
29 Jan 2020

science unwittingly vindicates me yet again on my pyramid power plant theories

science unwittingly vindicates me yet again on my pyramid power plant theories,,,

and we can also make some starling conclusions from the evidence that has gone unnoticed by the mainstream and can be proven Via the paper :Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration:

firstly it's a multi purpose piece of high technology that has encoded in its dimensions a message and advanced mathematical and geometrical and astrological and scientific information, is also a resonant power generation and management system and a planetary emergency defence network and the emergency exit.

during times of extreme solar activity and high radiation from space it channels the "useful" radiation safety into the earth grid for use and dissipates any harmful residual energy out the other side of the planet by charging the existing resonant bubble of energy with anti particles created from the "useful energy" that has been collected, where as the harmful radiation and energies follow the path of least resistance and is channelled from the skin effect around the outside of the bubble and on towards the next planetary body Via planetary charged plasma attraction and so on,

and it's also the emergency exit for just in case when the poles shift and flip and if the cosmic radiation levels spike to e.l.e (extinction level events), levels during that time the energy will be projected outwards as the poles have inverted hence the process is reversed it's flipped. 
Remember; The electron probability density is sensitive to the thickness of the barrier one is trying to breach #Fact

and there is also a clearly a much larger structure hidden beneath the sand's with a massive central shaft located centrally beneath the pyramid, its a type of a giant vaulted resonating chamber like the grand gallery but much bigger, and its made visible in red you can even see the waveguide pattern. 

Related image

 + Image result for ankh

normal operation of energy distribution pattern of storing and transferring energy to earth grid via poles shifting repeatedly to create standing wave effect
1-5 = +charge state
6-10= negative charge state

1-5 normal energy redistribution/transmission 
6-10 for resonant UVLF bubble around earth

1-5 extreme and strong energy patterns causing resonant power generation and standing wave to be generated

6-10 planetary defence network active. stored energy is released and projected up and outwards to repel severe energy pattern


Resonant response of the Great Pyramid interacting with external electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range (the wavelength range is 200–600 m) is theoretically investigated. With the help of numerical simulations and multipole decomposition, it is found that spectra of the extinction and scattering cross sections include resonant features associated with excitation of the Pyramid's electromagnetic dipole and quadrupole moments. Electromagnetic field distributions inside the Pyramid at the resonant conditions are demonstrated and discussed for two cases, when the Pyramid is located in a homogeneous space or on a substrate. It is revealed that the Pyramid's chambers can collect and concentrate electromagnetic energy for the both surrounding conditions. In the case of the Pyramid on the substrate, at the shorter wavelengths, the electromagnetic energy accumulates in the chambers providing local spectral maxima for electric and magnetic fields. It is shown that basically the Pyramid scatters the electromagnetic waves and focuses them into the substrate region. The spectral dependence of the focusing effect is discussed.

The Egyptian pyramids are one of the wonders of the world which are of great interest to people far from science as well as researchers from various scientific fields, including history, archaeology, architecture, and even physics and astronomy. Legends associated with these amazing structures excite the imagination of people engendering various fables and baseless assumptions. This is especially true of the so-called Great Pyramid—the largest and most complex from a structural point of view of the pyramids present on the plateau of Giza in Egypt.

In this context, applications of modern physical methods and approaches for investigations of Pyramids' properties are important and productive.1–3 It could allow to make new discoveries or get new information motivating new interests to the Pyramids. For example, quite recently, cosmic-ray muon radiography was used to discover a large void (with a cross section similar to the Grand Gallery and a length of 30 m minimum) above the Grand Gallery, which constitutes the first major inner structure found in the Great Pyramid since the 19th century.3

In this paper, we use another modern approach and consider the Great Pyramid as a physical object that could have resonant properties when interacting with external electromagnetic waves of the radio frequency range with the corresponding wavelength λ from 200 m to 600 m. We show that the observed resonant properties open the way to control the propagation and concentration of electromagnetic energy in the Pyramid's vicinity in this spectral range. Our investigations are based on numerical simulation of the total electromagnetic fields and total extinction and scattering cross sections 44 of the Great Pyramid using the different numerical approaches realized in CST Microwave Studio and COMSOL Multiphysics. For independent tests of our results, the method of Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA)5–7 is used as well. The multipole moments and the multipole decomposition of the extinction and scattering cross sections are calculated using the expressions for the Cartesian multipole moments obtained beyond the long-wavelength approximation.4 As a result of our investigation, we find and explain a set of important features concerning the resonant concentration of electromagnetic energy by the Pyramid. Note that the method of the multipole analysis of electromagnetic wave scattering by physical objects is widely used in photonics to study the optical resonances of metal and dielectric nanoparticles.8–10 However, this approach can be effectively used in any electromagnetic spectral range if the wavelength of an incident wave and scatter dimensions are comparable. Two of the main objectives of our study are partial removing of unreasonable speculations about electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid and the demonstration of flexibility of the multipole decomposition method for research at both nano- and macro-scales.

The interaction between the electromagnetic waves and a scattering object is basically characterized by the extinction and scattering cross sections which provide information on how much electromagnetic energy is removed from the incident beam due to its scattering and absorption. Using induced polarization P inside the scatterer by the incident electromagnetic wave with the complex electric field EincEinc, the extinction (scattering+absorption) cross section σext is determined by the expression 55,11


In this study, we have considered electromagnetic excitation of the Great Pyramid by plane waves with the wavelengths being larger than the typical size of the scatterer. In this case, only several first-order multipole resonances have been observed. The multipole analysis of electromagnetic wave scattering by the Great Pyramid has been performed in the radio frequency range and revealed important physical properties concerning the accumulation and focusing of electromagnetic energy. It has been shown that the Pyramid can resonantly scatter electromagnetic waves and support resonant excitation of electromagnetic multipoles which resulted from strong electromagnetic fields in the Pyramid volume. For the Pyramid located in the free space, we have demonstrated that the total extinction cross-section does not depend on the considered incident conditions; however, the electromagnetic field distributions inside the Pyramid are different for the same wavelengths. It leads to the different multipole decompositions for the both considered incident conditions. For the Pyramid located on the substrate, we found that it basically scatters electromagnetic waves into the substrate, where the focusing effect is observed. It was established that the Pyramid's chambers can concentrate electromagnetic energy at the resonant conditions. In general, one may conclude that pyramidal objects located on a substrate and supporting multipole resonances can significantly suppress the reflection of incident electromagnetic waves. In the earth conditions, this could be used for controlling the radio-wave propagation and reflection. Due to the scaling properties, such a behaviour can be realized in different spectral ranges for suitable material and geometrical parameters.

The obtained results can be considered as a first step to the further investigation of the Great Pyramid electromagnetic properties. This approach can be extended to other physical objects and geometries. As an example, one can now study the complex system of the pyramids located at the Giza plateau.
In the conclusion, note that the excitation of the Pyramid with shorter incident wavelengths, than considered here, could result in the excitation of higher order resonances with strong field concentration effects. But it is out of the scope of the current work and will be a next step of our investigations.

previous related posts on my heavily censored and shadow banned pages. lol

sometimes i get tired of being right, especially when no one takes me seriously

It is very possible that The Great Pyramid of Giza could be one of the best examples of a super ancient energy power plant that used the earth’s electromagnetic field.

It was a huge ancient structure that was capable of using the Earth’s natural properties in order to create or produce a great amount of energy. This energy is believed to have been used by the ancient Egyptians and possibly other ancient cultures. This theory, however, has been firmly rejected by mainstream researchers, but that does not mean that it isn’t true.

The Great Pyramid has none of the characteristics of regular looking tombs: including extravagant artefacts, depictions on the wall, sealed entrances, elaborate coffins, or even mummies themselves. It was, however built with unique materials that are used for electrical conductivity today.

If we approach the history of ancient civilisations from another perspective, we will encounter that ancient civilisations around the globe were, in fact, extremely sophisticated and used advanced technologies thousands of years before mainstream science ‘reinvented them’.

Is it possible that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a giant power plant?

The idea that civilisations around the world have evolved from a primitive state, towards a more advanced one is something that mainstream scholars have tried to implement and place as the ultimate truth inside our society, schools and history books. However, this is not the case as numerous researchers around the globe suggest. In fact, ancient civilisations were far more advanced than we believe.

Looking at the historical references that can be found in numerous ancient civilisations around the globe, we will find numerous patterns and details that tell a different story than the one being imposed by mainstream scholars.

Remember this guy? Egyptologist Zahi Hawass was indicted for theft of Egyptian antiquities and is believed to be the frontman of all the cover ups in all the ancient Egypt discoveries.

These advanced technologies were present in ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Sumer, and other ancient civilisations. Electricity, electrochemistry, electromagnetic technology, metallurgy, advanced engineering, including hydro geology, chemistry, physics and advanced forms of mathematics and astronomy were all used thousands of years ago to great extents.

Many researchers agree that in the distant past, electricity was widely utilised in the land of the Pharaohs, with the Baghdad battery being one of the best examples of such advanced technology.


In 1934 in Iraq, three artefacts were found together: a ceramic pot, a tube of copper, and a rod of iron which – when combined with a liquid acid – can be used to create chemical reactions that produce an electric charge. Known as the Baghdad -or Parthian- battery, these materials date back over 2000 years ago.

By examining the careful history and details left behind by the ancient Egyptians, a different truth is immediately revealed where we can see that sophisticated illumination techniques were used during the construction of Pyramids and other buildings in ancient Egypt.

While mainstream scholars firmly disagree with the notion that ancient Egyptians used electricity to light up ancient buildings, many believe that there is enough evidence to support this notion.

Intricate carvings demonstrate that the ancient Egyptians utilised what appear to be handheld torches that were not lit up by fire, and were as many believe, powered by means of wireless electricity, thousands of years ago.

But these mysterious torches were not the only example in ancient Egypt. It is believed that the ancient lighthouse in Alexandria was powered by an ‘Arc lamp’ and is another crucial piece of evidence suggesting that electricity was used in Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago. But, the electricity required to power such incredible structures on a daily basis could only have been provided by a regular ‘huge’ electrical source.

This is why, many people believe that the Great Pyramid of Giza, whose purpose remains a mystery, is believed to have been used in the distant past, as some sort of giant energy machine, used to power numerous devices across Egypt.

One of the 7 Great Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid of Giza is considered an ancient masterpiece of engineering and architecture and one of the best examples of ancient construction.

While the idea that the Great Pyramid of Egypt were used as giant power plant generating free, wireless energy, is firmly rejected by mainstream scholars, this theory could explain numerous enigmas about the Pyramid itself and the sophisticated society that settled at the Nile River thousands of years ago.
Materials used for to create the Great Pyramid of Giza

Interestingly, the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza was covered by ‘white tufa limestone’, put together in such a way that nothing could fit in between the stones. It is noteworthy to mention that the ‘white tufa limestone’ used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Giza does not contain magnesium and has very high insulating properties.

The cuts made in this reflective stone were angled perfectly, so it would have had a smooth, flat appearance. This would have made the giant structures brightly reflect the light of the sun like a mirror.

In 1303 AD, a large earthquake disrupted the casing stones, today, all that remains is the inner core of the pyramid.

It is believed that this sophisticated insulation property allowed the ancient Egyptians to fully control the release of energy from within the Pyramid.

In addition, to the outer casing, the stone blocks used in the inner parts of the Great Pyramid were made from another form of limestone, which contains small amounts of crystals and metals which are believed to be two important properties that allowed maximum power transmission.

Even more interestingly is the fact that the shafts built inside the Great pyramid were made of granite and is a slightly radioactive substance permitting the ionisation of the air inside the air shafts of the Great Pyramid, similar characteristics can be found in a conductive insulating cable.

Granite contains high amounts of quartz crystal and metal, a well-known conductor of piezo-electricity, piezoelectricity occurs as result of stress or pressure on the quartz.

When such electrons are given the chance to bypass sections of rock via a metal wire, quite large currents can flow.

Here is a Render of thermal imaging used to detect different temperatures inside the pyramid. Image: HIP Institute

Dolomite was used on the inner surfaces. Dolomite is known to increase electrical conductivity directly relative to the amount of pressure on it: high pressure creates more electrical current.

Limestone, dolomite, granite… are in fact, some of the materials we use to make electrical wires.

The ancient builders of the Great Pyramid took advantage of the water of the Nile river at the Giza plateau.

Interestingly the Giza plateau where the pyramids are located is full of underground water channels. The Pyramids at the Giza plateau rise above the limestone layers located underneath (Aquifers), and the spaces in between them are filled with great amounts of water, and these layers of rock are capable of transmitting energy upwards as they carry the underground water to the surface.

This means that the high-volume flow of water that passes through these underground cavities is capable of producing an electrical current; known as physio-electricity. Physio-electricity can be defined as ‘Electricity obtained from the natural physical movements with the help of certain harnessing devices can be termed as physio-electricity.

For example, energy from walking, energy from flowing stream of a river (Nile river flowing through aquifers.’

It has already been proven that thousands of years ago, the Nile river passed directly by where the structures now stand. Of course, this debates the age of the pyramids themselves… along with weathering on the nearby Sphinx, which indicates that they endured tremendous water erosion, and would indicate that the monuments are possibly double the age that they are said to be.

The chambers built within the Great Pyramid of Giza are considered as granite conductors implemented in the design, charged with ‘physio-electricity’. This means that given the material and specific construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the electromagnetic field that forms at the very bottom of the Pyramid is transmitted towards the upper layers of the pyramid.

It is believed that in the distant past, a device of excellent electric conductivity was located on the top of the pyramid, where today an empty space remains and was believed to be made from Gold. Gold could have created a conductive path for energy to be directed upwards – directing it high into the ionosphere

The pyramids Geographical location magnifies the electromagnetic forces on the planet, where Telluric currents are at their strongest. Electromagnetic field at the bottom of the pyramid would rise to the upper layers. Interestingly, traces of this long-lost ancient technology were rediscovered in the 1900’s by the great Nikola Tesla.

Was Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist who is best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. We also know that Tesla was not very interested in making profit from his inventions but seemed more concerned to serve mankind.

Tesla discovered how to transmit electricity naturally to light a bulb he held in his hands. He claimed that he had perfected the method of harnessing and transmitting free, wireless energy using the earth’s electromagnetic field. Located at the Wardenclyffe tower he built between 1901 and 1917, Tesla applied a nearly identical form of this ancient technology, used in Egypt over 4000 years ago.

Tesla’s tower was also believed to have been built upon aquifers, which means that the electric technology used by Tesla is nearly identical to that applied in the construction of the Great Pyramid. Both the Great Pyramid of Giza and Tesla’s magnificent Wardenclyffe tower were systems that generated negative ions and were capable of transmitting them without the need for electric cables, a completely free and wireless energy that powered other electrical components through vast distances. But it appears that the Ancient Egyptians were not the only ones to have understood the benefits of this ancient technology.

A recent study has shown that a natural sinkhole, also known as ‘cenote’ is located underneath the Pyramid of Chichen Itza.

Experts have found it is connected to other caverns and lakes in the area. The water filling the cavern is thought to run from north to south. This means that the Pyramid of Chichen Itza sits upon a subterranean water source just as Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, and the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Ley Lines

The Great Pyramid is said to be on the earth’s 5th Chakra location, and on intersecting Ley Lines.

Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix. Creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, or Gaia.

A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth’s tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. Through these cracks in the earth’s tectonic plates the magnetic energies released are very powerful indeed. Our ancestors have known about these lines for thousands of years.

Every race and culture on the planet has known about these lines yet everyone had different names for these lines. All we need to do is to look at the ancient cultures of the earth.

Take the native Indians of the United States; they used to call ley lines spirit lines and their Shaman’s used to use the electromagnetic energy in these lines to help them contact the spirits. How did they know about these lines and the energies that they give off? The answer’s simple: the sky Gods told them.

Throughout history all megalithic structures have been strategically built on top of these so-called ley lines. From the pyramids of Giza to Stonehenge, Notre Dame, Solomon’s Temple, Parthenon, Oracle of Delphi, Rennes Le Chateau, Ziggurat, the Vatican, DC Capitol, Mecca, Agia Sophia, Aztec Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle, Coral Castle, Tesla’s lab in Shoreham NY, including all Nuclear power plants, military basis and stadiums — which are also used to harness energies — like giant batteries!

Many of the sections where two or more ley lines intersect are marked with an obelisk, such as Washington DC monument, Vatican Courtyard, and Cleopatra’s Needle in Central Park. These electromagnetic lines of the earth are its veins and receive its energies from the sun that connects and affects, every living thing on this planet.

We are electrical, and our atoms are surrounded by electrons (electricity).

Where does our heart get its electrical capacity from? We are connected to the earth’s electromagnetic fields and our heart is our battery. Many of our ancient spiritual figures knew this hidden knowledge and meditated or prayed on these lines or megalithic centres.

It seems so much more believable that these pyramids functioned as power plants using the same principles and conditions as Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower, that conducted and direct electromagnetic energy into the Ionosphere. come on obviously its does their just another mineral battery albeit on a larger scale using standing wave interactions with the electrically charged ionosphere i've been posting this stuff for ages telling you exactly this and even how its done and how to do it yourself, it's just a pity no one listens ;) #peace

In 1929, Tonibio Bellocq invented a "Compression Wave Pump" which "defied" the human laws of gravitation. Bellocq device was able to pump water from unlimited depths, overcoming the so called experts interpretation of "natural law", by setting up a standing wave within the pipe. Today we call this a "water hammer" and they're removed from plumbing systems as "a problem".

This is basically how the great pyramid pumps water into the upper chambers of the pyramid which John Cadman found out with his research with the subterranean chamber from under the great pyramid. The vortex created within this chamber replaces the mechanical piston (pictured) to create the pressure for the standing wave in order to create the rarefaction wave to send water "up".  Mountain springs operate on the same principle.

"New Pump Beats Natural Laws in Raising Water"

Following the example of the United States Patent Office, 18 countries have issued patents to an Argentinian inventor upon an amazing pump that seems to violate natural laws. By creating waves in a pipeful of water, it makes the liquid run uphill.

When the inventor, Toribio Bellocq, applied for a US patent on a pump to be mounted on top of a well and to draw water up from almost unlimited depths, officials pointed out that his device apparently would have to defy the law of gravitation. Every high school student knows that by no effort can a pump suck water higher than approximately 33 feet. This is the limit at which the weight of an imprisoned column of water balances the atmospheric pressure outside. To force water higher from its source, authorities have always agreed that it must be pushed from below. Therefore Bellocq's "wave pump" seemed in a class with perpetual motion machines, which are not patentable because they are impossible.

Bellocq built one of his pumps, installed it atop a Washington DC office building, and invited officials to inspect it. They saw it draw a steady stream of water up a pipe 80 feet high. Not until they dropped weights down the pipe and found no unseen machinery did they believe their own eyes. Then they acknowledged that Bellocq had chanced upon an entirely new mechanical principle and issued his patent.

So extraordinary is the operation of the new wave pump that even Bellocq admits that he is not certain of its principle , and leaves to scientists the verification of his own explanation.

In Bellocq's pump a piston vibrates rapidly with an extremely short stroke. It deals hammer-like blows to a column of water in a pipe. His theory is that when the frequency of the blows is properly timed for the length of the pipe, a series of "stationary waves" is set up.

Suppose the pipe's bottom to be closed, then layers are formed where the water is alternately rarefied and compressed without moving. Midway between these and at the bottom are regions where water rushes alternately up and down because of the waves.

When a one-way ball valve is added at the bottom, water enters from outside at one point in each wave cycle, to replace water moving upward from the bottom of the pipe. Once inside, it cannot back out. Every influx of water "inches" the whole column upward, without interfering with the waves that travel through it. A valve at the outlet, while not essential, improves the efficiency.

It is quite easy to get free energy from a glass of water, the only thing you have to do is exactly copy this copper pyramid. This pyramid is based on the same effect that the Egyptians have made use of, right heard the ancient Egyptians have used this effect millennia ago to gain free energy. Their pyramids were nothing more than huge power plants to generate mass free energy, and tombs not carved with copper chisels: D But, as always, anything that has to do with free energy is hushed up or denied, it's not even researched why fruit in a pyramid stays fresh longer or why razor blades in pyramids become sharp again. There's no need to wonder why pyramid energy is completely denied, but that does not change the fact that they exist!

how to kick start the pyramids. Via rotating ferromagnetic fluid and a copper coil and antenna, step 1 + 2 look at these diagrams, 3 apply knowledge, 4 attach a rotating magnetic vortex induced from anti vortex bellow by situating the rotating field atop the pyramid with the negative anode in direct contact with pyramid surface and the opposite in contact with the ferro-fluid and wait for anti vortex to form and its counter vortexes to appear. 

it's a fact that people often overlook what they don't understand, I'm a prime example, but all joking aside take for example ancient Egyptian book of the dead and pyramids they Main -Stream academic's like to think of it all as all symbology and mythology, and i like to think of it more as a technical manual. The ankh is an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol that was most commonly used in writing and in Egyptian art to represent the word for "life" and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself or Time. The ankh has a cross shape but with an oval loop in place of an upper bar, your about to get an education 1+2=3 if you see it understand it and don't be blinded by dogmatic structured beliefs. T The tesla (symbol: T) figure 1. is a derived unit of the magnetic induction (also, magnetic flux density) in the International System of Units. One tesla is equal to one weber per square metre incidentally the great pyramid has 230 square metres (2,476 square feet) which is 230 weber or 230 Tesla. figure one the formulaic equations and symbols for ohm magnetic flux density. [ ōm ] figure 2 The SI derived unit used to measure the electrical resistance of a material or an electrical device. One ohm is equal to the resistance of a conductor through which a current of one ampere flows when a potential difference of one volt is applied to it. The speed of light in a vacuum is 186,282 miles per second (299,792,458 kilometres per second), latitude in decimal degrees is 29.9792458 N and the speed of light in a vacuum as expressed in the contemporary metric system is 299,792,458 meters per second: but did you know Light is not made out of atoms or anything like them. Electromagnetic waves are themselves a basic ingredient of our reality. It's the light itself which enters our eyes. It is absorbed by special molecules which change their chemical configuration as a result of that absorbed energy, everything in the universe is made from atoms, atoms are made from composite particles, and composite particles are made from mass-less particles, and thus are made from gluons and photons (AKA we are all being's made of star stuff). ... TIP: If everything is light, then the only thing that isn't light is “nothing charge +/-" the "vacuum" or "beyond the great void". The protons and neutrons inside of an atom's nucleus are each made up of three quarks like three pyramids These shells are actually different energy levels and within the energy levels, the electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom. The ground state of an electron, the energy level it normally occupies, is the state of lowest energy for that electron. The mass of the quarks, which comes from their interaction with the Higgs field, accounts for just a few percent of the mass of a proton or neutron, A quark is a tiny particle which makes up protons and neutrons. Atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons. you me him and her were all made up of matter our bodies are organic matter collider's A definition of "matter" more fine-scale than the atoms and molecules definition is: matter is made up of what atoms and molecules are made of, meaning anything made of positively charged protons, neutral neutrons, and negatively charged electrons. all life is a form of energy. The energy stored in molecules, called chemical energy, is another form. The forms of energy that are most significant to life are light, the chemical energy in food, and heat, which is a by-product of all energy reactions. All Energy is conserved: Energy has been found to follow the laws of thermodynamics.

0th Law of Thermodynamics
The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two systems are in thermodynamic equilibrium with a third system, the two original systems are in thermal equilibrium with each other. Basically, if system A is in thermal equilibrium with system C and system B is also in thermal equilibrium with system C, system A and system B are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
1st Law of Thermodynamics
The First Law of Thermodynamics states that energy can be converted from one form to another with the interaction of heat, work and internal energy, but it cannot be created nor destroyed, under any circumstances. get it cannot be created or destroyed meaning its all fake. reality is an illusion.
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative.3rd Law of Thermodynamics
The 3rd law of thermodynamics will essentially allow us to quality the absolute amplitude of entropies. It says that when we are considering a totally perfect (100% pure) crystalline structure, at absolute zero (0 Kelvin), it will have no entropy (S). Note that if the structure in question were not totally crystalline, then although it would only have an extremely small disorder (entropy) in space, we could not precisely say it had no entropy.Conservation of Energy
1st Law of Thermodynamics

First Law of Thermodynamics

The law of Conservation of Energy refers to an isolated system in which there is no net change in energy and where energy is neither created nor destroyed. Although there is no change in energy, energy can change forms, for example from potential to kinetic energy. In other words, potential energy (V) and kinetic energy (T) sum to a constant total energy (E) for a specific isolated system.

Another way that energy can change forms is heat (q) and work (w). As heat is applied to a closed system, the system does work by increasing its volume.

where Pext is the external pressure, and delta V is the change in volume. A classic example of this is a piston. As heat is added to the cylinder, the pressure inside the cylinder increases. The piston then rises to relieve the pressure difference between the pressure inside the cylinder and the external pressure. By increasing the volume in the cylinder, the piston has just done work. Reference the picture below.

ergo we can exit the system

The sum of heat and work is the change in internal energy, ΔU .

In an isolated system, q=−w . Therefore, ΔU=0 .

In quantum mechanics, the equation


E = the energy corresponding to a wave function
V = the potential
H^ = the Hamiltonian operator
The equation is analogous to the equation:


put it all together and what do you have?. An answer. 😁😁😁😎🌍☮️


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