
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

ANUNNAKI - Gods, Kings or Aliens? Part Two

Annunaki descended from on the superior being that reigned over all the Sumerian gods according to Sumerian mythology on was referred to as the God of heaven the sky god the king of gods and lord of constellations on dwelt in the highest regions of heaven and had the power to judge those who had committed crimes he was depicted as a jackal in art and the stars were created as soldiers to destroy the wicked on was the oldest God in the Sumerian pantheon and he was called Anu by the rulers of Mesopotamia and the Akkadians [Music] NK was a deity in Sumerian mythology that was later referred to by the Babylonian mythology as a Anki was the deity of water creation intelligence and the Lord of the app so the name a was written using two signs which signified house and water n key was the sole keeper of the holy powers known as me and was considered a god of life and replenishment in art he was often designated by the streams of water that would flow down from his shoulders most shrines and temples were built in his honor at places such as Babylon Nineveh guru and neap or [Music] Enlil was the chief deity in the Babylonian religion and served as the god of wind or the sky between the heaven and earth Enlil was banished from dilma home of the gods when he was a young God he was sent to the underworld curb after assaulting a young girl and was allowed to return to Dillman after fathering three more underworld deities Enlil is mostly associated with the ancient city of Newport and had a chief temple known as whore which signifies house of the mountain the titles and attributes of Enlil were transferred to Marduk following the political rise of Babylon as a great Empire this forced Nippur to yield his prerogatives to the city that was presided by Marda the Babylonian God [Music] [Music] [Music] according to the interpretation of Sumerian cosmology by Sitchin Nibiru is a hypothetical planet that follows a long and elliptical orbit that reaches the inner solar system after every 3,600 years it catastrophically collided with another hypothetical planet called T amant between Mars and Jupiter the collision is said to have led to the formation of planet Earth the comets and the asteroid belt although T Ahmad was outlined as a goddess in the Anumailish Sitchin gave a different opinion that Tia ma may be what we all refer to as Earth this is explained further that Tiamat split in two after being struck by one of the moons of the planet Nibiru this scenario has been disputed scientifically despite the little evidence provided and mythological aspects of the theory such in supporters hold on to the fact that the split explains the peculiar early geography of Earth because of cleaving from the celestial collision such as a giant ocean on one side and solid contents on the other side it also explains the reason why the earth is layered in sediments such in further describes that Nibiru used to be a home of Anunnaki which was a human-like extraterrestrial race with technological advancements called Nephilim in the Bible there are people who believe that the things that have been written on ancient clay tablets of Mesopotamia are actual descriptions of otherworldly beings that descended upon the earth thousands of years ago others believe that the ancient Anunnaki are part of a creation myth embraced by ancient cultures like the Babylonian Sumerian Assyrian and Akkadian the a giegi are said to be the ancient astronaut gods of the younger generations even before the alleged creation of mankind by the ancient Anunnaki they were the servants to the mighty Anunnaki whose mission on earth was to mine goal such in supporters claim that he is one of the few individuals who have read the Sumerian language and that he must be interpreting the data accurately since he understands their way of communication however the assertion that Sitchin may be one of the few scholars of Sumerian is not true and is just a specious argument [Music] there are different views annotating the Annunaki creation myth some claim it is a great evidence that supports creationism while others provide negative views of this myth people who are against the anunnaki regime view them like Ammon Evelyn trace that wanted to enslave mankind most scenarios of their ancient past have been linked to different stories in the Bible without any supportive evidence of the connection Sitchin maintains his perspective that Anunnaki engineered the Homo sapiens genetically by combining the extraterrestrial genes with that of humans, the human race was meant to be slave creatures that would be forced to work on the gold mines be we revolted yeah go peeps! this might explain why human beings evolved from primitive to thinking man and why we are missing the huge link in our current timelines and modern academic understandings of our ancient history ;) #peace

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