
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

About Those Draco Reptilians - the Sci-Fi Realms of, "What If?" Not suit...

Dan Flynn

I've always loved what ''Mavericks" are known for. Go figure. mav·er·ick /ˈmav(ə)rik/noun an unorthodox or independent-minded person. "a maverick among Connecticut Republicans" synonyms: individualist, nonconformist, free spirit, unorthodox person, original, eccentric; More adjective unorthodox. "a maverick detective." Grabbing everything from history to make up the theory for this video. Re-edited for emphasis of this level of conjecture and speculation into the realms of "What If?" Unless you've done any research, you will not understand my comment of four hands.. but perhaps you will regarding the rest of the ''story" (based on conjecture and speculation). Open minds lead to open understandings. How does one try to jar awake the needs for equality between all peoples and living things? Such content is used under the terms of fair use. What if both world wars occurred for very different reasons than humans are being told? Everyone discusses the falsehoods of everything. I thought I'd step outside of the box, again, and present something that goes against the grain in hopes to raise awareness of that which needs to be fully aware. Which is? Watch the video, and leave a comment below. If you believe in a God, then this video will only verify there is one, and that is, of course, if I'm close to the truth, which I doubt that I am because I present all this on the bases of conjecture and speculation. I present such in the context that I have to compel the viewer to contemplate the rational of exactly what would want a large mass / portion of a people (race / species), to crave for the extinction of another ''living thing,'' be it a tree, bear, wolf, etc,? Perhaps if? Watch the video. I leave it up to the viewer to do further research for themselves. I slam nor insult any race, person, or other, in this video, rather, point out something that perhaps, some of my students have not thought of, yet. Have you studied your history and more than two bibles, or done any research into the likes of? Why is it that history is said to repeat itself if it is forgotten? I present, for this level of conjecture and speculation class, something that I hope does more than the movie "the planet of the apes'' did (raise awareness to the values of life, in all its forms and shapes). Made for content, debate and the intrigue towards further research on all the matters presented herein. How else to make them curious of their very own history, "OUR," very own history? I hope I presented my own rational articulately enough in this video to portray that no offense, or insult, is intended toward ''any" (If there is any taken, it is for the want / need of that which judges such to be derogatory).

Thanks for watching.

Dan Flynn

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