
Thursday, January 31, 2019


The HighWire with Del Bigtree

KING OF VACCINES COMES CLEAN! The world's leading authority on vaccines details the use of aborted babies in vaccines while under oath. For the full episode:

he claims to have only used 2 fetuses in his whole career and then within moments admits to the dact that in 1 study they used 76 fetuses and he also states that there were many such projects and studies that he was involved in and that were taking place and cannot remember the whole numbers, and at 3 min 45 seconds, he then tries to justify his immoral actions by stating that

"Catholic Church has actually issue the documents on that which says that individuals who need the vaccine should receive the vaccines regardless of the fact and that, that I think it implies that I am
the individual who will go to hell because of the use of aborted tissues, which I am glad to do" and he's right in a way he is going to hell for it, the catholic church hold's no moral high ground at all and do not have any authority in the dispensation of guilt for sins committed, how can they when they are rife with sin and corruption and have been under the control of satanist for a very long time, unfortunate for this man he didn't use his own god given discernment in these matters, instead of delegating his guilt away to a faceless entity IE "the church" to justify what he was doing. just following orders is not a valid excuse!!!.

then when questioned further

"do you take issue with religious beliefs?", he replied "yes" mainly because he wants to deny his own guilt and he thinks by denying religion that he absolves himself of the sin, but it doesn't work like that, lol so unlucky, if you dont get blood on your hands, then you wont have to pretend to mentally wash it away with denial.

you've said that quote, "vaccination is always under attack by religious zealots who believe that the
will of God includes death and disease" (self justification of crime), he replied  "yes", you stand by that statement?, he replied, "I absolutely do", to which he was asked "are you an atheist?" to which he replied "yes", im pretty sure that desecration of the body after death isn't just a religion thing, its a respect for the dead thing, #hesfucked

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