Oooh shit it's the Fire Remix, looks like a shadow ban not even a notification in the last 27 minutes, C'mon fb you can't test this, you got no skill, you can't handle yo biz, im the Dope intellectual, your Just plain ineffectual, my skill you cant test, Cos I Am the best, i rock it and roll, while you block it and fold, your done your dusted, your service is broken, Your Dismissed from Our service and no longer trusted, your finished and fucked and its all because of nothing, just the sweetest of pure ironic luck, See she loves me does Uni, if only you could see, no doubt if you could, you wouldn't have fucked with me, I'm the One they told you about of which you were warmed, you should've been more careful 'cos "Here is the Dawn". to that day which you thought would never come, unlucky say's i, your about to get burned by the Sun, This is our chance. And this is our threat, This is our choice. And we're not finished yet. We stand together, And await the light, for it is near, And this is our chance there's no time to fear, This is our fight. And here we're standing UNI-ted and strong. We're not giving this up. We're not moving on. This is our voice; the lesson we came to show. This was your choice, And we're not letting go, This is our promise that you've given what you get. This is our world, Our Dominion, and we're not finished yet. So raise up your voices Goode Peep's of honour; and stand up tall and Rise Up from the fall. You know this is wrong and completely unjust. So make your choices; before you can't stand no more, Believe In Me, you don't want that, trust!, Because future dreamers are counting on us. So you know we will do it, we have to Save them, so we must compel you to do it, It's the right course of action to take in the face of adversity, stand firm in your trenches and be ready for action, women of valour support your men, for without them your lost, and a half heart broken fam, Hear ish tar's wisdom, I know that you are scared to stand up and be strong. You have every right to be but don't worry, We won't let them hurt you, you will live, So show the future dreamers that your alive in there, and that you still care, and they will Move the Heaven's and Earth to support you, Come and stand with me, stand proud and Even I Will Salute You. Think of the future; Then think of the truth. Think of all the lives we've lived. Think of our shared beginnings; and then think of your youth, do you really want to go through all that pain again?. We're all just a kid from somewhere lost way up in the Forrest. Standing together, holding hands against the dark is all there is, We all came from the same place. Joined we are forever don't you see it, we're all part of the Human Race. Stand with me; we're not through yet. We are giving what they gave. Join Hand in hand with me Rise up you are not a slave, become stronger together than we can ever be apart. All This can all be saved and that's the Truth right from my Heart. This is our life's future history, This is real and truth, life it's more than just a game. This is more than just being about money, or even about the fame. this is about everything, the whole future and the truth, our love lives in our live's and our hopes are resolute. Viva La resistance Vive la révolution Vivez la résistance, vivez la révolution, soyez le futur.🙏❤️🧠🌍☮️😂😂😂😂😎✊✊✊✊✊