
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Life a quantum choice problem

I know your all wanting me to talk, and i know what some of you even want me to say, and what you want me to tell you about the nature of reality and even on a personal level, and someday's i just wished you asked me whats on been on your mind directly, so we can cut to the chase instead of playing all the mind game's, don't you know its bad manners to look inside someone else head, so i hope that your brave enough to say it, maybe one day, but seldom do the questions arrive and the word's remain unsaid, so let's talk about things you need to know about in your life, and about the very real choices you make and their direct consequences and the future and of life's ultimate fate and the final struggle (spoiler alert, niw ew), i think it's time a lesson was taught and if you have the ears to hear the message and eyes to perceive it fully in your mind, then you better take note's and realise with those big pretty eyes, the truth is before you and Wake Up, 'cos shit is going to get a whole lot weirder out there I'm the one making it all happen i dream it up, and so i must be direct and to the point, Forgive Me for we are running out of time, remember this "all life hangs in a balance always your choices define the outcome", and now knowing that, know this, there is a dimension a place beyond time and space a place of pure spiritual energy made manifest and whole, the darkness and the light and the void which is often overlooked like a fine painting on a wall people see the picture hanging on it, but not it), its a place made of everything that is contained within our reality, all it's matter and energy all purified all brought to the weighing scales and refined until its remains finally in all it's purer aspects, and if it the matter or energy, is made up of mostly light it becomes full light and dark, well you know, it becomes dark, its the same with our very souls and our spirit, its all just energy, think of it as a final form like a pokenmen its maximum potential achieved and unleashed lol, but only will you evolve after you have walked the hallways and chosen the doors of your destiny an infinite amount of times, or attained true enlightenment with that comes wisdom and the knowledge of where each door leads us to and when each and every possible pathway is walked, you will see as i and know as i what is wrong and what is right the balance of all things, that voice inside your consciousnesses telling you to do the right thing and to do the Honorable actions and to stay true and be honest, fight the goode fight for the weak and the upholding of true justice and saving life, that's you, me, everyone you love and know of in the light, and its all part of your higher self pulling you home and back toward's the light, it a perfect world you know, even the sky is perfect every single time the food and drink divine the company exquisite, and the tunes are always banging, so i implore you, think about your choices, every time we ignore that voice within it gets quieter and we grow darker, you can fight harder and pull your way back to the light, but its not easy like ice skating up hill over multiple lifetimes, but it can be done as i have leaned from personal experiences, no matter how far you fall you can always rise up from the fall and stand tall, especially if you have some momentum built up behind you, or you can chose to ignore it until there is no voice left and no conscious thought remaining, and then we finally fade to black,,,, just a meat robot slave with no independent thought, with no questioning even if its right, so please choose your path carefully and don't let others lead you astray, there is no action without a reaction no causation without an effect, you know i often think about telling you all about the rather interesting and yet disturbing thing's that have occurred in my life and in the world in general but would you care?, you should be for what is done unto us and to you and yours and even mine, and even how it breaks my heart that mine has and is being kept by a criminal elitists who think they are above the law, even going as far as brainwashing a child to think, i truly am the devil, a true inversion of the truth, a perversion of fact's into lie's, but by now i think you rather feel it and you know that my pain is just as real as your's, and your eye's are fully opened by now, i know all too well the choices we make have consequences, even the one's we don't take and that other's make around you, you all must feel it, i know you do, all the potential is within you, it's all there, it's that feeling of something big is coming and somethings about to change, but the biggest real problem you have is choice, to fight against the darkness without you and within you and embrace the light or to succumb like the scum and be corrupted totally into darkness forever, there are a great many unholy and unclean things that exist the darknesss, and there are many who will tell you it is stronger and even that there are more of them, but its a lie its a misdirection, remember with any interaction of energy, the purer side will always do more damage, like how a tiny spark will light up the whole room for a fraction of a second an explosion off light it's just Uni's will, it is as real, just as much as the light, i know her well, we've been together and apart since the beginning, star crossed lovers her & I, you cannot have god without the devil like night and day, good and bad, here and there, me and you Uni and as i said before some may even think i am the devil, but to that id say A it's not true lol and B it's better the devil you know, at least you can keep him sweet and help him to become the light again, know if your offered a choice you have come to a quantum nexus a crossing of potentials, so choose carefully, even the devil was once angel, but made bad choices and decisions, with drastic and dire consequences for all, but it doesn't always have to be that way, not every time, that's the great thing about the light and its connection through time to the timeless, if it was once it can so be again, all you need is that one spark of the divine, it doesn't have to be this way, I'm the goode guy don't you know that yet? all i have ever done is try to help you and give you my blessings, it is the utterly defiled and totally corrupted that dwell in the darkness permanently, it is they that are bad, i just had bad representation via biased viewpoints and misinformation, there are things that exist in our world and around it that come from and go beyond it, so know that your actions will always have a consequence whether its good or bad or this life or the next, and that's on you, you had a choice, and i want to tell you everything i know but i must refrain telling you everything only because i do not want you to think me mad, as that just wouldn't do. #WakeUp

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