
30 Jan 2020

Faster then light Device Makes "Radio Waves Travel Faster Than Light". and laws lens

Faster then light Device Makes "Radio Waves Travel Faster Than Light".

A scientist has created a gadget that can make radio waves travel faster than light. Einstein predicted that particles and information can’t travel faster than the speed of light, but phenomena like radio waves are a different story, said John Singleton, who works at the Los Alamos National Laboratory 
[can i borrow it to make a call DL lol]

[Or and alternate explanation by me, is it just that it is information is encoded in a particle transmitted in and on the wave, it's the same thing just with a different perspective DL]. 

The polarization synchrotron combines the waves with a rapidly spinning magnetic field, and the result could explain why pulsars — which are super-dense spinning stars that are a subclass of neutron stars — emit such powerful signals, a phenomenon that has baffled many scientists. 

polarization synchrotron
Image result for polarization synchrotron"

[but im going to break it down for you and tell you how it does it and seeing as they don't know why and there's no name for it, im going to call it a natural "laws lens". its because of the magnetic lensing effect. it focuses the radiation into multiple compression wave's that are forced into a bottle neck through a sequence of focused em divergent and convergent lenses, sudden release of this compression wave particle stream gives off high energy, and anyone knows when you release energy you get light and heat and pressure, and as for the statement "pulsars — which are super-dense spinning stars that are a subclass of neutron stars — emit such powerful signals, a phenomenon that has baffled many scientists". firstly baffled, really?, you guys have all that funding and lab space equipment and i have my brain and that's it, and yet i still have the right answers which is a flashlight always looks brighter when you stare into it DL]

Singleton said the polarization synchrotron basically abuses radio waves so severely that they finally give in and travel faster than light. This may be what happens in pulsars as well. 

[just No, so No, DL]

[the Halbach effect.

this is an artificial means of achieving the same naturally occurring effect as stated in the previous paragraph which is projected in a 360' bubble [a natural Halbach sphere is[20] and not just a linear charged particle beam very much like a "photonic cannon".

A Halbach array is a special arrangement of permanent magnets and whether they be man made artificially created ones or naturally occurring ones such as ambient magnetic lensing forces of a mass or a mass moving through charged particles in space generating em the effects are the same, which is that it augments the magnetic field on one side of the array while cancelling the field to near zero on the other side. The effect of this arrangement is to speed up the particles just like a particle cannon or rail gun, which is roughly similar to many horseshoe magnets placed adjacent to each other, with similar poles touching for maximum force fuckery DL] 

“Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit radio waves in pulses, but what we don’t know is why these pulses are so bright or why they travel such long distances,” Singleton said. “What we think is these are transmitting the same way our machine does.” 

[explained in above paragraph Via gravitational and magnetic lensing effects DL]

The device consists of a 2 meter-long gently curving arc of alumina (a dielectric material), with a series of electrodes fitted at regular intervals along its length. Applying a sinusoidal voltage across each electrode and displacing the phase of the voltage very slightly from one electrode to the next generates a sinusoidally-varying polarization pattern that moves along the device. By carefully adjusting the frequency of the voltage and the phase displacement the researchers say they can make the wave travel at greater than the speed of light. However no physical quantity of charge travels faster than light speed. 

[untrue the speed of light constant, isn't as constant and inflexible as people think, it just depends upon the medium its travelling through such as heat or lack thereof, light will change its path due to the relative density of the medium, like light refracting through water or even hotter and colder air or charged plasma and non charged states of matter.and if we were to travel at light speed from here point A to point B travelling through a thinner medium we would be going faster than light speed without increasing velocity or expending any extra energy or anything DL] 

[[Refractive index
Light changes speed as it passes from one medium to another. This is called refraction. The frequency of light does not change as it refracts. The refractive index of a material is a measure of the change in the speed of light as it passes from a vacuum (or air as an approximation) into the material so it's basically a natural way of steering the path of a photon as opposed to the artificial way called Strong focusing 

Strong focusing 

Sextupole electromagnet as used within the storage ring of the Australian Synchrotron to focus and steer the electron beam

In accelerator physics strong focusing or alternating-gradient focusing is the principle that the net effect on a particle beam of charged particles passing through alternating field gradients is to make the beam converge

or tachyon or any one of a number of only dreamed of particles that remain elusively absent.

i think i earned a cookie today, don't you? lol


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