
23 Feb 2020

Incredible derelict and abandoned buildings


it's hard to imagine that in America alone they are currently 18 million six hundred thousand homes standing vacant and the number of warehouses factories hotels and other buildings with nothing on the inside is hard to comprehend nature has been allowed to take its course with these derelict and abandoned buildings from around the world

Ramu prison Estonia hunting through ruins is usually accompanied by the sound of crunching rubble and a foot but the ramu prison located in a limestone quarry near tallinn is completely different here it's more likely that a visit to this abandoned prison would be accompanied by the sound of splashing in the late 1940s the soviets bolt ramu as a mining labor camp in prison the prison complex included the main prison surrounded by eight watchtowers around the perimeter then there were two smaller prisons one of these is completely submerged and visiting it requires a boat or a good swimming stroke it is a popular destination in the summer for swimming explorers can clamber from floor to floor exploring the old cells and climb stairs up to the watchtowers or if you like you can dive into the water from the higher floors

San Juan perĂ³n Gary QT Row Michoacan

Mexico the tragedy that unfolded at this village is unthinkable an entire city was swamped in hot molten lava and - as the parĂ­cutin volcano erupted again and again all the village houses and battling streets were lost under the black molten rock and - the only evidence of the city is the church tower that looms alone over the black blanket of volcanic rock that now remains tourists can enter the church ruins and can see the empty church with its altar still standing hallowed / Palace Clerk

Croatia since 1971 the hallowed / Palace

Hotel has changed hands and had several facelifts in its 50-year life but today the old dame lies abandoned the only resident is Mother Nature taking back her territory the hotel opened in 1971 a mid-century style jewel in the crown of the small island of cook in Croatia then only a year on Bob Guccione of paint house magazine fame expanded the property with an investment of five million dollars it was reopened as the paint house Adriatic club casino the parties at this glamorous casino Club was so luxurious that it was reported the swimming pool was filled with champagne paint house pits served guests lobster and endless caviar 20 years on the Yugoslav wars began which put a stop to tourism in cook and the hotel which had already been struggling was closed in 1991 since then whatever hasn't been stolen has returned back to nature and the ruins look like an overgrown mid-century version of the inca ruins papyri croatia Vogon phillium and the adriatic sea are vying for dominion over what remains of the Grand Hotel's of the

Yugoslavian military resort in Croatia the five hotels built in the 1960s were called the grand coupe re Cortina goroutine e2 and pelegrin and they hosted the military elite they could accommodate 1600 guests at a time a nearby campsite could house 4,000 more people so it was a popular seaside area to enjoy the crystal-clear waters of the

Adriatic Sea even the president Josip Broz Tito holiday dat kapow-ee as the popularity of the resort area grew to the general public it was near impossible to get a booking military or not unless you knew someone who knew someone if you know what I mean however the heyday came to an end when the croatian war of independence began in the 1990s the

Yugoslav army destroyed the lacs hotels looting each building and burnt them floor by floor as they went now the building's are shells of their former glory and are crumbling into the clear ocean water while Bergen Vilia creeps deeper into the cracks forming on the facades the beaches in front of the hotel ruins greet a new generation of tourists returning to the beautiful

Croatian area but the ominous ruins remain as a reminder of the war that led to the freedom enjoy today Presidio

Modelo Cuba the Presidio Modelo or model prison was inspired by the pan optic and model and was commissioned by dictator

Gerardo Mercado it was purposefully an oppressive architecture that was designed to make people feel like they were constantly being won and every action visible the building still carries the foreboding desperation and paranoia it imparted on its inmates at the time Fidel Castro was once an inmate at the prison however when he was in power he wasted no time imprisoning 6000 enemies of the state to the same torture being confined that he had surely experienced the prison was finally closed in 1967 and has remained empty ever since now visitors are encouraged to experience the prison as a museum memorializing the echoing corridors and vacant cells that still install fear in anyone who enters RAAM orphanage Bowie cada Istanbul Turkey this incredible building is the largest historic timber building in Europe measuring an impressive 215 thousand square feet the building has had a checkered past starting off with grand visions of a luxury hotel and casino however it failed to be issued with the correct permits so assault and turned into an orphanage in the early 20th century in 1964 it closed as an orphanage and has remained an occupied since however since 2012 restoration has began the site is being renovated to serve as an environmental Institute breathing new life into old bones Kennecott Alaska when the copper resources became depleted in the copper mines it was the death of the town of kennecott the town was all but abandoned by the 1930s only a family of three remained to watch over it but in the 1950s they finally gave up too and abandoned the town to nature since the 1980s Kennecott has captured the imagination of tourists who found the abandoned town and mines eerie and fascinating to visit in 1986 it was declared a national historical landmark the National Park Service has since acquired the land with a Kennecott mill town the abandoned town offers activities like ice climbing

Glacier hiking and touring the abandoned mill they are some strenuous hikes to see the abandoned mines including a scary scramble along the cliffs overlooking the stay-away Icefall st.

Nicholas Church merrova Lake Macedonia

Saint Nicholas Church is somewhat of a magician in that it has done a disappearing act and more recently appeared in

Mountains north of Macedonia lies the village of muryevo she's a skiing centre by winter and a national park complete with a lake in summer but in the 1850s merrova suffered a tremendous flood the newly completes a Nicholas Church was completely submerged in the local lake that expanded its banks in the flood the whole church disappeared in the 21st century drought in the area has made the church reappear now the ruins that were under water for nearly a hundred and seventy years lie exposed it is fascinating to see what 170 years worth of water damage looks like and how much still remains intact City Methodist

Church Gary Indiana when the steel industry tanked in the 1970s it hit Gary

Indiana especially hard many beautiful and popular public buildings were abandoned one of the largest casualties to the economic depression was the city

Methodist Church in 1926 the church was built for 1 million dollars a massive budget by 1926 standards the equivalent of 7 million dollars today but in 1975 the parish was no longer able to keep its doors open and the beautiful English

Gothic style church sang its last him since then the roof has caved in letting the light and natural elements pour in the church is a popular location for film sheets having appeared in Pearl

Harbor and Nightmare on Elm Street and transformers three abandoned malls USA there is hardly a town that hasn't been affected by the move to online shopping as they make more shops and molds obsolete the rise of Erie malls has led to an entire community creating a new subculture of abandoned mall exploring what remains of these recently packed out monuments to consumerism is decaying as the natural elements find their way in caved in ceilings flooded parking lots and stripped elevators all add to the adrenaline of walking through these abandoned retail makers most have been stripped of anything of value fixtures and fittings metal and building materials what will become of these massive buildings is anyone's guess some are being repurposed for housing already but the vast majority remained ghost towns for local teens to play hooky in and urban explorers to wander around in the eerie aftermath of the tailboom rhyolite Nevada rhyolite must be the best example of easy come easy go of all time in 1904 the town sprang up when gold was discovered in the bullfrog mountains waste of Death Valley in five years the town grew by three train lanes three newspapers three swimming pools three hospitals two Undertaker's and opera and symphony and fifty-three saloons and unique to the time the buildings were built from permanent materials but by 1914 only ten years since the start of the town rhyolite was in decline five years on it was a ghost town and in 1924 the last resident of rhyolite died since then the town has stood abandoned as it still does today have you ever been to any of these derelict and abandoned places we'd love to hear from you in the comments below one Rio's Olympic Village after spending 4.6 billion dollars to host the 2016

Summer Olympics and Paralympic Games the dust has settled on all the excitement and all the people of Brazil are left with our crumbling ruins if you slip through the vandalized fences into any of the Olympic infrastructure you are in for a surprise gone is the glory and magic felt during the two-week sporting spectacle and what remains is an eerie ode to broken dreams ceilings have fallen in many of the fixtures of any value have been raided graffiti adorns the walls and abandoned and crumbling buildings are the new frontrunners of the day there has been no upkeep and even the main Olympic

Stadium Marikana is off grid take a peek at the warm up pool it looks like it is contracted a serious illness that has turned it bright orange


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