
24 Sept 2018

EMF Shielding Fabrics, anti 5g fuckery

EMF Shielding Fabrics, 

i highly recommend you get yourself a one piece or a set of underclothing t shirts and shorts made from this stuff for yourself and fams alternatively to minimise WiFi pollution in your home connect all computers through the Ethernet ports (you will get a greater connection speed anyway), take a metal waste paper basket and place it over your router, replace cordless phones with older cable connected phones and don't keep your mobile near you if possible, and turn on air plane mode when at home ideally ditch the smart phone for an older phone, smart phones can manipulate you mentally through frequency manipulation techniques, also consider making a makeshift Faraday cage in a room that you spend the most time in, it can be done quite easily by coating the walls and ceiling and floor with foil then you can paper over them and you have made yourself a covert rf shielded room,

The following are the shielding fabrics and materials that I  recommend for your home.

Ripstop Silver Fabric

1.) The Ripstop Silver Fabric works really well for shielding Wi-Fi routers and other microwave transmitters. I like to use fabrics like this to put over Wi-Fi transmitters if they are within the modem and cannot be disabled. At nearly 60 dB, this fabric will block approximately 99.9% of the microwave radiation. It also reduces electric fields (not magnetic fields though). For WiFi routers, you can also use the Router Guard.

2.) The Ex-Static Fabric is excellent at reducing electric fields. Electric fields will diminish the quality of your sleep. You can reduce these fields by turning off the circuit breakers in your home at night. However, some people need additional shielding beyond turning off the breakers. Purchase enough of this fabric so it hangs down the front and back of your bed (under your mattress). Then ground it to the ground outside.
Naturell Fabric

3.) For excellent reduction of microwave radiation, the Swiss Shield Naturell Fabric is ideal. You can make your own bed canopy, tent, curtains or wall shield with this fabric. This fabric is made in Switzerland and shields to 40 dB (approximately 99.99% reduction in RF). The Naturell fabric is primarily made of organic cotton that is interwoven with silver coated copper wires. A less expensive, more breathable version with less shielding capability is the Swiss Shield Daylite Fabric. A new fabric with the best RF shielding has recently been developed. Use a 10% discount code of EMFA-10 to get the Swiss Shield Ultima fabric. You can also get a 10% discount on the Naturell Fabric using the code.

4.) Magnetic fields are typically caused by wiring errors in a home. Most homes have 2-3 wiring errors (see this video). Magnetic fields are very important to fix as they are likely the most harmful to your health. If you find that you have high magnetic fields (over 0.5 milliGauss) in your sleeping area from your home wiring, you can have an electrician check your wiring for errors and/or you can use this GIRON Shielding material. You can find this material more cheaply by going to a metal supply shop and asking for Grain oriented electrical steel (GOES). GIRON is strips of GOES in opposite directions. Note: if the magnetic fields are coming from outside your home (from high-tension power lines for example), it can be quite cost prohibitive to shield and you may only be able to reduce the fields by 50% unless you completely surround the area with multiple layer of shielding material. However, this will reduce the earth’s DC field and Schumann Resonance, so you will need to artificially recreate these.

GIRON Magnetic Field Shielding

5.) Copper wire mesh can be useful for electrical field reduction and RF shielding. An electrician should use twisted electrical wiring inside a solid steel conduit when a home owner is sensitive to electrical fields. Additionally, or as an alternative, you can wrap the electrical wiring in this copper wire mesh. Be sure to make a full enclosure around the electrical wiring and then ground it. This material also makes the best Faraday Cage.

Copper Wire Mesh

6.) If you are building a new structure and know that there are nearby microwave sources (such as a neighbor’s WiFi or local cell towers), you may want to consider putting an aluminum mesh in the walls during construction (this is a less expensive option than the copper mesh above). This will reduce the RF by 40 dB (10,000 times reduction) if installed in a way where there are no leaks. For the aluminum mesh product, you get a 10% discount if you use the code EMFA-10 at checkout. If grounded, this product will also reduce AC electric fields in your new home. For further RF reduction, you can use the mesh in conjunction with aluminum foil. Note that the foils is a vapor barrier as well which you may or may not require. It needs to be placed in the correct position for their region. In the north you place it on the inside of the insulation, and cover it with drywall. Down south it would be the opposite. Verify with a local builder.

7.) AL60 Wall Shield is a very effective material for reducing RF and electric fields. It is also very cost effective for its shielding capability (60 dB at 2.0 GHz). For a project where you want to shield the inside wall of a wireless smart meter (where there is no opt-out), this is a material to use. At this price, you can even double up the material for better shielding. Shield an area that is approximately 8′ by 8′ on the inside wall and put a Smart Meter Cover over the wireless smart meter. You can also put 1 mm thick aluminum foil on the entire inside wall from the smart meter and an even thicker 4′ x 4′ aluminium sheet (see your local hardware store) directly behind the pulsing meter.

8.) Windows are often where the most RF gets into a room or building. Some of the better window screening solutions are RadioClear and Signal Protect (you get a 10% discount with the code EMFA-10 at checkout). Both are very transparent and have high shielding ability. The easiest window solution to implement is ScotchTint because it has adhesive and comes in a wider roll. It provides less RF shielding than the other two options though. Gila Privacy Mirrored Window Film as provides RF reduction, as seen in this video. If you have a high RF environment because of antennas outside of your home/building, you may want to also hang some sheets of the Swiss Shield Naturell Fabric I list above. Make sure you measure before and after to see if the shielding is producing the desired effect. You can learn more about the meters necessary to do this here.

9.) Y-Shield Paint is a popular option for RF reduction. However, I rarely recommend it. This is partly because I know of multiple people who have used it and their ES symptoms got much worse. They had to pay a company to professionally remove the paint (using a water-blasting technique such as what this company provides). The reason for this likely had to do with the house not being properly grounded or poor quality wiring. The electric fields and EMI were then reflected back into the area where the paint was used. Once the Y-Shield paint was removed, the clients felt better the next day. If you have an older home with a poor electrical wiring system, I would advise against this paint and use fabrics or a bed canopy.


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