
3 Dec 2018

2018: War in America Has Begun.

Look at whats happening everywhere, NASA says Earth is colling and has been for two years, SO with that in Mind Harvard starts blocking out the sun. California firemen and residents are being burned off thier land that oddly enough holds un mined minerals underneath, as well as a route for 5G and trains. This is what weather modification is and its going worldwide. R F B

the thing that these climate nazi's don't understand is that the planets cooling itself without their intervention, it always does, if they stopped messing around with stuff we would be fine, but no its more likely its the old tell them its for their own good ploy, while behind closed doors they kill people, there's also the tertiary health effects of nano particulate to consider,  lung disease is spreading fast and no one seems to notice it, i do i notice everything, its like the vx gas test were a precursor to what they are doing now, they just call it by a different name, they call it geoengineering as not to alarm the sheeple, but its not its genocide with slow kill weapons, #WakeUp!. :( #peace

ps the recent proof that the planet is actually cooling down should have meant an instant halt to climate cooling projects full stop, but its never been about that, its been about making money by killing people or by making them long term ill so they can make profits from them from the health care scam

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