
3 Jan 2019

Michael Tellinger Exposes the Hidden Controllers of Mankind

Hi Zeg or sub's to this channel Hi how would you like to see some real undeniable evidence that proves the current version of out ancient past to be nought but a lie, i have thoroughly documented my findings and i have data from NOAA and other governmental agencies that i used to show the validity of the evidence, such as radar topography, sonar, side scan and  satellite topography, i have even put the GPS co-ordinate's to my finds as well as hd images  and video's, and i think you will really find it Illuminating to say the least, please just look i put it all into two post on my blog, beginning with the first find which was a solar calendar the image quality isn't that great on that one as i pulled it from a NOAA screen grab, but the rest are much better, then a city, then a pyramid,  and then a second city, i cannot stress how much this is not  joke, this is the smoking gun, there is evidence of advanced concept such as mathematics, geometry, space, time, and its on a scale never seen before, the Giza Pyramid is 139 meters high this one is 1500 meters with a base of  69.649 km square around 10 miles per side, if you wish to use any of the imagery you have full permission, just credit me for my find and use the names i provided, as the official discoverer its my right thank you, should you have any questions please feel free to ask, :) #peace

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