
9 Sept 2018

Do Demons Walk Among US? Is It Possession or Can The Government Control ...

Why have sightings and reports of 'demons' been increasing over 900% since 2011? If you haven’t noticed already, our world is falling apart. It’s not hard to see. Just turn on your television and you will probably see another mass shooting or parents killing their children, or some other insane act of violence. People aren’t born this way. There is something else out there that is influencing people to make these horrible decisions. People seem to be losing their minds. There are people killing each other over nothing. There are mass shootings happening every other day. And age doesn’t even seem to play a part in these situations anymore, because there are now literally small children going around and killing each other. And for apparently no reason. But what is really disturbing, is that most of these new killings all have something in common. Most of them have reported to having heard “voices in their head” before they go on a serious rampage. Voices? What kinds of voices? Demonic voices. Dark voices. Voices that they can’t seem to get rid of no matter how hard they try. Voices that are telling them to kill, or to sacrifice for Satan or some other demonic entity. So why that, in the most heinous and most senseless acts of violence, that the perpetrator always seems to admit to having heard voices inside their head or claim to being possessed before they kill, even going as far as to not even remembering the act that they just committed? And why are these acts increasing all across the board, all over the world, with no apparent end in sight, and seems to be only getting worse. I believe that CERN has been responsible for creating portals or pathways for these demons to cross over into our world. And it’s all connected. It’s all connected, from why they are constantly chemtrailing us, why they are putting 5G frequencies all around us, and why they are constantly hitting us with demonic and satanic propaganda, from our children’s schools up to even the Superbowl commercials that we all watch and enjoy. It is everywhere. All you have to do is acknowledge it and you will start to see it. I challenge you, when you are walking around, try to look into some of these people’s eyes. This will tell you everything you need to know about a person. That some people just seem to be empty vessels, devoid of spirit, walking around aimlessly, waiting to be taken advantage of from some kind of other dark force. And if you look deeper into why they are spraying us with chemicals, why they are putting poison into our food, water, and air, is that they are not just simply trying to kill us. They are trying to make us weak. They are trying to tear down our spiritual aura, to sever our spiritual connection to God, and to make us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually weak, so that these entities can easily take us over without a fight. They are preparing the way, and have already prepared the way, for a mass takeover from these entities. It kinda reminds me of Agent Smith in the third Matrix movie where Smith starts taking over everybody. Or like in the movie Fallen, where Denzel Washington is seeing these entities go from person to person to person without any hindrance. And this is all happening before our very eyes. And the chemtrails, and the 5G, and the poison; it is all there to make us weak and to make our spirit falter so that these entities can eventually take us over. I also believe that they are creating an environment where these kinds of entities can survive indefinitely inside our own world. And it is through these frequencies, like 5G, where they are able to survive and thrive. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Guardian 3/30/2018 The Vatican is to hold a training course for priests in exorcism next month amid claims that demands for deliverance from demonic possession have greatly increased across the the world. According to a priest from Sicily, the number of people in Italy claiming to be possessed had tripled to 500,000 a year, and an Irish priest has said demand for exorcisms has “risen exponentially”. “It’s only in recent years that the demand has risen exponentially,” he told the Irish Catholic. Priests in the US have also reported a growing demand for exorcisms in recent years. Read the article here:

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