
4 Nov 2018

An Alien Agenda On Child Abuse - Who Speaks For the Children?

Dan Flynn
 The 8 to 9.5 children.... "OUT OF every 10 children" is missing. This topic is not about a popularity contest for me. You can bet your bottom dollar this one is not advertiser friendly. If I conform? In the end? All that's left is selling out and posting all the same rehashed crap that is only fit for the likes of? I don't know. If one cannot ask what if or what is going on? What is left? My channel is not just about one topic. I present each video like a lawyer presents each case, but on this matter? Only an adult can truly figure it out. If masses can speak for transgender 'under the age of consent, children' (and be supported by YouTube), then why not the opposing parties to it? Sexual discrimination or prejudice? Towards who? The heterosexuals? Or the boys, the males, the couples that reproduce? Think about it. If it's aliens? I give my interpretation on that matter come the end of the video. If I offend anyone with this video? Oh, well. Children are more important than opinions and this is not a popularity contest for me. I've faced this mentality, en mass, before. IF you disagree with anything I state in this video? Come back in a few years and let's see if your opinion's changed. Content used under fair use. No copyright infringement intended. I was going to release a different batch of videos, but on my way there? I was called off to address a most important matter. This one. A true father to one, is a father to all, in my world. I was on Coop radio (SKID, street kids in distress = ''Hi, Jackie (the host)."), many years ago (around the same time as the Joe's Cafe incident), talking about the same issues. Children being subjected to adult content before their ready for it, pushed out onto the street when the child tax benefits end, etc, . Maybe my debate here, and its presentation may alter the longevity of this bill or future ones from being imposed, by force, upon children who know not what they do. What do you think? Leave a comment below. Made for content, intentional debate and further research into the matters presented. I'm not attacking anyone.. rather? Standing up for their children (even the test tube ones). Think about it. I may not agree with all I hear and see but I'll stick around to continue hearing and seeing, just to continue to keep on learning, you see? I hope so. (take NO offense. I'd be your advocate, in a heartbeat, if you needed one to present the facts for you = ask around). Salute. I've seen soul love. There is such a thing. However, children are not old enough to grasp such a concept, let alone any, close to, such thing. Have a heart. Speak for the children, more. Realize that you were, once, one, too. See the Original Mag video in full part whole: Thanks for watching. Cheers. Dan Flynn
Hi Dan, i couldn't agree more that our children and we ourselves are being exposed to unwholesome activities portrayed by the msm as the "new normal" when its nothing like normal, while i do respect others life choices it doesn't mean i condone them, besides its just a means and a vehicle for their agenda's of the paedophile satanic predators in high places, to further their plans and agendas and goals and all the horror that goes with it, we mus take stand on moral issues and make our voices heard, regardless of how distasteful or repugnant it is to acknowledge, if we do not exercise our rights to protect ourselves and children's futures then we are doomed, so shout it out if you have to until the whole world hears it and knows it, i know i do all i can everyday, i share information in hope that we can change the future by enlightening minds and educating everyone to be as well informed as they can be, ;) #peace


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