Mind Control and EM Wave
Polarization Transductions, Part 1
©Copyright 1999 by T.E. Bearden, USA
Special Note
This article refers to experimental research techniques which can be detrimental or lethal in the hands of any but highly skilled, qualified experimental scientists proceeding under proper laboratory safety procedures. The purpose of this article is strictly for information to properly qualified and authorized scientists in certified laboratories. We do not propose or condone any use of these procedures for nonapproved practice of medicine without a license. Neither the publisher nor the author are responsible for accidents or outcomes in the use of these experimental procedures and techniques. Any researcher who performs these procedures and experiments is acting on his or her own volition, and is solely responsible for insuring safety, qualifications, and legality of the acts and their results. We neither suggest nor condone unauthorized experimentation on human subjects. Such is a criminal violation of the constitutional rights of the subject under Federal and State laws, and is both illegal and immoral.
For some time we have been repeatedly queried about the technical mechanisms and unusual electrodynamics of advanced mind control research, both in the West and abroad. Calling full attention to the special note above, in this paper we present a high-level overview of the novel electromagnetic nature of mind operations, mind and body coupling, and intent―the induction of physical 3-space EM energy changes into the brain and nervous system, and into every cell of the body, from the mind's time-like coherent operations. We summarize the time-polarized electrodynamics used to engineer and affect mind operations and the mind-body coupling loop. Transduction mechanisms whereby differing EM wave polarizations can be transformed one-into-the-other are presented. We give two specific examples of lethal foreign military tests in 1997 of advanced mind control weapons against two military pilots over the central U.S. Some dangers and potential benefits of the emerging mind control technology are pointed out
Figure 1. Mechanism that generates a mass's flow through time.
Introduction and Background
In quantum field theory, there are four polarizations of photons.1 Using 4-space and the z-direction as the direction of propagation, we have x- and y- polarizations where the 3-spatial energy of the photon is oscillating laterally, in the x- or y- direction. These are transverse polarized photons, as is any combination of the two. The third polarization is along the z-direction, which is a longitudinal polarization. In other words, the 3-spatial energy of the longitudinal photon cannot oscillate in the x- or y- direction, and so it is oscillating to-and-fro along the line of motion, z-. The fourth polarization occurs when the energy is frozen in all three spatial dimensions x-, y-, and z- and it cannot oscillate in any of those directions. In that case, the photon oscillates its energy in the t- direction, providing the t-polarized photon. We will later discuss how time is actually highly condensed energy.
In Minkowski 4-space, body operations are space-like, and are so treated in conventional materialistic physics. Mind and mind-operations are time-like, not space-like, even though they are totally electromagnetic in nature.2
As is well-known, all observation in physics is considered 3-spatial..3 Mass is a 3-spatial concept, and we detect changes to mass (as, e.g., in the shift of electrons in the circuits of electrical instruments). So one may model the common physical observation mechanism as a time-differentiating process which a priori discards time-change and retains 3-spatial energy change.4 That is, Minkowski reality is modeled in the fundamental units of L3t. Physical observation (via the transverse photon interaction) is the process given by applying the operator ∂/∂t to L3t, yielding an L3 output. Hence mind and mind operations are excluded by the usual physics instruments and observation, which simply exclude the time domain in their outputs and do not "measure" it.
For this reason, physicists have erroneously considered mind to be "metaphysical" and nonreal. Indeed, most physicists to one extent or the other are materialists, and consider the "mind" to be nothing but the operations ongoing in a "meat computer." Nonetheless, in the time-domain the time is absolutely real, and it is completely electrodynamic in nature. There is no metaphysics involved, and the temporal domain—along with mind and mind operations—is simply an erroneously neglected area of physics. In present physics, the notion of mind is comfortably disposed of by imposing the use of the "observer" concept, with out ever specifying that the observer has a consciousness and a mind. Indeed, "observation" is only about what that "observer" perceives. Obviously, one has a dramatically crippled physics if one eliminates that nonobservable called "time." Similarly, one also has a dramatically crippled physics when one eliminates the mechanisms and physics ongoing in those time-like and dynamic "things" such as mind, that occupy time and function in it.
From this viewpoint, Western physics adheres to its 3-spatial measurement foundation only by ignoring the transduction of time-polarized EM changes into detectable longitudinal and transverse EM wave changes. In this aspect, present Western physics is severely self-crippled.
Time is totally electromagnetic and energetic in nature. The flow of time is not a separate external river on which a mass floats along like a boat drifting down the current of a great flowing river. Instead, the flow of time is generated directly on every mass by its total set of photon interactions, both virtual and ob servable. We have previously presented the exact mechanism for the flow of time. [Figure 1]
Figure 2. Transduction of EM wave type by successive phase conjugate pairing.
Further, a photon is comprised of angular momentum, therefore of (energy)x(time). It transports both energy and time, not just energy alone. When absorbed by a mass, not only does it "energy-excitation" charge the mass, but also it "time-excitation" charges it, converting the former "mass" to "mass time". Rigorously it is masstime that emits a photon, not mass. So a mass moves through time in little spurts, by the continual macroscopic addition and subtraction of little Dt components. Further, in being driven through time, mass is continually altered to masstime (a quite different critter from mass), to mass, to masstime, to mass, etc.
In any masstime state, a myriad of tiny virtual photon interactions made of very tiny (DE)(Dt)'s interact with that same mass during that particular larger Dt of the masstime state (m+Dm)(Dt). Hence mass in its alternate masstime state has that state internally structured by its surrounding environment's interactions with it. The masstime state is internally structured energetically in its (DE) component, and also internally structured temporally in its (Dt) component.
A standard charged fundamental particle such as an electron, e.g., is not necessarily identical with another, when the internal structuring of its masstime state is considered. Further, by two papers by Whittaker,5 interferometry of masstime states with either energy reactions or temporal reactions can yield observable effects and changes due to these neglected "hidden variables" in the electron's masstime alternative states. To engineer the mind and its operations directly, one must perform electrodynamic engineering in the time domain, not in the 3-space EM energy density domain. The direct engineering of time-like mind and mind operations—in all levels and all aspects—requires the use of time-polarized photons
and time-polarized EM waves. This is the rarest form of electrodynamics, almost untouched by Western physicists.
One can either painfully produce such time-polarized photons and EM waves and directly irradiate a target mass with specific assemblies of them, or one can force the mass itself to iteratively transduce ordinary transverse EM waves first into longitudinally-polarized EM waves and then into time-polarized EM waves. Both will be discussed briefly.
In the West, it appears that the present author's discovery of mechanisms for producing time-polarized (scalar) EM waves [see Figure 2] and for transducing between wave polarizations has no precedent. [See Figure 3]. While scalar (time-polarized) photons are known in the literature,1 the creation and use of time-polarized EM waves does not seem to appear in the Western physics literature.6
Wave transduction or polarization transductions are terms used by the author for the process of transforming an EM wave's particular polarization into another polarization type. Such transduction to other than transverse polarization forms is little known in the West. It appears essentially haphazardly in some experiments, usually without any recognition by the experimenters themselves. Significant transduction in experiments will also produce "strange" and unexplained anomalies in the instruments being used for experimental measurements.7
So most probably Western mind control researchers have not recognized the methodology and mechanisms8 for transducing one type of EM wave polarization directly into another.9 They continue to seek the "mind" in 3-space and hence in the brain, rather than in the time domain. On the other hand, it appears

Figure 3. Interference processes for transducing higher EM wave polarizations
into lower polarization states.
that the Russian KGB energetics10 weapons scientists—particularly those in psychoenergetics11—have known and used methods of transducing one wave polarization into another, for at least two decades. It follows that those same scientists have very probably developed mind engineering and mind control via novel time-polarized EM wave means and a dramatically extended electrodynamics of the time-like mind operations.
In the present paper we briefly develop the wave transductions and the basis for mind engineering, including the specialized use of ordinary transverse wave (TW) EM spectra to force internal EM wave transductions and time-domain operations inside irradiated bodies, cells, and tissues. Through the mind-body coupling mechanism, these transductions of transverse EM waves can operate upon the mind and its deepest operations as well as upon the body, every cell, and every part of every cell.
Russian Mind Control Uses
Higher EM Wave Polarizations
It is apparent that the KGB psychoenergetics weapons scientists know and use the full extended EM wave polarization range. As a postulation, one would expect our own weapons scientists to know and utilize the orthodox transverse wave (TW) EM for similar research and experimentation. However, in the West scientists are just beginning to realize the importance of a very general (and weaker) type of longitudinal EM wave (LW) polarization, as evidenced by the appearance of dozens of papers on "undistorted progressive waves" (UPWs, which are essentially imperfect LW s with TW residues remaining). The Los Alamos National Laboratory web site has a number of such papers—particularly by Rodrigues12 and Lu—available for free downloading. UPWs
have very interesting characteristics. If they were perfect longitudinal EM waves, they would have infinite energy and infinite speed. Since only imperfect UPWs can be physically made, their speed can vary from slower than the speed of light to faster than the speed of light. Their energy can also vary over a great range.
Another characteristic of UPWs that are reasonably good longitudinal EM waves, is that they pass readily through a large depth of water and mass, including through the ocean and the earth with only small interactions and losses. Yet by interfering two such beams of "high quality" UPWs at a great distance, then in the interference zone ordinary EM energy will rise directly out of local spacetime potential, as essentially shown by Whittaker13 nearly a century ago. Russian weapon research facilities have weaponized these effects14 for nearly 50 years, under rigid KGB control and operation. Nonetheless, even if using only ordinary TW waves, Western mind control researchers may get some fairly good results, brute-force-like, by using gross correlates between just the input irradiating TWs and the exhibited behavioral responses of the individual. The net input-output correlations can be determined, even though not taking into account the actual wave polarization transduction mechanisms ongoing inside the irradiated dielectric (or brain, or mind, etc.). However, Western researchers appear to have no knowledge of the exact mechanisms by means of which coherent time-like mind operations of a biological organism couple to the organism's 3-spatial body to provide the mental control loop. They also appear unaware of how the coherent 3-spatial behavior responses of the body couple back to the time-like mind to provide it with a sensory feedback of the body's responses.

Figure 4. A spacetime curvature engine has myriads of small ST curvature
components which act upon mass at all levels.
General Relativity Aspects
Both these coupling mechanisms can be taken directly from general relativity, if one puts one's mind to it. However, unless the wave polarization transformations are known, it is difficult or impossible to apply the ordinary GR directly, since relativists usually concentrate upon spacetime curvature by altering 3-space energy density rather than by altering time-polarized "time-energy" density.
In applied general relativity, spacetime itself is an active medium. One speaks of a change in spacetime as a "spacetime curvature". Any curvature of spacetime in a local region directly performs continuous work upon any mass embedded in that region. Vice versa, any mass (or other concentration of energy) in a local spacetime continuously acts upon that spacetime to "curve" it.
So if one wishes to perform actions upon mass in a distant region, one may generate local curvatures of spacetime in that region, and these curvature "engines" will directly act upon the mass at all levels. [Figure 4] This is very different from energy propagation through space from one point to another. Now the "ordinary EM energy and actions" arise from every spatiotemporal point within the mass, at every level, and move upwards (from inside to outside). So we speak of specific forms of "templates" of nested spacetime curvatures formed and utilized to engineer mass "from inside out" as spacetime curvature engines or vacuum engines.
Use of vacuum (spacetime curvature) engineering15 is a far more powerful form of engineering than is provided by energy propagation through space. As an example, it is easy to alter the quarks in a nucleon, using spacetime curvature engines and time-charging decay. Indeed, we have developed the mechanisms for cold fusion and the electronuclear interaction (formation of new nuclides) at feeble energy. An Invention Disclosure16 on this work
has been filed with the U.S. Patent Office, and formal patent applications are in preparation. Some information on these mechanisms and principles has been released17.
Time as Dense EM Energy
and a Strong Spacetime Curvature Agent
The advantage of using the time-polarized "time-energy" for spacetime curvature is that time is ordinary energy compressed by a factor of at least c2—which, in the MKS system of units, is some 9¥1016. Thus use of time-polarized EM photons and waves as ST curvature agents gives an amplification of 9¥1016 over the use of transverse-polarized EM waves for that purpose. In turn, the use of the strong EM force in ordinary TW waves as an agent of ST curvature is already a nominal 1040 times as strong as is the weak G force used as the agent of ST curvature.
The bottom line is this: For spacetime curvature effects, the use of the t-polarized domain provides amplification of some 9¥1056 greater than the weak G-force ST curvature agent usually considered in general relativity18.
Western Science Remains Largely Materialistic
Ironically, most Western scientists are materialists and consider "mind" as a mystical and nonscientific concept. They tend to consider mind operations and functions either to be simply "meat computer" operations and functions, or at best to be very weak ordinary transverse-wave EM operations and functions in the brain and nervous system.8 This serious self-limitation exists because in the body we measure only weak TW EM operations and functions correlated to biological behavior and brain operations. We simply do not know how to measure "mind operations" directly.
Figure 5. Mind-to body coupling and body-to-mind coupling.
With no mind measurements possible and no instruments, it is understandable that Western science considers only the physical side of the mind-matter interface.
Presently our scientists do not measure the longitudinally-polarized EM wave operations and functions in the body and around it in nature. Few of them are aware that a maelstrom of such LW functions exist in the body and in all of nature in general. Presently only highly theoretical quantum field theorists seem to even be aware of the existence of scalar (t-polarized) photons, and even they are unaware of t-polarized EM waves. Certainly our scientists do not measure t-polarized EM waves in and around the body and in nature, nor do they make them in the laboratory. Apparently they have not studied such waves and their interactions with matter—living and inert—at all.
But it's even worse. In ignoring the time component transported by photons and EM waves, science has also erroneously omitted half of the excitation charging and excitation decay processes whenever a mass interacts with photons and EM waves. More on that later.
Brute Forcing Time
Functions versus Fine Control Methods
Ironically, Western mind control researchers using transverse EM waves for mind control research, are using a brute force method of evoking and using vacuum engines ( spacetime curvature engines) and a special form of general relativity, although they do not appear to realize it.
While KGB scientists also use TW EM "brute force" TW waves when necessary, they do "imprint" or "activate" those waves with the desired internal LW and time-polarized EM wave and photon structures required to directly perform the mind engineering desired.
They also do not hesitate to use LWs and t-polarized waves overtly. So in blunt terms, Western compared to Russian mind control research is probably like comparing an automobile body shop with a fine surgical ward. Having long ago worked out all those "exact correlates" to the internal "information content of the field" is where the KGB scientists are at least 20 years ahead of the West.
The reason one can get mind and behavior results with the TW electromagnetics, while bypassing the real mechanism which uses t-polarized waves and photons, is due to (1) the very peculiar nature of the EM emission from a dielectric, and (2) what can be done by re-radiating that dielectric with its emitted spectrum, deliberately and very carefully altered in selected parts. We will return to that important feature later.
Polarization and Observability
As we stated, there are four photon polarizations and therefore there must be correspondingly four EM wave polarizations1 The first three polarizations are the x-, y-, and z- spatial polarizations. The x- and y- polarizations are transverse polarizations and the z-polarization is a longitudinal polarization along the direction of propagation (along the z-axis, by standard notation). Simply put, we may visualize the transverse polarizations as rather like the wiggling of a fish's tail from side to side as the fish moves forward, or a whale's flukes up and down as the whale moves forward, or some combination thereof. We may visualize the longitudinal polarization as a sort of "repetitive accordion effect" along the line of motion of the wave. Usually the z- polarization is neglected in EM wave theory, although in recent years physicists have "rediscovered" longitudinal EM waves and are now intensely researching the use and characteristics of such waves.12
Figure 6. The three divisions of Soviet energetics and their characteristics
Unfortunately, in quantum field theory there has been a tendency to regard the t-polarized or "scalar" photon—where the local rate of time is oscillated—as unobservable. Oscillation of the local rate of time produces powerful oscillations of local space-time curvatures, due to the extreme energy density of time. Individually, the t-polarized photon tends to be unobservable. However, a coherent sequential group of such t-polarized photons, each individually in the virtual state with respect to the external observer, may simply integrate in its interaction with mass over a short time period into observable change because of the coherent integration of virtual spacetime curvatures into a larger, observable spacetime curvature.
Rotations and Projections in 4-Space
Relativistically, any velocity change in 4-space is a rotation. Any such rotation in the time-domain also creates a tiny projection component into 3-space. Any such rotation in the 3-spatial domain also creates a tiny projection component into the time domain.
Hence a sufficient series of coherent time-domain (mental) changes produces a coherent series of virtual changes in 3-space (the body), thereby coherently integrating into an observable energy change in the body. A sufficient series of coherent 3-spatial energy changes produces a coherent series of virtual changes in the time domain which coherent integrate into an observable time-domain change.
Solution to the Age-Old Philosophical Problem of Intent
This is in fact the solution to the age-old problem of intent, or how the nonmaterial (i.e., non-3-spatial and non-observable) mind induces a 3-spatial, observable energy change upon the 3-spatial body. It is also the
solution to the problem of awareness; i.e., how the mind is aware of itself19 and of the responses of the body. Together the two form a closed loop coupling of the mind and body. The time delay in the loop together with memory recall for comparison, creates the sense of "persistence" of self in time. This also creates the sense of being a "separate, closed being" (i.e., of separate persistence in time—in the living entity). The sense of "separation of self from an external world" is created by comparing those body-to-mind sensory feedbacks which are not correlated to the mind's previous feed-forward intent.
Time As Energy and Why It Is Very Dense Energy
In addition to the three spatial polarizations of photons and EM waves, there is a very, very useful t-polarization along the time axis. In this polarization, the 3-spatial energy is not oscillating at all. Instead, the time or time-energy is oscillating. Time can be taken to be energy compressed by at least c2, so it has at least the same energy density as mass. In other words, one second is 9x1016 joules of time-energy (energy compressed into time). The t-polarized photon or EM wave is called the scalar photon or scalar EM wave, respectively.
To demonstrate why time can be regarded as energy, we need only point out that the choice of fundamental units in any physics model is totally arbitrary. We usually choose these units to ease the mathematical manipulation, ease our understanding, and simplify the ability to visualize or "grasp" the physics. However, if one wishes, one can build all of physics from a single fundamental unit—e.g., energy. In that case, one readily sees that time is a function of energy and only energy. Hence it is perfectly proper to regard time as energy, and to seek out what form the function takes in our normal system of units (say, the MKS system).
Figure 7. In the 1960s, Lisitsyn revealed Russian scientists had deciphered
the human brain code.
In that system, it appears that any change in time Δt can be taken as always a function of a corresponding change in energy ΔE, where Δt ≤ (ΔE) ÷ c2 [1] from which it follows that ΔE ≥ (Δt) x c2 [2] For convenience, we take the special case where Δt = (ΔE) ÷ c2 [3] ΔE = (Δt) x c2 [4].
Observation as Used in Physics Is Spatial
We note that all mind operations are time-like, i.e., they are comprised as scalar EM photon functions and scalar EM wave functions. Thus the mind is a very special kind of electromagnetic system, existing in the time domain, and thus "lost" by the stripping away of time in the ordinary observation process. Physical observation is essentially a time-differentiating mechanism applied to a 4-spatial change, or in terms of MKS fundamental units L and t, observation θ is θ = ∂/∂t(L3t) = L3 [5].
Thus, as is well-known in quantum mechanics, physical observation is 3-spatial, and time is not a physical observable, even in theory. Since mind is time-like, it follows that mind is not a physical observable either, since discarding the time dimension also discards the mind. In short, one may also take physical operation as the mechanism that separates mind and body. To observe is to separate. We point out, however, that merely "separating and discarding" the time domain (as in physical observation of a single change) does not eliminate it, nor does it eliminate the single time-like mind change that may be involved in an intentional volition. The time domain certainly remains, even though only the 3-spatial intersection of the 4-spatial Minkowski change is given by physical observation. So we may say that the time-change remains in the virtual state, with respect to attempted physical observation of a single Minkowski 4-space change.
Rotation, Coherent Integration, and Intent
Previously we pointed out that any change in a 4-space entity may be regarded as a rotation away from the "trajectory" of the entity. Hence each and every t-polarized change creates a very small projection into 3-space by its rotation slightly away from the time axis. All mind changes in the time-domain actually produce virtual 3-spatial projections in 3-space (in the physical domain). We define "intent" as the continued production of successively coherent mental changes, producing coherent virtual changes in the 3-space body system, with coherent integration of those 3-space virtual changes into observable 3-space energy inputs into the 3-space body system. Successively coherent mind-changes will produce successively coherent 3-space virtual changes. In short, coherent mind-changes will produce coherent integration of those 3-space virtual projections into an observable 3-space change. This is the creation of an ordinary 3-spatial energy change induced upon the 3-space body. In short, this is the mechanism whereby time-like mental intent is able to produce a series of coherent observable quantum changes in the physical body (as in the brain and nervous system).
The Body as a Servomechanism
From the standpoint of control theory, we may consider the body system to be a complex servomechanism system comprised of many subordinate servo systems with feedback and feedforward looping.
Given the input from intent, ordinary servo theory will take it from there. Once a servo has an input, servomechanism theory describes the response of the
mechanism and the resulting "outputs". So a series of coherently integrated "mental intent" changes introduced into the human body's overall servo-mechanism provides the continuing input. From there, ordinary physics will generate the resulting actions induced in the body by that servomechanism and its amplifying mechanisms.
Two Coupling Mechanisms Make a Closed Loop
This is the "mind-to-body" coupling mechanism. [See Figure 5] It is the mechanism whereby the mind is coupled to the body, and whereby mental intent is able to induce a series of physical inputs into the body servomechanism.
So the body's servomechanism then generates the responses of the body (including everything from chemistry to electrical changes to muscular movements, etc.). These responses are changes in 3-space.
The conscious mind is a serial processor, though extremely rapid. It produces the series of coherent intent inputs for volitional behavior.
The unconscious mind is a massively parallel processor.20 It continually produces the vast series of coherent "unconscious intent inputs" for control of all the deeper processes in the body, beyond usual conscious awareness.
However, as the body moves or changes in 3-space, each resulting quantum change in body 3-space is also a slight rotation out of 3-space and toward the time axis. Hence it induces—in the "virtual state" in the time domain—a precisely correlated projection. The body's responses are in general coherent, so a coherent series of virtual state changes in the time-domain (in the mind realm) are created successively. In short, again we have coherent integration, this time in the mind or time domain. This produces "observable" changes in the time-mind domain, which are coherent with the body's 3-spatial changes actually performed. Thus the mind receives feedback directly from the physical movements and changes of the body. This is the manner in which the body is coupled back to the mind.21
By comparing the "intent" behavioral move that was "fed forward" into the body, with the return "response" move analog that was "fed back" from the body to the mind, the mind is able to determine errors and differences, and originate additional correctional commands.
Thus the entire mind-body loop is a closed-circuit system of feedforward and feedback, together with corrections. It also has multiple levels of such, infolded in the larger volitional levels. See again Figure 4.
This solves the age-old problem of the mechanisms for the mind-body coupling, intent, volition, conscious and unconscious functioning, sense of the external world, sense of the internal world, sense of "being in" the external world, etc.22
All This Is Included in Russian Psychoenergetics
This is the highly summarized basis for psychoenergetics, the KGB's division of energetics that deals with the mind and body coupling and functions, and direct engineering of (1) the mind-body coupling and (2) the mind operations directly. [See Figure 6] The KGB intent, of course, has always been to exploit this science for the degradation, killing, and control of human beings, including all humanity.
The Russians know full well that, if you produce and utilize scalar EM photons and t-polarized EM waves, you can directly affect and engineer mind and mind operations at any and all levels. Western researchers, who know nothing of how to make
time-polarized photons and time-polarized EM waves, do not yet know that. Consequently the Russians have developed a highly secret science of directly engineering the mind and its operations, including thought, images, perceptions, feelings, emotions, memory, and mind processing. Indeed, Lisitsyn23 wrote quite specifically of this capability in the 1960s. [See Figure 7]
Western clandestine mind control researchers are apparently still slowly and painfully fitting TW EM irradiation correlates to induced or resulting mental and physical behavior responses. They seem unaware of the actual wave transductions occurring inside the body and mind, but are unwittingly inducing those transductions in hidden fashion anyway and in "brute-force input-response fitting" models.
These "fitted brute-force models" certainly can be very powerful, and certainly can produce the exact results shown in the experimental verifications of the fittings. However, they do not of themselves allow sophisticated design—for example—of the necessary time-polarized wave assemblies for engineering the entire human collective unconscious simultaneously, or for engineering the entire collective unconscious of all species on Earth (i.e., Gaia's collective unconscious), or even for precisely engineering the memory and knowledge base of an individual.
This fine research article will be continued in Part II with Russian Methodology, Waves and Wave Transduction, The Cellular Control System, and other matters of interest. ♦
President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. Lieutenant Colonel US. Army (Retired). MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University. Graduate of Command & General Staff College, US. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officers Course, U. S. Army (equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering). Numerous electronic warfare and counter-countermeasures courses.
Tom is the leading advocate of scalar potential electromagnetics and the Fogal charge-blocking semiconductor: He is involved in alternate energy devices and scalar electromagnetic system prototypes. He has defined charge q as a coupled system of two components, advanced a mechanism for a vacuum engine, whereby the vacuums virtual particle flux is organized and used to energetically shape and manipulate matter and energy, and advanced a mechanism for a Bohm-type quantum potential, which theoretically allows the engineering of action at a distance in physical systems.
He is president of the Association of Distinguished American Scientists (ADAS), a life member of the Alabama Academy of Science, Emeritus member of the American Association of Physics Teachers, and has served on the Board of Directors of several associations and corporations. Tom is a guitarist, a retired aikidoist (Sandan, Yoseikan style), is happily married and has two sons and two daughters. He and his wife Doris live in Huntsville, Alabama where Tom is retired from aerospace, continues private research, and serves as a consultant to industry on Scalar electromagnetics processes.
1. E.g., see Lewis H Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 1996, p. 147+. For an even deeper discussion of photon polarization, see F. Mandl and G. Shaw, Quantum Field Theory, Wiley, 1984, under the heading "Covariant Quantization of the Photon Propagator" in Chapter 5. Mandl and Shaw argue that the longitudinal and scalar polarizations are not directly observable, but only in combination, where they manifest as the "instantaneous" Coulomb (i.e. electrostatic) potential.
2. Nature is unified and not separated into the "separate" disciplines our science has prescribed. Thus the mind is also totally electrogravitational. The mind works not just with EM
forms in an inert space, but also with spacetime curvatures in a
spacetime that is highly active. The mind is rooted in the time-domain and projects from that domain into 3-space. The body is rooted in the 3-space domain and projects into the time-domain. To "change" or "function" in one domain is automatically to function in the other. EM and gravitational phenomena are still modeled separately by human scientists, but not by nature.
3. In quantum mechanics, time is not an observable, but merely a parameter.
4. It is convenient to consider mass as a 3-spatial form of condensed energy.
5. E. T. Whittaker, "On the Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics, " Mathematische Annalen, Vol. 57, 1903, p. 333-355;— "On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions, "Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Series 2, Vol. I, 1904, p. 367-372.
6. A NERAC document search yielded some 16 good references on t-polarized photons, but not a single reference on t-polarized EM waves.
7. E.g., such previously inexplicable instrument anomalies have accompanied some excellent and rigorous electrolyte experiments at U. S. Navy research facilities at China Lake. For a description, see Melvin H Miles and Benjamin F. Bush, "Radiation measurements at China Lake: Real or Artifacts?", Proc. ICCF - 7 (International Conference on Cold Fusion—7, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Apr. 1998, p. 101. For a brief explanation of the anomalies, see T. E. Bearden, "EM Corrections Enabling a Practical Unified Field Theory with Emphasis on Time-Charging Interactions of Longitudinal EM Waves, " Explore!, 8(6), 1998, p. 7-16;— "Toward a Practical Unified Field Theory and a Deep Experimental Example," Proc. INE Symposium, Univ. Utah, Aug. 14-15, 1998.
8. Many U. S. researchers and journalists—and even many scientists—have wrestled with the problems of mind, intent, and mind-body coupling. Enumeration of those efforts would itself require an entire book. For an introduction into that domain, the reader is referred to the very determined exposé by Cheryl Welsh in her very timely book, The 1950's Discovery of the Code of the Brain, May 1988, published on the Internet. Simply employ any Net search engine and search on the name Cheryl Welsh. A connection to the site and to Welsh's book will immediately be found Welsh's important compendium is highly recommended, giving the reader a "birds eye view", so to speak, of how Western scientists think and proceed regarding the subject of mind control by electromagnetic means. Unfortunately all journalists so far researching the area have not been aware that Western electrodynamics itself is seriously flawed, and that the great Russian advances in mind engineering and mind control are a result of their secret but complete revision and correction of Western electrodynamics to provide the basis for energetics. Until Western scientists revise their own decrepit old electrodynamics fouling the textbooks, they will never catch up to the Russian mind control developments springing from intense development programs that did that revision in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
9. An Invention Disclosure on these processes and enhancement embodiments has been filed with the U. S. Patent Office. Formal patent applications are also in preparation.
10. Energetics is a unified science of an extended electrodynamics possessing a hidden infolded general relativity inside the potentials, fields, and waves. It deliberately employs higher polarizations (longitudinal and tempic) of photons and EM waves to engineer action at a distance, use of specific patterns of spacetime curvature created at a distance, and direct engineering of either inert or living bodies. It also encompasses the direct engineering of time-like mind and mind functions. It is divided into three divisions, depending upon the nature of the target. Targeted against inert materials, structures, fields, and waves it is called "energetics. "Against living bodies, their fields, and biochemistry, it is called "bioenergetics." Against the mind and mind functions, it is called "psychoenergetics".
11. Psychoenergetics is that branch of energetics used to directly affect and engineer the mind, memory, perception, thought, emotion, sensation, personality, and other mind functions of a living biological organism. It is usable against a single personal conscious (serial processor) mind and a single personal unconscious (massively parallel) processor mind In theory it is also usable against lungs collective unconscious mind and its functions, as well as the deeper unconscious for all species on Earth (i.e., against Gaia). We are speaking of physics, not metaphysics.
12. W A. Rodrigues Jr.. and J.-Y. Lu, "On the existence of undistorted progressive waves (UPWs) of arbitrary speeds 0 £ v <¥ in nature," Foundations of Physics, 27(3), 1997, p. 435-5ۨ08 A slightly corrected version is downloadable as hep-th/9606171 on the Los Alamos National Laboratory website.
13. E. T. Whittaker, "On an Expression of the Electromagnetic Field Due to Electrons by Means of Two Scalar Potential Functions, "Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., Series 2, Vol. I, 1904, p. 367-372. The paper was published in 1904 and orally delivered in 1903.
14. E.g., see T. E. Bearden, Fer-de-Lance, Tesla Book Co., 1986;—AIDS: Biological Warfare, Tesla Book Co., 1988;—Soviet Weather Engineering Over North America, 1-hour videotape, 1985,—Gravitobiology; A New Biophysics, Tesla Book Co., P.O. Box 121873, Chula Vista, CA 91912, 1991,—Energetics of Free Energy Systems and Vacuum Engine
Therapies, Tara Publishing, Internet node www.tarapublishing.com/books, July 1997; — Energetics: Extensions to Physics and Advanced Technology for Medical and Military Applications, CTEC Proprietary, May 1, 1998, 200+ pages furnished to selected government agencies and key Congressional committee leaders.
15. E.g., see T.D. Lee, Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory, Harwood; New York, 1981. On P.383, Nobelist Lee points out that the microstructure of the scalar vacuum field (i.e., of vacuum charge) is not utilized. Particularly see Lee's own attempt to indicate the possibility of using vacuum engineering, in his "Chapter 25; Outlook; Possibility of Vacuum Engineering, " p. 824-828. With wave transductions and use of higher polarization EM waves, there are far better and more powerful ways to do vacuum (spacetime curvature) engineering.
16 T.E. Bearden, "Formation and Use of Time-Reversal Zones, EM Wave Transduction, Time-Density (Scalar) EM Excitation and Decay, and Spacetime curvature Engines to Alter Matter and Convert Time Into Energy," Invention Disclosure Document #446522, Oct. 26, 1998.
17. T.E. Bearden, "EM Corrections Enabling a Practical Unified Field Theory with Emphasis on Time-Charging Interactions of Longitudinal EM Waves, "Explore!, 8(6), 1998, p. 7-16; — "Toward a Practical Unified Field Theory and a Deep Experimental Example," Proc. INE Symposium, Univ. Utah, Aug. 14-15, 1998.
18. We have used the enormous energy density of time in our approach to a totally new kind of electronuclear interaction at feeble spatial energy. By use of a time-reversal zone (TRZ) in a fluid; the free H+ ions—which are free protons—can be induced to attract each other so tightly that the edge of the nuclear force region is entered. In that case the protons form a quasi-nucleus. When the TRZ decays back to a time-forward zone (TRZ), this new quasi-nucleus decays by changing quarks in one or more nucleons, thereby producing new nuclides. We point out that this is actually a very high energy reaction; however; since the time-energy is used and is very, very dense, the amount of 3-spatial energy that must be used is very small. If this new mechanism holds, it represents a revolution in particle physics.
19. "Self-awareness" refers to be continually "refreshed" by time-delayed coherent feed-back inputs from the body to the mind; where these inputs compare to the recalled memory of the minds inputs to the body. In short, the time-delay coherence creates the sense of "existing in time". Awareness usually
means "sense of existing in time".
20. The "unconscious" is totally conscious, just multiply so. The conscious mind can see only "a single slide in the slide projector at a time, " so to speak. When it "looks" at the ongoings and outputs of the unconscious, it "sees" millions of slides in the slide projector simultaneously. Hence it cannot distinguish "one and one only". So it just sees nothing, where by "nothing" we mean "no single distinguishable thing." It therefore is unable to consciously perceive the actions of the unconscious. When the unconscious wishes to communicate with the conscious (because of unresolved conflicts, etc.), it must produce large groupings integrated into "symbolic scenarios". Hence the symbolism of the unconscious, and the basis for therapeutic psychology and psychiatry. A "symbol", after all, is just a thing which can have many different meanings, all folded into one.
21. The mind continually has activities of its own, each of which produces coherent changes in the body to a much smaller degree. The interweaving of these "smaller self-changes" infolded inside the 3-space major intent changes also produces slight body changes, which in turn "project back" into the mind. This huge group of "infolded self-loops" produces the sense of "my body" being "volitionally directed or occupied" simultaneously with the "greater intent" loops which represent "my intentional actions with my body". Further; the body servo continually receives a myriad of inputs from its sensory systems, both from changes inside the body and from incoming changes from the external universe. This interweaving produces the awareness of "being in the external world" by having (i) changes whose feedback do not match mind-intent changes, and (ii) changes whose feedback does match mind-intent changes. This of course applies to both the conscious and unconscious levels. The purpose here is to demonstrate that there exists an actual physics of the living being, the mind as well as the body, and the coupling and interfiinctioning of mind and body.
22. The methodology also easily extends to include deeper interlays for the collective human unconscious mind and for Gaia—the collective unconscious mind level for all the species on earth.
23. S. K Lisitsyn, "New Approach to the Analysis of Electroencephalograms, " in Problems of Bionics— (Selected Articles), Defense Documentation Center Report AD 73005, date unknown, p. 16-25. Available through the National Technical Information System (NTIS).