the project in response to the severe dust storms of the Dust Bowl, which resulted in significant soil erosion and drought. The United States Forest Service believed that planting trees on the pe [...]

1929 Geoengineering • Star Wars

Proposed building giant mirrors on a space station to focus the Sun’s radiation on Earth’s surface, making the far North habitable and freeing sea lanes to Siberian harbors Hermann Oberth. [...]

September 29, 1921 Geoengineering



1911-1914 Pluviculture

The cereal manufacturer, C. W. Post of Texas, maintained belief in the concussion method. From 1911 to 1914, Post executed “rain battles” near Post City, Texas, detonating dynamite along the Caprock Escarpment. Inspired by an occasional rain fall, Post optimistically predicted that rainmaking would one day replace irrigation. [...]

May 1905 - January 20, 1916 Pluviculture

The indisputable fact is that Hatfield went into the hills nineteen times to bring on a rain, and nineteen times it rained when he promised. Last December a reward of $1000 was offered him, half as a joke, on condition that he make it rain eighteen inches in Southern California between December 15 and May 1. He has collected that reward. - Dawson Daily News 1905 For t [...]

September 1902 Pluviculture

The Steiger Vortex gun is a cone-shaped barrel, fabricated from sheet steel, designed as a rainmaking device. The gun was originally designed by Albert Steiger with the aim of preventing destructive hailstorms in a wine growing region of Austria. The firing of the cannon-like device caused a discharge of gas which set up vibrations in the clouds, causing rain. While o [...]

November 3, 1892 Pluviculture

After a dry spell of many weeks, Washington caught a light rainfall last night, as the alleged result of the series of explosions which the experts of the Agricultural Department have been causing across the river. But the cost of the experiment has been too great in the sacrifice of nerves and comfort to make the plan entirely popular with Washington people. [...]

September 5, 1891 Pluviculture

Uncle Sam’s Rain: Prosperity. Politician’s Rain: Office. Miser’s Rain: Money. Merchant’s Rain: Orders. Farmer’s Rain: Crops. Spinster’s Rain: Angels? Babies? [...]

1891 Pluviculture

“The Rhyme of the Rain Machine” by F. W. Clarke Said Jeremy Jonathan Joseph Jones “The weather is far too dry, So I reckon I’ll have to stir my bones And try the effect of concussive tones Upon the lazy sky.” So Jeremy Jonathan Joseph went Away to the nearest town: And there his money was quickly spent For queer contraptions all intent To make the rain come down. Ther [...]

1891-1893 Pluviculture

RAIN TO ORDER. An Interview With Frank Melbourne, the Rain King. CINCINNATI, July 3. — An evening paper publishes the following interview held with Frank Melbourne, the rain wizard, at Canton, O., Monday evening: Late this evening, during a drizzling rain, your correspondent called on Frank Melbourne, the storm wizard, at his quarters in the Hotel Yohe. Melbourne, who [...]

1890-1892 Pluviculture

It is not surprising that European American settlers in the Great Plains, dependent on agriculture and plagued by drought, would develop an interest in rainmaking. The earliest attempts involved the concussion method, which was premised on the theory that gunpowder explosions triggered friction and generated nuclei to produce rain. In 1890 Congress appropriated funds [...]

1889 Geoengineering

“The Purchase of the North Pole” by Jules Verne [...]

January 3, 1887 Geoengineering

“How to change the North American Climate” by N. S. Shaler, published in The Atlantic Monthly. [...]

1836 Pluviculture

James Pollard Espy (or “The Storm King”) (May 9 1785 – January 24 1860) was a U.S. meteorologist who proposed burning forests on the west coast of the United States of America to increase rainfall on the east coast. Espy developed a convection theory of storms, explaining it in 1836 before the American Philosophical Society and in 1840 before the French Académie des S [...]


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