
2 Aug 2018

illegal government fuckery :( :( :(

excerpt from CITIZENSHIP REPUDIATION by Melvin Stamper, J.D.The following are excerpts from attorney Melvin Stamper's book Fruit from a Poisonous Tree. His amazing book represents his research regarding the government of the United STATES. He responded to his discoveries by repudiating his citizenship. His powerful Citizenship Repudiation, which was included in his book, was impassioned and informative. The accurate information he included in his revocation of citizenship should at the veryleast inspire all Americans to read his book and benefit from his research. This information is made available to advance public education. We believe that this constitutes a 'fair use' of the copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of theU.S. Copyright Law. If you wish to use the copyrighted material for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use',you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

FOREWORD Melvin Stamper has experienced a remarkable life journey few of us will ever experience.  His  background  in  law  and  criminal  investigation  has  enabled  him  to  uncover  facts  of  the  crime  of  the  millennium,  exposing  the  motive  along  with  the  conspirators.  h   e  subtle  and  not  so  subtle  threats  from  the  government agencies that he was investigating merely served as a motivating force and conformation of his investigation. Experience is the one factor we must all use in determining credibility of another, and Stamper’s experience in  law,  analytical  thinking  and  detection  rivals  that  of  any  other  in  the  investigation of a crime involving government subterfuge and cover-up. This author served his country as a U.S. Marine in Southeast Asia, a police chief,  railroad  special  agent,  CIA  intelligence  source,  industrial  engineer,  pilot, law professor, legal researcher, private investigator, and an ombudsman with the Department of Defence; his analytical skills were honed by all of his experience and education for the investigation of his life – the United States government.  My personal relationship with the author has spanned two decades, and he never stops amazing me with the information he uncovers.Get comfortable and hold on to your hat!J. Randolph Appleby, Municipal Judge, retired,Newark, New Jersey

CITIZENSHIP REPUDIATION By Melvin Stamper, J.D., sui jurisTo: Madeleine AlbrightAs: The SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE UNITED STATES Washington, District of Columbia AFFIDAVIT   /   ASSERTORY   OATH   AND   REVOCATION   OF   CITIZENSHIP This is to certify that I; Melvin Stamper, was born January 7th, 1940, in the Sovereign Republic State of Kentucky. I presently live upon the land of the Sovereign Republic State of Florida. I am not a Resident or Citizen of the UNITED STATES Government (Corporation), whose situs is Washington, the  District  of  Columbia.  My  relationship  to  that  Federal  entity  as  far  as  jurisdiction  is  that  of  a  non-resident  alien  to  the  Corporate  United  States  Government. I  am  a  free  and  natural  human  man,  described  by  the  Lord  God  as  a  Living  Soul,  living  under  the  common  law  and  the  fear  of  God.  I  have  assumed among the Powers of the Earth, granted by the Lord God Almighty, the  Separate  and  Equal  Station  to  which  the  Laws  of  Nature  and  Nature’s  God entitle me. Therefore, in order to secure the Blessing of Liberty to my posterity and myself, to re-acquire my Birthright as a member of the Sovereign Body  of  “We  the  People,”  I  hereby  Asseverate  and  Revoke  my  Citizenship,  if any ever existed, with the Legal fiction known as the UNITED STATES Government (Corporation).I further rescind any and all feudal contracts with that Federal government, its agencies and with the State of Florida and its agencies. I have rescinded the Social Security number, fraudulently issued me by the government at the tender age of 13, as I was legally incompetent to enter into a legal contract with the government. The government by misinformation led me to believe at that time that I was required to secure a Social Security Account number in  order  to  gain  employment,  which  is  simply  not  true.  The  government  agent who obligated me to the Social Security System knew or should have known that there existed serious liabilities to anyone who accepted a Social Security Number. That Agent had a fiduciary responsibility to inform me of the true nature of the Social Security Trust Account and the obligations and liabilities that the Trust involved. By the government’s silence on the matter, the government established, by fraud, a Constructive Trust Agreement with me  which  must  be  vitiated.  Since  receiving  that  Account,  I  have  through  my religious instruction come to the belief that the Social Security number may be what is referred to in the Holy Bible, Book of Revelation 13:16-18 and 14:9-10, as the mark of the beast or at the least its precursor. For me to participate in that program and continue to use that number may place my eternal soul in jeopardy. This I will not and cannot do. The  money  which  I  have  paid  into  that  Socialist  system  for  over  forty  years, including the monies paid by my employers’ demand, is hereby made for  full  reimbursement  to  me.  I  do  not  wish,  nor  am  I  permitted  by  God,  to  make  myself  a  ward  of  the  State,  as  would  be  the  case  if  I  accepted  the  Social Security benefits. I demand the same treatment that was given to the people of the Philippines who were participants in the Social Security Trust and choose Citizenship of the Philippines over that of the United States. As the  Social  Security  program  is  not  a  feudal  contract,  in  that  Congress  gave  no property rights to a Social Security Trust Account, I demand the contract be voided and all monies returned, as would be the case for any fraudulent contract  or  Constructive  Trust  Agreement.  The  United  States  Government  Corporation should not enrich its self from the Fruits of a Poisonous Tree.I emphatically deny that I have ever filed for bankruptcy protection. Nor have I ever given my Power of Attorney to anyone or to the State of Florida or any of the union states or the UNITED STATES (Corporation) government for the purpose of instituting a bankruptcy action in my name. Nor granting that my Labor and or my Property of whatever kind, or wherever situated, be  held  as  collateral  in  any  bankruptcy  proceeding  of  the  State  or  Federal  governments. Nor any scheme, using my labour and property as collateral, to support or fund a fiat money scheme of the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc. and/or the State of Florida and/or Federal UNITED STATES Government.Three generations of a proud and patriotic family will suffer the anxiety of their spirit as a result of my having chosen to recognise the malignant and treasonous misconduct of this government and speak out against it. Some of my reasons for repudiating that Citizenship status are defined in the following Articles and by the totality of this document, are made a part hereof. I  have  lived  a  productive  and  eventful  life,  now  in  anticipation  of  the  end and God’s mercy. Undoubtedly the singularly most horrific moment of that  life  was  the  conviction  to  repudiate  my  Citizenship  of  the  UNITED  STATES.  Those  words,  “REPUDIATE  MY  CITIZENSHIP,”  crushed  the  very  soul  within  me.  I  stand  now  beneath  that  flag  I  served  with  pride  for  nearly forty years. The memories of our brave young men, my comrades in arms, who  defended  the  Constitution,  who  never  had  a  life,  flood  before  me. They sacrificed all of their tomorrows so that I might have mine. Those memories  will  always  remain  with  me  and  be  remembered  with  humble  honour and gratitude.The awful knowledge and horror of betrayal by my own government of which I was once so proud, is an unbearable sorrow that I must now carry to my grave; but I shall do so a free man. Perhaps the American people are like the frog that is heated slowly to a boil in a pot of water. If we had detected the heat sooner, we could have jumped out, saving the Republic and ourselves.But, alas, our grandfathers were asleep at the helm and not as vigilant as they were instructed to be by Thomas Jefferson. Americans are now awakening to the cataclysmic reality of a Fascist, one-world government, having replaced our intended Constitutional Republican Government.ARTICLE IThe Declaration of Independence for the united States of America clearly outlined  the  necessary  course  each  citizen  must  take  when  his  government  became insufferable. Over the past sixty years, nearly all of our unalienable rights have been stripped from us through the sophistry and obfuscation of the Courts and blood lust of the Congress for spending debt-based money borne on the back of the American people. What they have done is egregious, but as the Declaration of Independence points out, “... all experience hath shown that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are suffer-able, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed.” By suffer-able, I believe they meant survivable.That  same  Declaration  also  declared:  “We  hold  these  Truths  to  be  self  evident,  that  all  Men  are  created  equal,  that  they  are  endowed  by  their  Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted  among  Men,  deriving  their  just  Powers  from  the  Consent  of  the  Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it...” Since  1933,  beginning  with  the  confiscation  of  our  Gold  and  Allodial  property, rather than “secure” our Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, our government has persistently and systematically reduced our standard of living. But this Evil seemed survivable, so we just suffered and let it pass, letting the water get a little hotter. 

Since  1933,  our  government  has  refused  to  “secure”  our  Right  to  Life,  Land  or  Liberty  by  persistently  increasing  our  burden  by  Regulations,  prohibitions,  legalised  abortion  and  unlawful  taxes.  They  have  bastardised  our Judicial System with Statutory Law, replacing the Common Law and the protections which it afforded us with the severe and brutal Equity/Admiralty jurisdictions, where the Constitution is of no protection. They have lied and withheld the truth about the jury’s power to judge the law as well as the facts, all but turning the jury system into a prosecutor’s tool and not our protection from over-zealous prosecutors that it was intended to be. They  have  increased  our  Prison  population  to  nearly  one  and  a  half  million inmates, the largest imprisonment of its own citizens of any country in  the  world.  They  now  prepare  plans  for  new  prison  construction  for  the  new  millennium,  projecting  twenty  years  in  advance  and  building  cells  for  our  as  yet  unborn  children,  as  though  all  or  most  of  our  offspring  will  be  criminals. This reality alone reduces the expression, “The home of the brave and  Land  of  the  Free”  to  mere  illusion  and  an  oxymoron.  But  these  evils  were/are also suffer-able, and we let the water get hotter.  ARTICLE IINow,  the  United  States  government  not  only  refuses  to  “secure”  our  Right to Life, it is openly seeking to diminish or even eliminate that Right in order that a foreign people we neither know nor see might survive. Thanks to the UN (New World Order), NAFTA, GATT, and every whore, coward and traitor elected or appointed to American public office that voted in favour of those dastardly Treaties, our very survival as a people is now at stake. Our government’s Evils are no longer sufferable. The La Paz portion of the NAFTA agreement provides for the forfeiture of  a  thirty-mile  wide  strip  of  American  soil  to  a  foreign  power  (the  UN)  across  the  entire  1,935  miles  of  border  between  Mexico  and  the  U.S.A.  Roughly  sixty  thousand  square  miles  of  American  soil  is  being  surrendered  without a single shot being fired. That’s more land than is contained in Rhode Island,  Delaware,  Connecticut,  New  Jersey,  New  Hampshire,  Vermont,  Massachusetts, and Hawaii combined, constituting the single greatest act of treachery in the history of this nation. Even more land is being surrendered as National Parks are converted to UN Biospheres. Thank the Lord that the legislature of Kentucky flat out refused to go along with the surrender of any of their land to a UN Biosphere.

There  is  no  provision  in  the  Constitution  for  Congress,  the  President,  or  the  Courts  to  surrender  any  portion  of  our  national  sovereignty  to  any  foreign government. I am positive that there’s no provision in any State constitution for those States  along  the  Mexican  border  to  surrender  any  portion  of  their  State  sovereignty  to  a  foreign  power.  Those  legislators  who  swore  to  uphold  the  national  Constitution  have  violated  their  oath  to  God  and  the  American  people’s trust. Our incumbent politicians are guilty of treason and should so be accused and tried.The justification for surrendering our sovereignty to the UN (New World Order) is found in their ecological argument. “The Earth is overpopulated and its  resources  are  inadequate  to  support  our  species.  The  human  population  must be reduced by at least half if our species are to survive.” If that argument is accurate, then there is not enough food or resources to sustain all currently living human life. In any other time throughout the history of human society, such shortages as described by the ecological pundits would precipitate violence and unimagined wars, as individuals, families and entire  nations  struggled  for  scarce  resources  in  their  survival  against  other  human competitors. Such has been true since time immemorial. Under such extreme circumstances, where a foreign power or population might threaten your  survival  and  mine,  we  would  inevitably  deduce  that  foreign  power  or  population was our mortal “enemy.” After all, for them to survive, we must die or at least condemn our children and ourselves to a diminished life span.According  to  Article  3,  Section  3,  Clause  1,  of  the  U.S.  Constitution,  “Treason  against  the  United  States  shall  consist  only  in  levying  war  against  them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” If  the  world  is  on  the  threshold  of  a  life-or-death  Malthusian  battle  over  scarce  resources,  what  more  “aid  and  comfort”  could  this  government  possibly provide to a foreign people or power than to voluntarily surrender our nuclear technology to China for political campaign contributions – the surrender of our land and sovereignty to the UN, as well as our very lives, so that some foreign competitors, our mortal enemies, might survive.Will  the  American  People  just  sit  back  like  the  frog  and  let  the  water  boil,  letting  this  government  sacrifice  their  children’s  lives  and  futures  to  benefit  some  foreign  slaves  or  aborigines?  I  don’t  think  so,  and  I  for  one,  in the capacity of a Citizen, want no part of this moronic agenda with that insane policy.

The  United  States  Constitution  is  a  Contract  between  the  Federal  government  and  the  States  of  the  Union.  Its  fundamental  and  guiding  principle is the idea that the State is always a potential source of corruptible power and ultimate tyranny. Originally  the  Federal  government’s  responsibilities  were  confined  to  a  few  enumerated  powers,  involving  mainly  national  security  and  public  safety.  In  the  realm  of  domestic  affairs,  the  Founders  sought  to  guarantee  that federal interference in the daily lives of citizens would be strictly limited. They also wanted to make sure government would have a minimal role in the domestic economy and that it would be financed and delivered at the state and local levels, not by an evil and pestilential Central Banking System, as is the Federal Reserve Bank, Inc.  In  Article  I,  Section  8,  of  the  Constitution,  the  enumerated  powers  of  the federal government to spend money are defined. These powers include the right to “establish Post Offices and post roads; raise  and  support  Armies;  provide  and  maintain  a  Navy;  declare  War...”  and to conduct a few other activities related mostly to national defense. No matter how long one may search, it is impossible to find in the Constitution any language that authorizes at least ninety percent of the civilian programs that Congress crams into the federal budget everyday. The federal government has no authority to pay money to farmers, run the  health  care  industry;  impose  wage  and  price  controls,  give  welfare  to  the poor and unemployed. They have no authority to provide job training, subsidise  electricity  and  telephone  service,  lend  money  to  businesses  and  foreign governments, or build parking garages, tennis courts, and swimming pools. But they do. The Founders did not create a Department of Commerce, a  Department  of  Education,  or  a  Department  of  Housing  and  Urban  Development. This was no oversight: they did not believe that government was  authorised  to  establish  such  agencies.  They  were  correct;  Congress  is  forbidden by the Constitution to establish any such agencies. The   Tenth   Amendment   to   the   Constitution   states   clearly   and   unambiguously:“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution ... are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”In other words, if the Constitution doesn’t specifically permit the federal government  to  do  something,  then  it  doesn’t  have  the  right  to  do  it.  May  God have mercy on your soul for bankrupting and enslaving our people.

The  Bill  of  Rights  clearly  defines  the  most  often  “government”  abused  individual liberties. It forbids the Federal Government to violate any of these unalienable  rights  of  the  people  and  reserves  all  other  rights  of  a  sovereign  not  delegated  to  the  United  States,  to  the  States:  the  States’  authority  and  sovereign rights would be determined by the people in their individual state Constitutions.  All  sovereign  rights  not  delegated  to  the  Federal  or  State  Governments by the people remains with the people. On April 19th, 1993, at Waco, Texas, the United States (Corporation) showed  its  utter  contempt  for  the  unalienable  Rights  of  its  Citizens  and  the  Sovereigns  of  its  creation.  Eighty-six  men,  women  and  children  were  murdered by Agents of the FBI and BATF, with the sanction of the Executive Branch of that government. An internal investigation by the Department of Justice  (the  fox  asked  to  investigate  the  fox  in  the  hen  house),  determined  that the agents of the government perpetrated no criminal acts. The majority of  this  nation’s  population  knows  it  was  murder  and  will  never  forgive  nor  forget this manifestly evil work. I can no longer abide in this government’s unlawful conduct and moral bankruptcy, because as a citizen, by proxy, I am guilty also. This is one of the many reasons, I must sever my relationship with the UNITED STATES (Corporation) government, to ease the heavy burden on my soul these foul deeds have laden it with. The water has gotten too hot for me.ARTICLE VI  am  not  anti-government,  anti-military,  or  anti-American.  For  twelve  years I served in the United States Marine Corps in both active and inactive duty all over the world. I served an additional nine years as a Police Officer, always  defending  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States  of  America,  always  in  harm’s  way.  Veterans  like  me  joined  the  military  because  of  our  love  of  Country and our constitutional obligation. At all times I have defended our Constitution  against  enemies,  foreign  and  domestic.  When  I  volunteered,  I  never  imagined  there  were  any  real  “domestic  enemies.”  Today  I  know otherwise.  The  following  is  a  partial  example  of  the  activities  of  those  “domestic enemies.”In 1997, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette exposed the “Tuskeegee Experiment.” It  was  conducted  for  forty  years,  from  1932  to  1972.  According  to  the  Associated Press, “The government withheld treatment from 399 black men with syphilis so they could study how it spreads and kills.”That’s  not  an  “experiment;”  that’s  genocide.  Whether  it  happens  to  one  Black  man  or  ten  Eskimos  or  three  Hispanics,  it  is  wrong  and  violates  everything  this  country  stands  for.  President  Clinton  publicly  apologised  on behalf of this government to the aging male survivors. But it wasn’t just the 399 men who were damaged. Their spouses also got the disease, causing their children to be born deformed. All told, 6,000 Americans were sickened, deformed  or  killed  as  a  result  of  The  UNITED  STATES  Government’s  “Tuskeegee experiment” to study how syphilis kills. President Clinton didn’t bother to acknowledge their suffering. In 1977 during the Senatorial Select Committee on Intelligence hearings (reported in “Project MK-Ultra; the CIA’s Program of Research in Behaviour Modification”), the CIA revealed that over forty universities and institutions were  involved  in  extensive  testing  and  experimentation  using  covert  drugs  on unwitting citizens at all social levels. In 1977, the University of Maryland newspaper  reported  that  during  the  1950s  and  1960s,  forty-four  colleges,  fifteen  research  foundations,  twelve  hospitals,  and  three  prisons  knowingly  participated  in  MK  Ultra  experiments,  but  people  that  were  experimented  upon were never informed or asked to consent to be “guinea pigs.”Project MK Ultra was one of the biggest military experiments (there were one hundred forty-nine sub-projects) and lasted for years. It included human drug  and  biological  testing  by  the  Department  of  Defense  (DOD)  under  the direction of the CIA over entire American communities. The Bureau of Narcotics and even the IRS participated in MK Ultra. When you see these government documents, they are more frightening than the rumours because our government actually admits to participating in these experiments.In 1950 (and up to the present day), the UNITED STATES government released bacteria – “serratia marcesens” – that cause pneumonia and urinary tract infections into the San Francisco Bay. The bacteria were “aerosolized” by the surf and blown inland to study how effective an offensive biological weapon would be against the people of San Francisco. According to the report, it blew fifty miles inland. People died as a result of that experiment. Incidentally, the amount of “serratia marcesens” still remaining in San Francisco is three times the national average. It follows that we can legitimately ask how much of the syphilis that we have in the South today is a direct result of conducting the Tuskeegee experiment for forty years when they could have stopped it? How much of today’s other diseases are a result of government “experiments”? Is it possible, as some have published, that AIDS is a product of one of these government experiments?At the U.S. Army Biological Weapons Research facility at Fort Dietrich, Maryland,  “weaponized”  mosquitoes  were  developed.  They  actually  grew  viruses  inside  mosquitoes,  placed  the  mosquitoes  in  balloons,  released  the  balloons from aircraft over American communities and infected people. They had  to  infect  people  to  tell  how  far  the  disease  went  and  how  far  it  would  spread. How many of today’s diseases are direct results of those experiments? Tuskeegee was not a one-time anecdote; it’s just the tip of an iceberg that indicates they’re still doing experiments on the American people.Another experiment was done in 1966 at Kessler Air Force Base. In 1966, 12,000  recruits  at  Kessler  received  the  “micro  plasma  vaccine.”  Obviously  another experiment.“MK Ultra” considered various means of controlling human behaviour; it was literally a mind control project.“MK  Action”  was  funded  with  CIA  money  through  the  Geschicter  Foundation  at  Georgetown  University.  In  the  1977  congressional  hearing,  Dr.  Geschicter  testified  that  during  the  Vietnamese  War,  the  CIA  didn’t  know  if  various  Vietnamese  nationals  were  double  agents.  Therefore,  the  CIA  included  a  material  in  the  anti-cholera  vaccine  given  to  pro-American  Vietnamese, which made them glow when they were exposed to an ultraviolet light  and  helped  identify  those  who  rejoined  the  Viet  Cong.  This  may  be  a  clever  wartime  strategy,  but  it  illustrates  that  as  early  as  the  1960s,  our  government  used  vaccinations  for  purposes  other  than  the  prevention  of  disease.The  1977  Senate  Hearing  report  (Biological  Testing  Involving  Human  Subjects by the Department of Defense) actually says that unwitting American people were involved in open air testing. For example, it says, “The Army was using  live  organisms  which  we  know  can  infect  human  beings.”  The  Food  and Drug Administration allowed it; entire cities were involved in the testing of these biological agents.Our government even placed biological warfare agents in the New York City subway to see how many people would be infected. They did the same thing in Pennsylvania’s Kittatinny and Tuscarora turnpike tunnels. You would drive through and receive aerosol bacteriological agents.“MK Naomi” – a biological project from the 1950s through 1969 which exposed six entire towns (including Ft. McClellan, Alabama; San Francisco, California;  Ft.  Wayne,  Indiana;  Minneapolis,  Minnesota;  and  St.  Louis,  Missouri)  to  biological  warfare  agents  dropped  out  of  aircraft  to  see  how  many people would become ill. They say MK Naomi ended in 1969. Why should I believe them? 

On  page  160  of  the  1977  “Human  Drug  Testing  by  the  CIA”  Senate  report  (S.  1893),  they  discussed  “EA3167”  –  a  compound  they  could  rub  up against you and it would absorb into your skin and kill you. They tested it in Pennsylvania and Kentucky prisons. It was applied to the skin through some type of adhesive tape. They also did this on military and civilian people without  telling  them  what  they  were  exposed  to  or  getting  their  informed  consent. As if anyone would volunteer!The primary excuse for nearly going to war again with Iraq in February, 1998, was the suspicion that Iraq had been conducting biological experiments on its own prisoners. If those experiments are evil for Iraq, how then can they be legal, moral or ethical, in the United States of America? Have you clones of hydrocarbon base gone completely insane?In  1997  Congressional  hearings,  the  Army  admitted  conducting  these  experiments but argued, “We just didn’t tell you about it because nobody was hurt and there was no problem.” No problem?  I have a serious problem with this outrageous conduct. Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520, permits the government to experiment on us with biological and chemical agents. Thanks to a treacherous Congress, it is now legal for the DOD or their contractors to experiment with biological and chemical agents on the American people.  The  only  proviso  Congress  imposes  on  them  is  that  at  least  two  unspecified local officials be notified within the subject community, and they could  be  the  garbage  collector  or  the  water  meter  reader.  Once  that  major  communication event occurs, the test can begin within 30 days. But we are not told; our children aren’t told. No problem?“And  after  these  things  I  saw  another  angel  come  down  from  heaven,  having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, ‘Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is  become  the  habitation  of  devils,  and  the  hold  of  every  foul  spirit,  and  a  cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the  abundance  of  her  delicacies.’  And  I  heard  another  voice  from  heaven,  saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.’” – Revelation 18: 1-5As  one  of  God’s  people,  I  must  now  also  leave  Babylon  the  Great  and  not partake of her sins any longer lest I receive her plagues, for her sins have reached unto Heaven, and God will remember her iniquities. May God have mercy on the United States and the world

Conclusion On every front, with blinding speed and inexhaustible power, the evil forces of darkness of the New World Order are closing a Ring of Fire on freedom. In every domain and field of human endeavour, the choking, suffocating idolatry permeates all fields of human thought, corrupting our language, destroying truth  and  justice,  demolishing  integrity  and  virtue,  enacting  totalitarian  legislation  and  controlling  education  and  communications.  Above  all,  the  vilest evil is the destruction of our unborn children – a thing so horribly vile that  even  maggots  in  filth  do  not  do.  Then  the  attack  on  our  faith  and  its  foundations of Biblical thought and experience, demonising God’s followers as religious right-wing zealots to be held in ill repute, ever rapidly expanding its  deviancy  of  evil,  closing  the  parameters  on  the  just,  as  the  UNITED  STATES collapses inextricably into Babylon.What malevolent force of darkness captains the ship of State for Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean? God save me, but the UNITED STATES government is no longer suffer-able. I can tolerate its pernicious and predatory conduct no longer as a citizen of the UNITED STATES (Corporate) fiction.  I hereby repudiate, rescind, renounce and disavow any CITIZENSHIP status  with  the  UNITED  STATES  GOVERNMENT  that  I  may  have  inadvertently  acquired,  by  any  scheme,  for  the  reasons  detailed  in  the  foregoing Articles. My birthright now being re-secured as a member of the Sovereign Body of freemen and women known as Americans, I hereby pledge my allegiance. America demands no less from me in that freedom has never been free. My love for the united States of America has never been stronger.So help me GOD; Lord Jesus come quickly.Dated  this  2nd  day  of  September  in  the  Year  of  Our  Lord  Nineteen  Hundred Ninety-eight.Melvin, Stamper, J.D., sui juris 


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