
16 Sept 2018

evidence of a second sun and the dimming of our main sun and two extra planetary bodies in the solar system,

evidence of a second sun and the dimming of our main local sun and two extra planetary bodies in the solar system, 

By Darren Law ©2018,

original footage bellow

for LXC and in memorial of the those who have fallen along the long path of life.

Apparently there is no terminology for when we have shadows on the sun as its never supposed to happen let alone twice, so i hereby name the phenomenon the "super solar cross" and in this case its a "super solar double cross.". and seeing as i'm already in the naming mood I'll call the objects LXC-Niribu and DWL-Tia-mat and i claim them in my name seeing as they are not being confirmed or named by NASA as they claim they don't exist, so i think that means I'm the rightful ruler of two planets by default awesome!, (lolz)

the shadow line is the result of the two eclipses of stellar object's one of which was passing's behind the sun and exiting to our l-45' to the plane of the solar system (top left to down right) and another coming from behind the sun top right passing to down left between the earth (observer) and the sun creating the silhouette outline by obscuring the sun with its mass creating a solid concave edge,and a second type of terminator line in shadow look at the image's bellow what we are seeing is a shadow of a object on the sun and to cast a shadow on the sun that would require firstly that our sun has dimmed sufficiently so than the output of the second light source was greater than the suns as they appear smaller in size and that separate light source had another object between it and the sun to cast the shadow on it for us to observe, as for something to cast a shadow it has to interfere with the rays of light given off by another object/light source. It can do this by absorbing the light, reflecting the light or refracting the light.

light comes from behind centre up left shadow bottom right

shadow caused by second sun illuminating stellar object casting shadow on sun behind bottom left

shadow on sun

the sun or fire or flame itself emits light. Everything which emits light doesn't cast a shadow unless any other brighter light emitting source is interfering with the light/photons cast by it

See here , flame is not casting a shadow.

But in this pic,flame is casting a shadow because there is another light source in the room helping to form the shadow of the candle flame.

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