In presented animated geometry of abyss and source, independent of scale, each unique radius of present tends to equilibrium absorbing its future and transmitting its past. Hence, the laws of motion arise. The cause and the consequence of that dynamics is constantly accelerating expansion of the system. In any dynamic position of that growing vortex, dilated space over dilated time measures linear flow of time, constant acceleration (linear propagation of space), and constant referent speed. From referent one, the unique and dynamic now and here, front at which the beginning-less past and the endless future meet, reflection point where information transforms to memory, memory to information, velocity to its polarity - mass, mass to its polarity - velocity... the system measures constant radius. Thus, the system exists.
if one could expand the centrally rotating sphere of influence to be wider than say for example a small corridor passing linearly through the center of them (both sides+-) one could in theory pass through it and out the other side ;) #peace