12 Jan 2019
The CHINESE KEY to open 'ANY ANCIENT MONUMENT' can no longer be denied
okay everyone please be seated the archaeology class about to begin okay thank you well hello hello everyone and we are going old school based on many requests we are going back to the past and we're gonna do it this way and this is probably the best way to do it I am using the pen so what let's do it this way now the purpose of this pyramid is to talk about world pyramids to show that they are all the same religion and to show they're all basically laid out in a similar way there is always a type of pyramid and there is always a type a valley temple now in this video we're going to look at two Chinese pyramids only recently built 600 years ago but because China according to people like Robert Robert temple is an ancient civilization in the modern age we're able to look at the names of all the different buildings in the even in the Chinese temples if we wanted to in order to check how much more ancient temples worldwide work now what am I talking about well it's rather obvious you look at this picture here this is of course the Tower of Babel and according to legend that these people tried to build a tower to heaven and these were the biggest towers in ancient times obviously they are pyramids these are pyramids that's what they are and the people got scattered and that accepts the Bible way of explaining my pyramids I think her worldwide so we are going to look at this particular temple now there's an epic temple complex in Beijing called the 13 tombs of the Ming Dynasty there are different terms we can look at this particular one here it's called the Xiao Ling mausoleum and you will notice first of all it is composed it is composed of rather different buildings so it there there are entrance buildings there is a red wall note the red wall but over here is a central building on a step structure over here is some are called the building of the soul or the tomb of the soul and it's really weird over here what you have is a circle it's not not quite a circle but there's a there's a wall around the mound now what that is is wolf mountain and we can just look at the structure of this in order to tell us so so much about worldwide pyramids you would not believe it and we're also gonna look at this building here that won't that previous one was in Beijing this is called the temple of heaven and it's also Beijing and you're gonna tell me Charles this is only 600 years old what can this possibly tell me about Stonehenge about the Giza pyramids about any of this stuff it's not the same contemporary time and an archaeologist would agree with you but I say no look this is based on primordial principles this is for example based on just this is based on worldwide principles worldwide principles of heaven and earth and you're gonna say Charles hang on you can't do this you can't compare something which is only 600 years old with something which is thousands of years old and I'm saying well hang on a second hang on a second hang on a second this is this contains the closest analogue you will find to Stonehenge the closest analogue to the Giza pyramids the closest and this can actually explain to you what's going on because this is called the author of heaven and this is not Taoism this is not Buddhism this is older than that all those this is heaven worship this is the oldest religion of mankind and over here is the the Temple of Heaven and it basically they're different altars here one is the altar of good sacrifices and what happened was these people used to go up a mountain in order to make a sacrifice and and then an emperor decided no I want to do it in Beijing let's do it here so they built these circular mounds and a circular mound is wall mount and you see this over and over again you see them in terms but you also see them in these altars which are designed to sacrifice to heaven okay let's get to it so my eyes popped out of my head when I read that lintel architecture that's the architecture you seen Stonehenge was only built allowed to be built in royal basical royal sacred buildings in China so this is one of the closest buildings in the world to Stonehenge and it's built for the same kind of purpose it's an altar of heaven that's what it is it's an altar of heaven and so therefore in one video I suggested what was Stonehenge once domed and people have suggested this throughout history and here you have it again this is the obviously was called peeking the temple of heaven it's circular it's stepped it's white white like a pyramid and this is it again just just amazing just amazing now here we have a little red wall some people say it was not completed it was only at the base and over here there was a different type of rock a different color rock this was traditionally called the colored pyramid this is of course the mint or a pyramid note the red wall red is death in ancient China is this a tomb is it a tomb here we have a red wall at the base just that the same as at the main core a pyramid bear in mind I said China was partly responsible for a lot of what we see in ancient Egypt and of course that is incredible now again now this is the this is now we are looking at back at the Shaolin mausoleum again the Shaolin mausoleum with the red down here a foo dog or is he a sphinx and Anubis and it's just like ancient Egypt this this amazing shaoling mausoleum it's like because it's like those temples in South Egypt around Carnac well you're flanked with sphinxes but here instead there are elephants it's so weird and not only elephants but camels I mean what's going on with that and so again that's the temple complex now this can explain so much to us oh look at that there's an old picture of Stonehenge with a low red wall around it I mean what the heck what the heck hey what the heck is going on that's what I want to know what is going on obviously this artist didn't never never went there why did he draw a mountain why did he draw cos there is actually a castle a fine old fortress in the distance but it doesn't like this this is weird now what I want to show you is do you know this is actually laid out basically close to North self so you have a World Mountain which is that which was held to be at the center of the world and then you have a series of temples that's the central pyramid possibly that's that's just a temple of the soul that's the entrance there now so so so what what's going on you look at Avebury now this can help explain Avebury now every as we know is actually close to silvery Hill and silver Hill is directly south of Avebury so if we actually step back to this photo we see that we have a hill and then we have temples ok so here we have temple and Hill aligned north-south it's also aligned east-west which is interesting like the Giza pyramids but visit there's a north-south alignment so this is all the same pyramid so this is Silbury Hill based on the Chinese model down there is the world Mountain attached to this temple and that's what Chinese architecture tells us I mean isn't that incredible did the Chinese go to ancient Britain Tunnel Hill have you heard of this tone Walt Hill is basically in the the Isle of Man the Isle of Man is located between Ireland Scotland and England it sits in that little little Irish Sea and we see the same thing so we have a world mountain tunnelled hill and then we have a processional way it's a line basically like that and and you have here a church so whatever building was here has been has been a church has been placed on top now I bet you that's not the burial place the church would something under the church was the burial place and it's called Royal Chapel eirick and that's where Royals would have been buried in a temple here in ancient times how do I know this because people are not buried in Hills that's the thing people are not buried in pyramids they're always empty they're called tombs but they're not because the tomb complex and this is what people aren't getting no one knows it's no one is much bigger than the pyramid it's huge so if we look back to the Chinese model the Emperor would have been buried in this central building there [Music] not on the world mountain or the pyramid that's different but that leather too is it has steps like a pyramid so it is confusing what it is confusing again the scent the tower of heaven in Beijing it is so similar to this it's like you have three pyramids here it's so weird again tunnelled Hill I love man same people same religion this was called a thing a thing in the Dark Ages this is where Vikings held their Parliament so Vikings were seated around here giving judgments passing sentences and over here I'm sure would have been the royal burial Ganso pyramid burial ground so in the 70s there was a telecast on BBC there was this great excavation of this huge amount in England known as Silbury Hill and they they they they dug straight down and they they thought I will find the tomb allegedly there was a man there covered with gold buried in there they thought we'll found all that we'll find all this treasure we'll find it don't worry about that and guess what they found they found zero they found nothing at all they found nothing and the reason is well why would they find anything look they were digging the world mountain they should have dug off a bit and found the temple that's where they would find the man buried in a gold mask so I noticed here we have a look at this hedgerow leading to the could that have been a processional way in ancient times then again it could have been anywhere this has all been ploughed up it's so hard to see maybe geophysics is going to reveal it look there are striations here lines possibly possibly it went in this direction but it get it's hard to tell I mean you can see a little bit from sunlight but you really do need geophysics equipment so there we go silver Hill so it's not just the hill there was a temple attached to at a temple complex just like at pyramids Stonehenge we always look at Stonehenge it's the same thing do you see this circular thing it's actually a raised I believe the Stonehenge is a raised world mountain when you're there you notice you have a great view of the surrounding countryside and the reason for that is you're actually on a hill it's a hill no one says it's but it's a hill see for yourself and we have this thing called the Avenue but it goes down a bit then it turns and it goes to a river it's ridiculous it doesn't seem to go anyway there must have been a temple there on the other side which is possibly the burial ground of the king so all you have to do is go down a bit do a bit of geophysics excavate you'll uncover some Kings buried there unless it's all been destroyed you have this Avenue coming out of Stonehenge going nowhere look it they didn't even bother to to put it on this map a bit but obviously whatever is there is highly important oh look at this the thought is that this is called the the forum brings in northern England and do you notice the similarity the triple the triple the preset the triple a circular mound the processional way and you'll say Charlie these are not mounds well have a look over there there is there is a all this there are trees growing here presumably this was left alone this was not plowed over because it was a it's a mound so this is the world mountain up here and these would be the the form of temples or the burial locations because remember people are not buried in pyramids again the Thornborough rings now we move to Egypt now we can use the the information we've gleaned from that to start to understand Egypt so this is the Zaza third dynasty pyramid but guess what it's not just a pyramid on its own it firstly there's links to ancient China do you see this here this is called falen's but this is not the fails that winner understand is founds our modern fails is a kind of it's a tin it's tin and lead baked into a sort of porcelain and we use that in modern architecture of tiling Egyptian fails is not baked to the same high temperatures it's basically a copper pigment and the surface is vitrified like glass so you have this nice shiny surface now I ask you what the hell was going on I bet you they are trying to emulate Chinese vase so Chinese jade and because bickers recall my video a few a couple videos ago where I look at the links between China and Egypt and so you have one shoot of the ancient Chinese going off to found civilizations in Central America the Olmecs which then became the Teotihuacan civilization and the Maya civilization and the Andes civilization and on the other hand they an option went to Egypt and so you have this this Jade associated with burial in all three locations according to legend there was an a jade suit of armor placed around the dead king and that's exactly what you see here they found these Jade suits of armor and you have these little plates just like you have here and this is the this is the Zozo pyramid complex it's just absolutely incredible as a labyrinth unlike structure underneath and if you go if you look at this is incredible so they excavated this pyramid and they didn't find a thing they they didn't find any any they found all this pottery thousands of vases they did not find the tomb of the the well they found the tumor that this like the psychic there was nothing there there was no King there so they thought okay well let's excavate the the South tomb there's another tomb there called the South - maybe he's in there so they excavated that and that's the thing is the sarcophagus was too small everything they thought this sarcophagus is really small what's going on and so they went down there they went in there though these rooms here and they had a look and there was nothing in there it was empty as well so so why would he have multiple so-called burial places that's like i'ma starboard down there in inside but why would there be multiple burial places and that I'm buried it's it's so weird but it's sort of this is north-south aligned so it's sort of like the Chinese temple so you have the pyramid in the middle which may have been a burial place yes this this pyramid may have been a burial place and it's stepped as well like the Chinese structures and you have successive temples on each side so you have this sort of triple temple going on again a a jade basically Jade suit of armor of each Chinese emperor and you have the same thing again in the Olmec lands this is La Venta you have the so-called Great Pyramid on one side the world mound and then you have a series of temples it's just the same thing that's the that's the pyramid the the the artificial volcano that's it again those are and you have the same thing in at the Teotihuacan civilizations so this was about 200 AD several centuries after the Olmecs and you have this processional way it doesn't quite go north-south but it's close and you have all these pyramids and the funny thing is it's a triple pyramid just like it is so close together because you have these two roughly equivalent size pyramids are so on the moon which are of course similar size in the sky but then you have this temple of Quetzalcoatl needs to it approximates the main core a pyramid and it's the most decorated the most beautiful it's more beautiful than these two because it said well so well decorate it so it's exactly like the main core a pyramid in Egypt the little one because that's well decorated with colored stones pyramid of the Sun and of course the Olmecs yeah remember the Jade remember the Egyptian fails it's a it's so similar in these mass offerings which were buried and again this could be a European gargoyle it could be a Chinese dragon and you have the same thing in Ireland people used to wonder why did they put seemingly more effort into the towers than they did the churches and that's a very good example because this one swords it's a big chapel but the thing is people didn't know why all this effort to ring a bell to have a bell up there why the eff why all this it's because you have a dual temple structure so you have a church tower it's the same thing a pyramid a temple the cool pyramids of the fourth dynasty these causeways run east-west to the to the associated temple so the world mountain and the associated temple rather than north-south like you see elsewhere so it's a different type of cult the pyramid of khufu I think it's it's more than just you know it's more than just a world mountain there's something else going on it is older that it is one of the original pyramid so there's something weird going on with that now why the causeways here not running east to west well I did look up online and someone suggests someone's noted that so that's the Sun rises and sets on the equinoxes east-west so that measures the Sun thirty days before in 30 days after the equinoxes so there would have been perhaps a two month festival I reckon each year but between you know between three moons between two moons and they would have tracked the Sun every day so therefore this is all one complex now I also have to say the causeway running approximately to the Sphinx or past the Sphinx would suggest that the sinks error location there is no older than than the pyramid because why would it run in a similar in the required direction of the causeway or did they invent all this to take advantage of the Sphinx's position I don't know guys I hope you enjoy that thanks very much give me your thoughts well now that you're here let's talk about mark now I also want to thank you guys you know thanks I'm approaching 40,000 subscribers thank you so much but I really do appreciate it yeah this is a low-key pretty much low-key t-shirt ancient information it's this pyramid beaming directions to Alpha Centauri about the position about say the condition of human kind at the present time what's going on what's going on with this t-shirt it's a great conversation starter but it's a low key a low key t-shirt I don't know one and Aztec design you can wear them every day no one will ever look at you people are worried when they have Co crazy t-shirt or what can I wear that week no way that well hey I reckon you need the tools for your job if you build a house what do you do do you waste all day looking for tools no you already want to have those tools before you build the house so I've got these low key things about high key t-shirts for example look at that I've got your number t-shirt knowing that your number is a great conversation piece say if you want to have a barbecue what's the point of going to barbecue if you want the center of attention you want to be the center of attention and every barbecue you go to let's say you want to ladies number let's say what do you do you can you can you can you can make it part of your conversation because it's on your damn t-shirt something like that could be priceless for you so what consider that have a look at this I got two cups as well got the logo this is got my goes well I'm saying low-key this color you can wear it a UFO conference and you can say the people hey look look at this and people will say hey well I wish then I was just sure - yeah and suddenly you're talking and suddenly hey hey you got a friend so this stuff's priceless this stuff's that you know beyond priceless even so guys have a look at that just I'll just just click that thing up there like that and that's how you go - it's on Spreadshirt and I wish you a great day and a wonderful new year 2019 cheers guys :) #peace

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