
23 Jan 2019



Before proceeding, i feel it necessary to clarify the reason these videos exist. A man by the name of Martyn stubbs owned a Canadian TV station in the early 90's. one day he noticed that he was picking up signals from NASA missions, Being that he had the means to record these intercepted signals, he did for as long as he could these can all be found on his youtube channel, here the only real sentiment completely against any theory that is brought up about these footage's being proof of unidentified extra planetary contact is that the videos are not legitimate, they absolutely are, so i will take you through a few of my favourites.

NASA STS mission 48

In this instance a UFO is seen travelling at tremendous speed, if you pay attention you'll notice a surface to air missile was launched into orbit in which the craft seemingly dodged. The location in which the object came from is Australia; the main sentiment against the theory of this being a UFO is the flash just before the craft propelled being proposed as the shuttles propulsion systems. this is a valid thought process, however, upon inspecting similar objects in the field of view this doesn't match up with the surroundings. there are objects much closer in which they did move but only slightly. regardless, there is no explanation of the missile put forth with that reasoning. its also important to keep in mind that the object was not stationary prior to the supposed blast, after which it took near a 90 degree turn. watch, observe and enjoy.

The Geographical location of the earth in this scene is above Australia. I found later that there is a base in Australia across a government base by the name of "PINE GAP" in Australia.
" in the centre of Australia which is operated by both Australia and the United States. Since 1988, it has been officially called the Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap (JDFPG); previously, it was known as Joint Defence Space Research Facility.[1]"

"Joint Defence Space Research Facility",

surprisingly clear cut, "Surface to space weaponry" is essentially in the name. The wiki link goes on to say that:

"Partly run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the station is a key contributor to the NSA's global interception effort, which included the ECHELON program.[2][3][4][5] The unclassified cover term for the NSA facility at Pine Gap is RAINFALL"
The link is found here:

the case of the consecutive 90 degree turns

This video is an observation above earths atmosphere depicting 2 unidentified objects making unnatural movements. at 2:00, you'll notice 2 objects come into view in the top right side of the screen. the camera was zoomed out at the same moment, suggesting that there was something noteworthy happening in the camera operators field of view. although proximity to earth would suggest that the crafts trajectory would change, there is no basis for suggestion that the degree in which the objects adjusted is a natural trajectory, indeed another object followed its course in near the same manner, a very unique capture.


Yet another intriguing case of UFO document is the tether  experiment. The course of events goes as follows: NASA was doing an experiment having to do with electricity transfer in space. the Space Shuttle Columbia deployed an experimental tether into orbit. The experiment was called the Tethered Satellite System (TSS- 1R) and it's purpose of this was to attempt to generate electricity by utilising Earth's magnetic field. however, shortly into the experiment, some say only a matter of hours, the tether snapped, leaving an 8 - 12 mile rod which essentially turned into an illuminated rod in space. at which point it was noticed that a plethora of objects started to surround the light source. this to me is one of the most blatant UFO cases witnessed by NASAs Cameras. A simple dimensional comparison between the objects and the length of the tether show that the doughnut shaped objects are roughly 1 mile in diameter.

To perform dimensional analysis, an ideal time in the video us 2:15, this is just when the camera begins to pan in. this allows a full view of the tether as well as a visible confirmation of the craft. for myself, the tether at this point is measures at approximately 3.5 inches, being that the tether is 8 miles at minimum length, that means that every .4375 inches equals a mile in length. with the screen still paused, measure the diameter of the brightest object to the right, my measurement is 3/16 inch; translating to 0.428 miles in comparison to the tether. whats remarkable about this analysis is that the craft are below the tether relative to the camera, suggesting that any size comparison presents a minimum size.

at 3:44 a bright pulsating object is in clear view, note that the camera again is panning out to keep up with the object. this period of time indicates that the craft are indeed below the tether relative the camera, as well as being unique enough to have caught the camera operators full attention. there is no explanation for the size, shape, abundance, or attributes of the objects in view. watch, observe and enjoy.


this one is very self explanatory, a video from above earths orbit depicts a seemingly large object traverse across the globe with relative expediency towards another much smaller object above earths orbit. Notice how quickly it slows down to a halt. not only did it stop over another object, suggesting intelligent control, this object establishes a geosyncronous orbit, which is a very complicated process, strictly devoid of a natural explanation.


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