
12 Feb 2020

FE Deception

FE Deception 

im not sold on the flat earth theory especially its more traditional view as it leaves too many holes filled with speculation to be useful, i think it's more likely a case that we are in of a artificially created false reality, rendered in a 360' holographic hard photon virtual environment, where we have been imprisoned by extra dimensional beings or placed however you want to look at it, as there's just more evidence of it, perhaps its so they can possibly have the earth for its resources or study us, or maybe they have the ability to time travel and want to figure out what happened to the earth so they can avoid future events?, they may even be our children from the future and we are in a simulation in a super computer on a advanced version of a find my ancestry website, who knows for sure?, but all of those options are to a degree plausible, more so than traditional flat earth theory as there's just so much conflicting evidence and half theories out there, that its not open to useful interpretation or speculation, what we need is actual logical evidence and facts, clear cut and not anecdotal stuff, so lets try to figure it out as much as we can shall we?, lets start our logical analysis of evidence with what we know, the fake sun and whats holding it up,  because traditional flat earth says there is no gravity and that we are constantly going up, so according to that theory it would have smashed into the earth from day 1, unless there was a tether of some kind with the sun hanging bellow, which we can rule out from direct observational evidence as i looked lol and even if it were electromagnetically cloaked to bend the light around it, there would still be blatant clues to it being there, IE when looking at a light bulb hanging from the ceiling even if you couldn't see the wire you can see a circular shadow from its tether projected on the ceiling above, (from light rays interfering with each other), so we should see a permanent dark spot above the sun if it were a fixed tether on the interior of the dome, and also the same effect even if the sun was suspended from a balloon type apparatus, we would still see a dark spot projected on the underside of the balloon, and there just isn't any evidence of it, (and i'm aware of sky dome Atlantis doc and images and alleged rail system and all the other stuff that could potentially be up there, but tbf that could be black budget modern tech, and without direct evidence to back up the docs they are speculative at best), but all would still require some kind of control system to be inside or on the outside of the dome for the sun to remain fixed above us without a source of thrust, even if there was no fixed tether and it was magnetically locked in place like a super conductor, (which need to be super cold to work unlike the heat from the sun), it would still have noticeable flaws and make it easy to detect such as any vibration in the rail above would result in a vibration of the sun bellow it, also there are the environmental factors to consider such as air pressure and wind resistance and friction that could push on the magnetically locked sun and make it vibrate like spring or cause it to pendulum back and forth and we don't see it, and if the rail system were on the inside the dome it would have to be fixed in place permanently to prevent it slamming into the earth also like the sun, and i'm sure we would have more evidence from the past by now from the massive non moving IE static shadow on the earth bellow, to the same big shiny thing spotted throughout earths history in the sky, and as they didn't have wide use of chem-trails pre Vietnam war, it means it would have been easier to spot in the past, and we know if it were in L.E.O without a power source providing thrust/lift/energy , it would fall to earth as they would be in contact with the air causing friction in turn slowing it down and losing its altitude to the point it falls to the earth, so by process of elimination we removed fixed tethers from balloons and rail systems and magnetically spatially locked rail systems and Leo object without power, yet i know from direct observations that the fake suns are in Leo as we see convergent and divergent lights rays through and on clouds as an indicator of its spatial positions within the atmosphere, so therefore it must have a source of lift and thrust, so lets speculate a moment it could be a huge inflatable parabolic reflector array filled with a lighter than air gas envelope, (providing the lift) as i know they do use them for other missions and its no giant leap of skill to make them a bigger with computer aided design and fabrication, and if they had a few of them in a synchronous orbit they could reflect light around the internal part of the dome day or night and given that the chem-trails make an Albedo dome effect which helps to diffuse light and raise the overall light levels reflected they wouldn't need that many 12 would do it, it seems more likely than the rest of the options, it would still require an source of energy for the thrust, but it could be entirely solar powered like the Nazi sun gun (see 

or see 

which wouldn't surprise me at all if that's what they are "just another piece of multi purpose fuckery" as they take the piss that much, that they would charge us secretly to build it by stealing it from the taxes of the people and then try to sell it to us again under another environmentally friendly guise, but fail to say they can be used for nefarious purposes like they are trying to do with the artificial moon, they say its to reflect light on to city streets at night, (see,  but what they fail to mention is if used in the day time it would be a orbital directed energy weapons platform capable of instant immolation of matter to the point of vaporisation, that's why they are trying the tack of saying its to help us to see, pfft i'm pretty sure we can see better at night with lights actually on the earth, and its even better if they are entirely powered by renewable sources such as a triple compression and expansion phase hydro powered generator which can be fitted to the mains water supply to make energy from the waters flow for free and have the bonus effect of energising the water, or one of the many other viable energy sources available making the need for the space mirrors/moon/sun space platforms for lighting and power a redundant idea leaving it with its only real purpose left a weapon system, you can tell the people who think of these systems are really dull and lack imagination, (mind you they are Nazi's in disguise, so its not really that much of a surprise, its like the plot of a really crap bond movie which screams fake realty lol) so we have evidence to support a fake sun, but what about evidence of a flat plane?, there's isn't any definitive evidence yet but i have devised several means of ascertaining the answer but without help i cannot make them happen, one requires two high powered lasers a spot of math a bit of geometry and a optical spotter system, (all of the above are not cheap), or we can go the cheap and simple yet effective method which requires 4 high altitude balloons a few structural supports a glass ball filled with a invisible ink dye contained inside another tube with a reagent placed on top of a long pole and on the end make an impact-er so if it strikes a solid object it will crush the glass ball releasing the reagent causing the dye to change colours, and a few HD cameras to document the ascent and a couple on the ball and impact-er for multiple views in case one fails, and a earth return parachute to slow decent, attach all four balloons to a rig one at each corner and put the impact-er rod in the center but make sure it sits higher than the balloons leading upper edge, and release it to the sky, and if there is a solid dome above us when maximum altitude is reached the camera will show it by the breaking of the ball and dye being released to 100% find the answer to if it is a dome or not

whether its inside a glass/crystal like dome or a overhead dome projection unit for the 360' renderings of the false realty that is the question, and to find that answer well that is entirely another story but i'm pretty sure i could figure out a way to find out a way to do it

P.S if you use that method please do give me a nod in the credits as i'm tired of people stealing my intellectual property for their own agendas and profit and not even giving me so much as a cheers m8 for my efforts  :) #peace 


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