
31 Aug 2018




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Capt. Dipl. Eng. Jan VALOUCH
The article presents information on the current situation in the development and application of electromagnetic weapons and indicates possible trends of their future
employment. Under the term electromagnetic weapons we understand means and systems that use technology generating directed power electromagnetic pulses degrading the activities or destructing the electronic circuits of the enemy equipment. This will also
enable to neutralise or completely destroy the operation of information, communication, control, ring and other electronic devices. Electromagnetic weapons are currently in use and greater number of countries realises the perspectives of their future development.
Principle of electromagnetic weapon activities
Typical representative of electromagnetic (EMC) weapons are so called Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) employing the technology of High Power Microwave
(HPM). These weapons represent highly sophisticated technology of 21st century. Their
destructive effect results from the electromagnetic eld and they threaten the operation
of all devices equipped with electronic circuits, especially by the effect of arcing, over-
load or by discharge of single electronic component parts. These weapons have strong
physical and psychological impact.
In general, DEW consists of impulse source of energy, source of microwave radiation and antenna. The impulse source transforms accumulated energy to high power
electric pulse with the length of duration in units of nanoseconds. Accumulated energy
can be in kilo-Joule with the power of gigawatt. In the source of microwave radiation
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this impulse then acts upon diode and generates a beam of electrons with energy –
approx, 400 kV, 10—60 kA. This energy is dissipated by the directional antenna. Electromagnetic weapons can fundamentally differ in terms of its design and
application e.g. according to the used frequency band. EMC wide band weapons emit in wide frequency range but with low density of energy. These equipment's are suitable
where it is not possible to exactly identify the characteristics of the target – especially its
working frequencies. Contrary to the narrow-band EMC weapons emit pulses on individual frequencies with enormously high power. Their action upon the target is very effective since impulse resonate with the known frequency of the attacked device.
Development and application of electromagnetic weapons
Concerning a development and application of electromagnetic weapons we can
say that after the EMC weapons emerged from “the unknown” world of classified projects, now they are tuned and EMC weapon capability is enhanced. And they are gradually mounted on suitable carriers – vehicles, aircraft, ships, bombs, missiles and even
space ships. The interest is focused not only on single pieces of equipment but also on
complete systems incl. sensors and equipment to control the combat functions.
Within the armed forces the employment of EMC weapons have the following
Ø very rapid effect against the enemy targets,
Ø usage irrespective of the weather conditions,
Ø coverage of a great amount of various targets with minimum need to be informed
about their characteristics,
Ø threat to less available target – under ground,
Ø operational attack (neutralisation, destruction or denial of activities of electronic
assets) at selected levels of warfare,
Ø minimum of collateral destruction in politically sensitive environment and use of
this environment after the end of conflict,
Ø reduction of minimum time for tracking and guidance to target.
USA, Russia, France, China and UK are the countries that achieved the greatest
progress in the development and application of electromagnetic weapons. The interest
of other countries (Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway …) is for a
long time focused on High Power Microwave (HPM) especially on protection against
the effects of HPM. As to my opinion this is the beginning of the path for research in the
Czech Republic.
Currently, discussions are held on their employment in Iraqi by the U.S. armed
forces. They could facilitate quickly eliminate the command and control systems of Iraq
and eliminate communication of their forces without any loss of lives and any collate-
ral damage. There were some intentions to employ these weapons of electromagnetic
warfare by the U.S. force in Kosovo and Afghanistan at least in trial operation. It is
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also interesting the assumption that Russian forces used DEW prior the action against
terrorists in Moscow theatre in 2002. This weapon was designed to disable the electronic
detonating primers. The fact is that no Chechen managed to initiate her primer.
Misuse of electromagnetic weapons
More frequent are the attacks of terrorists and criminal underworld using the
electromagnetic means. Among the targets of terrorists can be financial institutions, medical facilities, aircraft, automobiles, computer network and other daily used civilian and military equipment. The EMC radiation generators can be for example in the briefcase and that is why it is quite easy to prepare such an attack. First known terrorist application of electromagnetic weapons is from 1995 when Chechen rebels used this
technology against the security system of Russian facility.
Nobody knows about the use of DEW for criminal activities and terrorist attacks
with exception of the offenders themselves and their victims. The German experts even officially recommended application of these means to the German police units since there were recorded several cases of use of DEW by the German underground. With
DEW it is possible to commit perfect crime, as they leave no evidence. No doubt, in
future a wide use of these weapons can be expected which can means an increased risk
of their misuse.
Future of electromagnetic weapons
Future of DEW is often discussed in many articles and literature. A part of study
called Air Force 2025 also deals with the future of DEW employment that was developed by the Air University Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. This study discusses a
possibility to employ these means in the spaceships or satellites in order to destroy the
hostile satellite information and communication channels.
Development of DEW in terms of their employment is mainly connected with
mutual co-operation of the army, air force and navy forces. These will be the components
that are the potential users of DEW. Protection of the aircraft and ships against the effects
of enemy DEW is being solved. Further, e.g. active use of DEW against the air defence
and employment of DEW in the aerospace. Within 3—5 years it is expected that DEW
will be installed into the drones (USA). In respect of technologies for DEW, the research
will be especially focused on increase of input power of DEW, reduction of size and
weight and improvement of antenna systems. A very interesting is also a research of
biological impact of DEW on human being and hazard for the personnel.
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The following part of this article briey discusses NATO RTO – Research and
Technology Organisation (, or the activities of selected panels
with representation of the Czech Republic and which deal with the mentioned issue.
The panels dealing with this topic are:
Ø SCI–119 Tactical Implications of High Power Microwaves,
Ø SCI–132 High Power Microwave Threat to Infrastructure and Military Equipment.
Since most of activities of these technical panels is classified as NATO SECRET,
only general character information not subject to classification are provided.
Panel SCI–119 Tactical Implications of High Power Microwaves started its
activities in 1998 and terminated it in this year. The objective of the work of its members
have been mainly solution of issues of use of HPM in the military sector both in terms
of defence as well as of potential active employment in attack. The most important areas
Ø design of resources generating HPM,
Ø vulnerability of information technology of military infrastructure,
Ø risk of back effect of electromagnetic weapons on friendly troops,
Ø testing of HPM effects on the off-the-shelf equipment equipped with electronic
components (personal computers, cellular phones, vehicles, aircraft …),
Ø content of HPM national programs from the viewpoint of:
– earmarking of specialised workplaces,
– refinement of the content of solution in the given country,
– allocation of funds,
– planning of the number of students studying HPM at the universities,
– gathering of results.
The issue of HPM is solved by NATO systematically since the beginning of 80-ies
of the last century. In the short time, it is assumed that new advanced HPM weapons will
be developed and within NATO this process must be systematically controlled. In this
area – development of electromagnetic weapons – USA, Russian, France and the UK
have the greatest success.
Panel SCI–132 High Power Microwave Threat to Infrastructure and Military
Equipment commenced its activity by the introductory session in October 2002, held
in Munster in Germany. Its orientation is linked to the preceding activity of the Panel
SCI–119. The main activities of the Panel are planned for the period of 2003—2005 and
single members will deal with the following issues:
Ø identifcation of potential threat of HPM on the military and civilian infrastructure
and equipment,
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Ø research of the penetration and dissemination of HPM in specic devices,
Ø research of DEW (Directed Energy Weapons),
Ø possibilities how to protect the military equipment against the effect of weapon
assets on the basis of HPM.
Other areas considered important by the member of the Panel SCI–132 and that
are to be in the area of interest are:
Ø resistance of military equipment against HPM,
Ø implication of HPM in the military eld test and system of their evaluation,
Ø EMC terrorism.
The Panel consists of representatives of the following countries: Canada, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Germany, France, UK, USA, the Netherlands, Norway and Italy.
Currently, the use of electromagnetic weapons plays the more important role.
Though, the wider employment of these weapons is expected within 5—10 years, there
already exist and are used the devices/equipment capable to reliably effect on the enemy
electronic assets (control, information, communication…) and deny the enemy any further operations. The issue of electromagnetic weapons in the Czech Republic is in the
stage of research and that is why the representation and involvement of the Czech representatives in the special Panels of NATO RTO or any other international organizations
and boards is desirable.
[1] MUNZERT, Reinhard: Targeting the Human with Directed Energy Weapons, 2002, Erlangen, Germany
[2] MERKLE, Laurence D.: Virtual Prototyping of RF Weapons, 2002, The Air Force Research Laboratory,
[3] COOP, Carlo: The Electro-magnetic Bomb: A Weapon of Electronic Mass Destruction, 2000, Melbourne
[4] VALOUCH, Jan: Activities of VTÚ PV Vyškov in the area of EMC and DEW, presentation of NATO
RTO / SCI–132, 2002, Munster, Germany.
Selection of unclassied documents from the session of Panel NATO RTO/SCI:
[5] SCI–119 Workshop Tactical Implications of High Power Microwaves, Copenhagen, Denmark,
[6] Open Meeting of NATO RTO/SCI–132 on High Power Microwave to Infrastructure and Military
Equipment, Munster, Germany, 22—24.10.2002.


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