Terahertz Technology for Military Applications
Salih Ergün*
, Selçuk Sönmez**
* War Colleges Command, Army War College, Yenilevent-34330, İstanbul, Turkey.
e-mail: salihergun06@gmail.com
**War Colleges Command, Army War College, Yenilevent-34330, İstanbul, Turkey.
e-mail: selcoksonmez@gmail.com
‡Corresponding Author; Address: Tel: +90 212 123 4567, Fax: +90 212 123 4567, e-mail: salihergun06@gmail.com
Abstract- The ability to detect and identify objects hidden behind barriers is one of the core features THz technology can
offer. In today’s security environments the ability to identify threats like hidden weapons, body-worn explosives are a strong
operational need. Also detecting these threats at longer ranges are more crucial in security portals. With its capacity in
penetrating on a lot of dielectric material and non-polar liquids THz technology can offer cross-barrier vision ability. THz
spectral imaging technology is also offering a fingerprint characteristics by identifying the composition of objects. By being
non-ionizing THz technology does not represent health hazards for living tissue or humans as X-rays do.