
1 Feb 2019

A Classical Physics Assessment of Tesla’s Wireless Energy Transmission

A Classical Physics Assessment of Tesla’s
Wireless Energy Transmission

see link above for images 

(an array of Tesla’s concepts fall into this)
Nick Simos, Ph.D., P.E.
Senior Scientist
Brookhaven National Laboratory
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
The presentation is based on what we understand as classical,
mainstream physics
Its aim is to steer clear from convoluted concepts which, after all have hurt rather than
helped N. Tesla’s scientific contributions and reputation
On the basis of the fundamental laws that describe (or as best as we think we
understand them) electromagnetic, resonance and other physical phenomena this
presentation is an attempt to qualify questions as such:
Are certain far-reaching Tesla’s assertions/experimental observations within the
fundamental laws or do they violate them?
Is there an explanation of the observations, based on classical physics, and how
our scrutiny of the “accepted” governing laws may have helped reveal hidden
connections to his claims?
Are we finally connecting the dots between his thoughts and the great potential
they may carry so as a society benefit as a whole? 
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Schumann Resonance Î Earth-Ionosphere Cavity
pivotal !!!!
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Schumann Resonances – “Earth Breathing”
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Let’s look at some “mechanical” analogies of the cavity resonances or standing waves
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
“mechanical” analogies of the cavity resonances or standing waves
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Let’s look at some “mechanical” analogies of the cavity resonances or standing waves
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Ionosphere Î electrically positively charged (also utilized to transmit radio waves
by bouncing off this layer)
Earth’s surface Î negative charge
Hence a spherical CAVITY between the two conductive surfaces with the almost nonconductive air in between
STANDING waves (modes-like) are formed in the cavity which functions like a wave guide
Wavelength ~ circumference Î electromagnetic wave of 7.83 Hz
Lightning discharges EXCITE these modes and especially those considered Extremely Low
Frequency (ELF) – including the 7.83 Hz mode
Prof. O. Schumman around 1952 mathematically estimated the 7.83 Hz mode that was soon
after (1954) confirmed with measurements
Physicist Nikola Tesla back in 1890’s was FIRST to experiment with the CAVITY, powerful
discharges emulating lightning and exciting ELF waves based on which he “discovered” the
resonance frequency of the earth at 8 Hz.
.......... ........ ..........
“Unfortunately Tesla was before his time and his discoveries were not taken seriously”
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
According to Wikipedia:
The first documented observations of global electromagnetic resonance
were made by Nikola Tesla at his Colorado Springs laboratory in 1899. The
observations led to certain conclusions about the electrical properties of the
Earth, and which made the basis for his idea of wireless energy transmission.
Tesla researched ways to transfer power wirelessly over long distances (via
transverse and longitudinal waves) transmitting ELF through the earth and as well
as between the Earth’s surface and the Kennelly-Heaviside layer (standing
Making calculations based on the experiments, Tesla discovered that the
resonant frequency of the Earth was ~8 Hz. In the 1950’s researchers confirmed
that the resonant frequency of the Earth’s ionospheric cavity was in that range
(later named the Schumann resonance)
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Gerhard Kristensson 2012, Lund, January 30,
Finally, N. Tesla in the company of pioneers and immortal scientists 
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
How significant are these observations and what do
they reveal about N. Tesla?
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Tesla & Colorado Springs
“Singularities” in discharges Î dipole-like
ELF waves and their excitation
Modes and standing waves
energy transferring with first modes
“white noise” excitation Î all modes
Singularities Î separation of wave fields (wave zone, longitudinal
and transverse waves)
Tesla understood the cavity effect Î figured out the resonance !!!!
Î understood/predicted that ionosphere is conducting (plasma state)
Î ringing of a bell at the right time or interval (in this case at 8 Hz)!!
Î understood the waveguide effect and its potential (we use it extensively today)
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Resonance ....... and N.TESLA
Heraclitus: “τα παντα ρει ... everything is in motion”
and Tesla understood that “everything oscillates”
earth and its eigenmodes
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Energy transmission using earth resonance principles
The beauty of STANDING waves
Power would be transmitted by creating "standing waves" in the
earth by charging the earth with a giant electrical oscillator
that would make the earth vibrate electrically in the same way a
bell vibrates mechanically when it is struck with a hammer. . . ."
Well, here is the mechanical similarity in the principle ...
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Tesla and Earth Crust Standing Waves
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Spectral Amplitude
Tesla and Standing Waves within Earth's Crust
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
amplitude Tesla and Standing Waves within Earth's Crust
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Spectral or ENERGY significance of standing
waves that Tesla wanted to capitalize on
Constructive interference between source
outgoing and antipode reflecting waveforms
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Maxwell Equations ....... and TESLA
It is a well established fact that inconsistencies (both mathematical and
physical) MAY EXIST in the Maxwell Equations
Singularities or DISCONTINUITIES in the fields and the physical meaning of
singular solutions to these equations
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Classical Maxwell equations are supposed to be satisfied point-wise at any instant of time.
Their solutions are assumed to be smooth enough to allow
differential calculus
Therefore, discontinuous or singular solutions are not allowed
Absence of point-wise concentrated charges and
avoidance of singular solutions
Maxwell’s Eqns written in terms of the electric field E and magnetic field B
0( )
( )
( )
( ' )
B Gauss Law magnetism
E Gauss Law
Ampere Law tE B J
Faraday s Law tB E
∇ • = − −
∇ • = −
∂ ∇ × = +
∂ ∇ × = −
ρv is volume electric charge density, J is
the electric current density (A/m2), ε is
the permittivity and μ is the
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Maxwell Equations ....... and TESLA
Tesla, in his “wireless transmission” conceived of
Earth modes
Standing Waves
Longitudinal Electromagnetic Waves
Field Disturbance Singularities
Electrostatic Induction or electric displacement fields
How do these concepts measure up to our understanding of the laws of
electromagnetism according to the unified Maxwell Equations?
The funny thing is that we have been accustomed to wireless energy transmission and it
is an accepted notion Î CAPACITOR !!!
Tesla thought of a capacitor function in a grand scale!!
(note wavelength transmission limitations)
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Resonant frequency ...... from the earthquake machine to
wireless transmission of energy
While at Colorado Springs: DID Tesla Excite Longitudinal Waves????
Experimented with large discharges and observed that the pulse returned
almost undiminished in strength Î electric field with a singularity-like load
Via resonant inductive coupling managed to transfer electric charges at long
distances (longitudinal waves, standing waves ???)
in his words:
"This mode of conveying electrical energy to a distance is not 'wireless' in the popular sense, but
a transmission through a conductor, and one which is incomparably more perfect than any
artificial one.
All impediments of conduction arise from confinement of the electric and magnetic fluxes to
narrow channels. The globe is free of such cramping and impediments.........”
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Electromagnetic Longitudinal (Îvortex rings) and Transverse Waves (Hertzian)
F = F⊥ + F||
| '|
( ', ) 41 ( , )
| '|
( ', ) 41 ( , )
|| 3
|| 3
d r
r r
r r E r t r t
d r
r r
r r D r t r t
Any vector field (finite, uniform, continuous
and doubly integrable) can split into
longitudinal and transverse fields 0
|| 0
∇ • =
∇ × =
( , ) || ∇ • D = ρ r t Maxwell equation for the long. part of electric displacement field
Which leads to:
An interesting finding which says that the long. electric displacement D|| and electric strength E||
are determined from the instantaneous Coulomb charge !!!
D|| = longitudinal electric excitation
E|| = longitudinal electric field
D|| and E|| respond instantly to
changes in charge density ρ
In other words, change at a single point (singularity in the form of discharge) is tied to modes of field !!
(analogy in statics where the effect is not waves in traditional sense by the excitation of modes)
(Source: J. Nitsch, et al, Equivalent Circuit Method)
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Ongoing Debate on Longitudinal Waves and Maxwell Equations
Can Longitudinal Electromagnetic Waves Exist?
They don’t exist !!!
We consider a homogeneous medium of constant
dielectricity and constant permeability that is free of
electric sources and currents
Then all electromagnetic processes are governed by the
homogeneous Maxwell equations
important statement
How can the problem be treated when these
sources exist?
How has the field been generated in the first place?
Source charge, source dipole moment?
| '|
( ', ) 41 ( , )
| '|
( ', ) 41 ( , )
|| 3
|| 3
d r
r r
r r E r t r t
d r
r r
r r D r t r t
∇ × =
as we saw earlier the field responds instantly
to the change at the source
Hence, not waves in the conventional
sense BUT mode-like behavior
Arrived at this by solving the Boundary Value Problem (J.
Nitsch, et al, Equivalent Circuit Method)
That may be (not entirely) true in free space !!!
where only transverse (Hertzian) exist/propagate
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Ongoing Debate on Longitudinal Waves and Maxwell Equations
electrostatic or magneto-hydrodynamic plasma wave model
Singularities of the Electromagnetic field
Electrostatic Waves (K. T. McDonald, An Electrostatic Wave)
Assertion: Longitudinal waves in plasma; purely longitudinal electric waves are limiting
cases of more general waves; longitudinal electric waves can coexist with background
electrostatic and magneto-static fields of the usual type
Electric field with no time dependence derives from scalar potential V Î
0; 0; = 0 ∂∂ = ∂∂ ∇ × = tE tB E
E = −∇V
E V i
E E xe
x i kx t
i kx t
= −∇
= −∇
( )
( ) ˆ
These show that a LONGITUDINAL electric wave E can
exist with background electrostatic and magnetostatic fields
of the usual type
: 4 0
= + =
= −
∇• =
Condition D E P
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Wireless power transmission and the IONOSPHERE
Shoreham Connection
Tesla aimed to utilize the strata 60-kilometers above the earth known as the ionosphere
He speculated and confirmed its existence in Colorado Springs that his region of the
atmosphere would be highly conductive
What he needed was the technical means to send electrical power to such a high altitude
and so comes the FIRST Ionized Beam !!!!
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Electrostatic Induction (capacitive coupling)
High-field Gradient or differential capacitance
Also known as the “Tesla Effect”
can be described as electrical
displacement or the passage of
electrical energy through space
other than the application of
voltage potential
Giant capacitor
Ionized plasma “conductor” !!
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Parallelism with ATOMS (1 Am) strongly interacting with LIGHT
(5000 Am wavelength)
Flood the atmosphere with standing waves (ionosphere keeps most of
this EM energy from escaping into space) then a small resonator can
grab significant wattage right out of the air (effective disk in figure)
A small resonator can produce an extensive and intense AC field of its
own, and can act as an "EM funnel" (simple desktop experiments
demonstrated it !!!)
So, what happens at the
receiving end .........?
How do you collect energy from
these currents flowing over the
vast ionosphere .... ?
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
This is "circuitry", where wavelength is huge, and circuits
are small
As one said: “This is probably the concept that put that "Mona
Lisa grin" on photographs of old Nikola. And that twinkle in his
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Tesla and "Electrostatic induction“
In Tesla’s model the two distant elevated terminals are electrically coupled
together in a manner similar to the transfer of electrical energy between two
closely spaced capacitor plates in a typical AC circuit, but at distances greatly
exceeding 1/6 - 1/2 wavelength
Tesla used the term electrostatic induction to describe the behavior of capacitors,
or more generally, the electrical coupling of two or more conducting surfaces that
are separated by one form or another of dielectric.
This model considered to be inconsistent with a basic tenet of mainstream
physics (related to the scalar derivatives of the electromagnetic potentials)
So we thought, BUT “Witricity” is proving to be otherwise
Î MIT tests and Resonant Inductive Coupling (distances > ¼
wavelength, maybe not the distances Tesla envisioned BUT much
greater than what was thought as the threshold of a capacitor) 
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
N. Tesla and X-rays
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen – Cathode ray studies 1895
This radiograph 1896 (hand of Anna Röntgen)
Röntgen won the First Nobel prize in Physics 1901
Discovery of X-rays credited to Röntgen
Investigations by Tesla starting
1892 on vacuum tubes included
observations of
•‘Visible light,
•black light and a
•very special radiation”
Very special radiation turned
out to be X-rays
Tesla Radiograph in 1896
Hrabak M et al. Radiographics 2008;28:1189-1192
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Tesla’s RADIANT Radiation of the invisible kind
In April 1887 Tesla began investigating X-rays using high voltages and tubes (own design)
Based on his technical publications he developed a special single-electrode X-ray tube which
differed from X-ray tubes having no target electrode
Principle behind Tesla’s device is the Bremsstrahlung Process
(high-energy secondary X-ray production given off by the electrons as they are
scattered by the strong electric field near the high-Z nuclei).
Several experiments by 1892 BUT did not categorize them as X-rays
Generalized them as RADIANT radiation of “invisible” kinds (1897 X-ray lecture before NY
Academy of Science)
ALERTED the scientific community to the biological hazards associated with X-ray
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
So, from Tesla’s vacuum tubes to ......
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Wardenclyffe ~1903
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
A synchrotron is a huge accelerator that produces very bright light of many different wavelengths (from
Infra-Red to UV-visible light to x-rays).
A synchrotron can be thought of as a giant microscope. It allows matter to be observed at the atomic scale
What is a synchrotron?
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Storage Ring
Bending Magnetic Field
Insertion Devices
Magnetic Field
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A LARGE Scale Microscope
World’s finest capabilities for x-ray imaging and high-resolution energy analysis, ~10 times better than any
other synchrotron now operating or under construction
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
So what is the connection ......??
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Tesla Technology
NSLS-II Quadrupole Magnet (2011)
Nikola Tesla Patent on method for winding a
magnet coil (1894)
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
In his own words ......
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Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work
and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.
Nikola Tesla
It is possible then that our future already lies in our past
............ All we need to do is continue connecting the dots 
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Links and Resources – BNL Photon Sciences – TESLA Science Center at Wardenclyffe – Tesla Society of USA and Canada –
Nikola Tesla and the Discovery of X-rays, Hrabak, Stern-Padovan, Kralik, Ozretic and Potocki,
RadioGraphics 2008;28:1189-119
J. Nitsch, F. Gronwald, G. Wollenberg, “Equivalent Circuit Method”, Wiley
Drs. E. Johnson and E. Dooryhee, Photon Sciences Directorate, BNL 
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Electromagnetic Longitudinal (rings of a vortex) and Transverse Waves
| '|
( ', ) 41 ( , ) 3 || 3 d r r r r r E r t r t ∫ −− = ρ πε
These solutions of ME associated with the
longitudinal component of the electromagnetic field
are tied to and determined by the instantaneous
electric charge density ρ(r’, t)
Note that r’ is the charge location while r is the
observation point
Hence, longitudinal components do not have own
Degrees of Freedom but tied to those of the electric
charge density (could think of the electric charge
density field having modes)
BUT Tesla had been seeking and experimenting with
RIDING these modes
..... Exciting field modes by resonating with
characteristic frequencies of this field
..... Exciting field modes with singular discharges
..... Exciting terrestrial modes
Instead of
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Ongoing Debate on Longitudinal Waves and Maxwell Equations
Longitudinal waves fluctuate in the direction of propagation like
sound waves, which consist of an alternating series of
displacements in air where the displacement points in the
direction that sound travels.
For longitudinal EM waves, the vector potential fluctuates in
the direction of travel, not perpendicular to it.
They show no vorticity and thus no magnetic field
Γcurl-free vector potential”
Seemingly in direct violation of the Maxwell equations that
state there must be an induced magnetic field for every
change in the electric field
The controversy can be reconciled if one accepts that the
notion that there is either electric or magnetic field with
longitudinal waves, not both.
Then Îlongitudinal waves do not violate Maxwell’s equations;
rather they are what Maxwell termed displacement current
Current = flow of charges. Across a capacitor consisting of
two conductors separated by an insulator that allows no
charge to pass, oscillating energy can still transfer
Transverse waves (Hertz type) are undulations with
orientation of fluctuation perpendicular to the direction
of travel.
An antenna given a high frequency electrical signal will
radiate transverse electromagnetic waves as shown
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Photoelectric effect illuminated
Planck Î quantized electromagnetic field Î most physicists immediately agreed that Planck's "light
quanta" were unavoidable flaws in his model.
A more complete derivation of black body radiation would produce a fully continuous, fully
wave-like electromagnetic field with no quantization.
However, in 1905 Albert Einstein took Planck's black body model in itself and saw a wonderful
solution to another outstanding problem of the day:
the photoelectric effect
Nikola Tesla discovered in 1901 that when a metal was illuminated by high-freq light (e.g., ultraviolet
light), electrons were ejected from the metal at high energy
This work was based on the previous knowledge that light incident
upon metals produces a current, but Tesla was the first to describe
it as a particle phenomenon.
COFE6, U of Md, July 12, 2013
Electrostatic Induction (capacitive coupling)
High-field Gradient or differential capacitance
Also known as the “Tesla Effect” can be
described as electrical displacement or the
passage of electrical energy through space
other than the application of voltage potential
Giant capacitor
Ionized plasma “conductor” !!


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