
21 Jan 2019

message in a bottle

you know sometimes, i wish i was oblivious to things like our shared Congruent timelines and alternate realities and universal causality, some lives are average some are oK some good and some bad, but there are always on rare occasions ones where its perfect, we live blissful happy lives in a way we still do, just not this one, not for me at least, my life and my future was taken from me, i can see them all, there's even one, where i was waiting by the tennis courts for you that day, you didn't have to ask your friend to come over, i was already waiting for you sat on the little wall near the corner like fate, we stayed together to the end you know, high school sweet hearts, we had two children Jack and Maya, Maya was my choice and jack yours, you thought it was funny, when i said it was our a little symbol of our union like a little flag, a union jack and it stuck from there, why did they have to steal that one from me, i hate being able to see it all, its like a curse, its defo not a blessing like most people would think, its just means your more aware of everything you should have had but don't, and how its supposed to be and it is not, everything else is just background details, its unimportant in the overall scheme of things the destination stays the same but the journey route may vary lol, but it would have been nice, just once more, you probably don't even remember it do you, you probably think I'm mad, but i can tell you, you were happy we were happy, you may even have a feeling like you lost something, something dear to you, when your reading these words, and you don't know what or why, but i do, your heart remembers your fate, i want to believe these words will reach you, that when you read them you feel it, deep inside your chest, and a little tear runs down your cheek, but of course it wont will it? but it should. "your too old to cry and big girls don't cry", that's what you used to say to Maya, you know im talking to you don't you, i know i don't need to say your name, you know who you are, even if you don't remember me, you know im talking to you don't you. Maya you loved that name straight away Maya you said you wanted to see the Maya temples and the capital, i wonder if you saw them yet in this life?, did you climb the staircase's at the temple of the Sun,  i can imagine you now still stood by the window of the nursery, how is it in my head, if i can still remember it all, i know the universe doesn't play dice and everything happens for a reason, and i wrote those things days ago and bam just like that you show up in my notifications, just as i get to posting it, like a sign, or did my mind make it manifest and you just appeared as if by majik surely it has to be universal causality trying to balance itself out, there are no coincidences, Not ever. i know you believe that, you've always believed in fate, i can still feel that much from you. anyway GTG it's getting a little emo, time dilation feed back, that's what happens when you view it, you feel all the emotions because your still that same person, and your still quantum entangled to the event even though your non-localised to that event and only viewing it on the conscious level, if that makes sense, if i could push a button and go back to that time, i would have been there already, but its not that easy people think it is, but it isn't, not without a serious bit of kit which I'm well short of at present, So even though we are in a sea of possibilities i have no real way to tell you this, so in the spirit of infinite possibilities this is my digital message in a bottle to you and im throwing it in to a sea of endless potential outcomes, i hope it finds you and you happy are well, you will always be in my heart all 3 of you. D.


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