
15 Jul 2018

The Real Reason Behind The switch from Analogue to Digital

The Real Reason Behind The switch from Analogue to Digital

The age of deception is here and thanks to digital technology is now even easier to fool people in mass numbers. Seeing & hearing is no longer worth believing when it comes to digital technology. A photograph, a video, and a any sound can be digitally manipulated to show something that is not really there. This lead us to the topic of why the US will be switching all broadcasts from analogue to digital.

The answer is a two part answer; first, the most obvious reason is because with digital broadcasting, it would be incredibly easy to manipulate a live image. So what does that mean, you may ask?

That means that they can show you for instance a “terrorist act” taking place that really never took place and then use the images as proof of why we must retaliate and go to war with a particular nation. This is very dangerous stuff.

Another reason why the switch from analog to digital is taking place, is a more malignant reason, and as reason # 1, most people are not aware of it and they should. Undisclosed sources, experts on reverse technology have informed that any television set manufacture after 1995 has the capability not only to receive a broadcast signal, but to also send one. That’s correct, any television manufactured after 1995 already has a built in feature to send a broadcast signal from your living room of live images of what’s happening in your home.

You may ask, how can this be possible?

Its really not as far fetched as you may think, experts say that anything that is built for one particular purpose, can in deed be reconfigured to perform the exact opposite. For instance, a car is built to drive forward but it can also go backwards, a blowing machine used to blow leaves can actually be reconfigure to do a sucking function. I believe we call those “vacuum cleaners”

OK, but how could they pull off such operation of such magnitude? (You may ask)
Well, they did this on stages, first stage was to begin manufacturing these TV sets with hidden cameras either behind the picture tube or on the remote sensor area.
Next, they would need to change the communication wiring network system to make it possible to receive multiple signals from multiple locations.

Well, you might remember that that’s been accomplished too. The system is called fibre optics and it’s been wired everywhere, phone lines and broadcasting lines in which are joined in one gigantic digital communication network.

Now, since they know that they won’t be able to spy and monitor people through an older television set model, their solution is ingenious.

You simply won’t be able to watch any television programming until you either, buy a newer set which already comes equipped to monitor you, or until you buy their TV box converters in which will come equipped with the same technology implanted on the newer TV models that will facilitate their monitoring of you by watching you in your own home!

Can’t afford a digital converter box?

Don’t worry, the government has millions of coupons that will assist you in getting one!

In other words, they want to be able to monitor every single one of us through hidden cameras in which will be installed on these devices to see and hear all that you do in the privacy of your own home.

This is called “New World Order”. In communist countries like Cuba, if you say something that the government doesn’t like, a secret police will report you to the higher authorities and you will be whisked away and no one will see or hear from you again. Why aren’t they doing that now?

Well, the fact is that the carpet is being laid folks, and they will do just that in due time. The US constitution would have to be totally destroyed and some of you might already know that is already being accomplished. With the help of the media in which the NWO owns, people’s minds are being reshaped, controlled, and manipulated, in what they see, hear, or should believe is right, wrong, true, or false.

This is a fascist state known as the New world order, where your privacy, rights, and privileges will be gone like a thief in the night.

Its so outrageous that they see you (the average citizen) as one dumb sheep. If they tell you is good, then you better believe it. Comcast has jumped in the ban wagon assisting the NWO by openly admitting that they are installing cameras on their new Comcast cable boxes. They claim that this is to “serve you better” of course. You see, because once you approach your television set, your TV will recognise you and pull all of your favourite TV programming ready for your viewing pleasure.

Come on!

Who writes the scripts for these people, and why do they insist we we are as dumb as a door knob? The fact is that be ready to be insulted, demoralised, ridiculed, and who knows what more, because you are a thinking person and have common sense.

The NWO, don’t like that one bit, so they will do their best to discredit the sources that produce truth. Folks, this is happening every day.

Any one with a legitimate question is being ridiculed, any one bringing legitimate concerns, its being labelled a “quack” a “nut” a “conspiracy fool” etc, etc.

Be ready, be prepare, be advised, because God does not allow anything to happen unless the people are informed and aware of what’s coming, but if you reject the truth, you are condemning yourself and you will be deceived.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 (King James Version)

Here’s a short list of old songs that were used to indoctrinate. The Illuminati always give us hints ahead of time as part of their fun:


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