
23 Jan 2019

Green Peace was founded by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, both Jewish ,whose birth names were Irving Strasmich and Dorothy Rabinowitz Dorothy was only child of Rebecca and Jacob Rabinowitz. Her father owned several jewellery factories and her mother was a Hebrew teacher. Her father was involved in the Zionist movement and once hosted the future first president of Israel, Chaim Weizmann. Source

Irving Strasmich and Dorothy Rabinowitz

Irving (1915 – 1974) was a Yale lawyer,and Dorothy a social activist and environmentalist.

Currently Greenpeace is a global environmental organisation, consisting of GreenpeaceInternational (Stichting Greenpeace Council) in Amsterdam, and 28 national and regional offices around the world, providing a presence in over 40 countries. These national/regional offices are independent in carrying out global campaign strategies within the local context they operate within, and in seeking the necessary financial support from donors to fund this work. Acc to its website To maintain absolute independence Greenpeace does not accept money from companies, governments or political parties.and depends on the donations of supporters to carry on

According to“The Guardian ” the handling of Greenpeace International’s £58m budget has been in disarray for years, with its financial team beset by personnel problems and a lack of rigorous processes, leading to errors, substandard work and a souring of relationships between its Amsterdam headquarters and offices around the world, documents leaked to the Guardian show. Coming after it emerged that a staffer had lost £3m on the foreign exchange market by betting mistakenly on a weak euro, the documents show that the group’s financial department has faced a series of problems, and that its board is troubled by the lack of controls and lapses that allowed one person to lose so much money.

Kumi Naidoo

The CEO of the Group is a Rhodes Scholar from South Africa Kumi Naidoo One of the important instruments Cecil Rhodes created to implement his breathtaking global“vision” was the Rhodes Scholarships, through which (said Stead) he intended his network would help into influential positions thousands of “men in the prime of life scattered all over the world, each one of whom, moreover, would have been specifically — mathematically — selected toward the Founder’s purposes.” And what qualities would be demanded of these men? According to Rhodes:“smugness, brutality, unctuous rectitude, and tact.” Source


L TO R Anna Toni ,Ed Harrington, Athena Ronquillo-Ballesteros ,Frank Guggenheim

Irmi Mussack ,Michael Hammer , Thumi Makana

ANA TONI (CHAIRPERSON) From 2003 until 2011, Ana Toni was the Representative for the Ford Foundation in Brazil, She was also responsible for coordinating, the IBSA initiative (joint work between Brazil, South Africa and India) and the International Initiative on Intellectual Property Rights

ED HARRINGTON . Before joining Greenpeace Ed was an officer in the Harvey Milk Lesbian and Gay Democratic Club He is a gay activist He and his husband live in Sonoma County in Northern California.

ATHENA RONQUILLO BALLESTEROS Athena is the founder and chair of the Board of the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (formerly GRIPP, Inc) She is a long-time policy advisor to the Philippine government’s official climate change negotiating team at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

FRANK GUGGENHEIM Frank worked for the Pharmaceutical Industry, first as a research scientist , and afterwards assuming managerial positions as Head of the Pharma Division of Hoffmann La Roche in Brazil.Guggenheim is a Jewish surname of an important business family Frank may or may not be part of that family

MICHAEL HAMMER Michael Hammer is Executive Director of INTRAC, an international NGO after seven years at the helm of not for profit global governance research group One World Trust, Here is a list of the groups funding One World Trust They include Barings Foundation,Ford Foundation The World Federalist Movement among others Both INTRAC and One World Trust are international NGOs dealing with Governance not the environment

For a group that claims no Govt agency the fact remains their Chairman is a member of Ford Foundation . There are declassified documents which show some links between Ford Foundation and the CIA .Given their reach and networking the group has tremendous PR value and can immediately give bad press to any project or business For example they oppose the cruelty in whaling but are silent about the cruelty in Kosherslaughter

Real Environmental work is being done by many selfless individual environmentalists and local environmental groups on local and national issues. Greenpeace is a flashy media centric PR obsessed group with questionable hidden agendas


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