
15 Sept 2018

UK Equivalent Of FEMA In The US - Earthquake Scenario - Exercise Orion

listen to what it says concerning Niribu (7:30) its what they have been planning and preparing for, and it happening now all over the world recently two large stellar objects passed by the sun in a double eclipse and NASA/american government thinks they have got rid of the evidence from the solar dynamics observatory (SDO) and (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) stereo A and B space telescopes, but they haven't, and they did a real poor job of hiding the evidence and even though they removed that days online footage people had already shared it lol, and since then they have removed the online data and for the following days solar footage they have put a big black box censoring the eclipse from the image but what they failed to do was hide all the edges, so even though they have covered the stellar masses they forgot to hide the shadow line from the eclipsing bodies, and in two of the images you can see clearly where the shadow has blocked the sun out and leaves clear evidence of it happening, i will post the footage but you have to slow it down and pause on the image when you see the black box on the image, and look at a frame at a time but its there ;) #peace

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