
12 Oct 2018

UFO group scammer fuckery A.K.A Inter-dimensional Being? Not Seen by Eyes - Greer Expedition - Durango, C...

UFO scamology spotting 101

the only bits by me have my face next to them and a * in the following statements

Many times Dr Greer sensed the presence of "higher beings", and asked us to take photos around the circle, without flash. Notice how this phenomena is self-illuminated, and the light seems to spill onto the ground. The end of the Puja table was lit up, as well as a "being". Upon lightening up the photo, this "being" seems to be a projection onto one of the attendees kneeling by the Puja table. Note that most cameras can see a little past the visible spectrum slightly into the infrared & ultraviolet ranges. I was sitting across from Paola Harris & Dr Greer. Here is another anomaly later the same week:

* days ago (edited)
Hmmm there's no flashes really??, then why is there a torch at ground level pointing at the white table cloth, white reflects the light, its obviously a person semi illuminated by the reflected light, and no i'm not saying these things don't exist or cannot happen, i'm simply saying this is a case of mis-identification :) #peace i also checked the other video it looks like a long exposure of a moth #justsayinithinkyourbeingmisled*

Rob Freeman - Atmospheric Anomalies12 hours ago (edited)
Let me try to explain better ... this isn't the only incident we had over that week. In general, Dr Greer did not allow participants to enable the flash on their cameras. And in this particular situation, it was dark, with no flashlights. But remember, cameras can see a little into the UV & IR spectrum, which is what this has to be. He would sense beings, then ask us to take photos, making sure the flash was off. Then after, we saw stuff like this show up ... we honestly didn't see it with our eyes. Yes, it does look like there is a light source as you've suggested, but it certainly wasn't visible to our eyes ... had to be UV or IR. In the other video you are referring to, I saw a slow moving object way off in the distance going up at an angle, and in a spiral movement, way too slow to be a moth. It lasted maybe 30 - 40 seconds. Cam, the fellow who did the 20 second time exposure caught it on camera .. if it was a moth, it would have to be lit up by something and of course, it would have only been maybe 5 or 6 seconds to move across ... you'll notice that on the screen of the camera, it shows 20 seconds, far too slow for a moth. Here is the vid in question:

* second ago
Hi Rob thanks for the reply, but i have to ask firstly why are you deferring to Mr Greer like he is the font of all knowledge and wisdom, like his knowledge and words shouldn't be questioned and that his truth is far beyond reproach?, over the years i personally have seen many UFO's, some up close and one that I've touched to check what i was seeing with my eyes was real (it was), and others at great distance's, and I've even seen a few beings of non terrestrial nature in normal light, and yet nothing that Mr Greer has released to date has been anything that i have not already seen or that was not already in the public sphere of knowledge, secondly why should it be that he would be in the position to allow or deny anything, why did he get to set the parameters of the experience, could it be so that he could manipulate the situational evidence to suit his need's? IE for Profit, surely truly unequivocal evidence can speak metaphorically for itself and requires no interpretation by the "feelings" of others, and it cost's nothing as disclosure of the truth is free, and thirdly why did you feel obliged to obey him?, you cannot remain impartially objective to the "evidence" if you shut off your own senses and rely solely on the field of evidence provided by others, especially if one hopes to be accurate as people do make mistakes and some peoples truths can also be interpreted differently, when viewed by another perspective, if it were me personally i would be checking around with a small covert nvg headset or flir (without saying of course) that there was no one or thing around before each capture and i would take steps to document times of each capture session with a analogue clock in the foreground of the shot, making sure to have the whole scene in the background, so you can match up times of shots to everything that's going on, thereby eliminating a false positive result, perhaps just by losing track of time mistakes we made, or it could be that having been in the dark for some time staring at little bright screens and torches, that your pupils had become dilated or fixed as not to allow enough light into the eye to see what was really going on in front of your face, but the image above is clearly a guy sat at his laptop and he's knelt down on the floor and that is without a doubt a torch next to him, as you can see the non illuminated side of the table IE the opposite side has shadows on it, and you cannot have shadows without a light source, its even lighting up the corner of the brown box as shown in the image at the start of the video (bottom right) that is half covered by the white cloth while the other edge remains in shadow, also there are many insects and moths that do have UV fluorescence that cannot be seen in normal lighting conditions and only in the dark that also cannot be detected by the human eye, Research Article UV-Excited Fluorescence on Riparian Insects except Hymenoptera Is Associated with Nitrogen Content or even Lightning bugs and other bio luminescent animals produce their glow from a chemical reaction. Under ultraviolet light (320-400 nm), molecules in their exoskeleton absorb and re-emit UV as visible light, and you use IR and UV cameras and some produce a IR or a UV beam to help objects react to the camera lens, it is my opinion as gathered from the many years of watching and sharing your videos that many of them are too heavily reliant upon the words of others being truthful or without error, and operate on the supposition that they are as honest as you may be and that there is no foul play involved, and to blindly believe someone by deferring to the assumed higher knowledge of others, without checking the facts or evidence for yourself is bordering a cult mentality, and is most defiantly done on purpose to mislead the field of investigations into the serious phenomenon of other worldly beings and to make a profit, and as such i will only be sharing one as a how not to guide and further videos that you personally provide and only if they are your own direct observations, as they are your best work, and while you state that the other video had all the wondrous spiralling motion, (which i have observed moths doing). we only have a picture to go on, had they played the video clip in its entirety we would have been able better to determine the truth of it, as it is we have no real option but to remain cynical to these videos until real insurmountable evidence is provided, but i would defo ditch Mr Greer as he is detrimental to your entire study :) #peace*

Rob Freeman - Atmospheric Anomalies16 hours ago (edited)
Thanks so much for taking all the time to carefully write all of this & it has been taken to heart. There is no doubt that Greer is controversial .. I've been on 2 expeditions with him, but likely will not go on anymore. He definitely has his own (strong) point of view & we've found it much more enjoyable to put groups together from all over the world & have wonderful exchanges of info that way, with various & perhaps even more knowledgeable observers. (Sixto Paz Wells, for example) We've now been to 11 countries & with various CE-5 groups in each country & have experienced another part of the phenomenon that I want to mention here. As you point out above, it looks like an invisible illuminator is there & has lit up the 2 things. The one looks like a being, but is really the front of that person kneeling. How coincidental. So many times we've seen the phenomenon use whatever is present to make other things happen, or appear. For example, at this same expedition, no camera flashes were allowed, but on several occasions, we saw flashes in the trees as if someone was hiding in the tree with a camera, but of course that was impossible, because the trees were not large & one could see though them, anyone sitting inside would have broken all the limbs. On another occasion, during a daytime CE-5 (not a Greer event), I looked over & one of the girls in our group was playing with small wooden blocks while chatting with a friend, both sitting on the grass on a blanket. She had a red block in here hand. Everyone then shouted "look up in the sky", and it looked like a large red cube at about 500' up ... of course, by the time we all raised our cameras & turned them on to get a video, the object just vanished. There seemed to be a connection here with what was going on with the group. But what I'm trying to say, is this phenomenon seems to have fun with us & plays with us, using whatever is happening .. I'm proposing that this "being" looking projection could be one of those things. It just seems too coincidental that the illuminator (if there actually was one there) could spontaneously be setup to make this image. While it's possible, I'm wondering if it's probable. People were just interacting in a normal way while this was going on. Greer had no one there except his wife with him who could possibly stage something .. everyone else, were people who had all paid their money to be there. In our travels, we've had other photos that don't make 100% sense either - one where the shadow of a moth flying through the air is directly below it, when the flash lighting it up is coming at it horizontally from the camera & the shadow should appear behind the object. I have digested everything you've said, though & will do my best & our best to be "on guard", and of course insert a good healthy dose of scepticism. We definitely want to experience all of these things for ourselves before we believe anything that anyone tells us as "the truth". Thanks again for all your insights.


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