
28 Feb 2020

Incredible Electromagnetic Properties of the Great Pyramid of Giza Egypt…/standing-wave-and-wave-pr…
Targeted and non-targeted effects of ionizing radiation Q7 Omar Desoukya,*, Nan Dinb, Guangming Zhouba Radiation Physics Department, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt Department of Space Radiobiology, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China Article info Article history:Received 26 February 2015Accepted 6 March 2015Available online xxxKeywords:Target theoryBystander effectAdaptive response Radiation protection Linear non-threshold abstract For a long time it was generally accepted that effects of ionizing radiation such as cell death, chromosomal aberrations, DNA damage, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis result from direct ionization of cell structures, particularly DNA, or from indirect damage through reactive oxygen species produced by radiolysis of water, and these biological effects were attributed to irreparable or faultily repaired DNA damage in cells directly hit by radiation. Using Linear non-threshold model (LNT), possible risks from exposure to low dose ionizing radiation (below 100 mSv) are estimated by extrapolating from data obtained after exposure to higher doses of radiation. This model has been challenged by numerous observations, in which cells that were not directly traversed by the ionizing radiation exhibited responses similar to those of the directly irradiated cells. Therefore, it is nowadays accepted that the detrimental effects of ionizing radiation are not restricted only in the irradiated cells, but also to non-irradiated bystander or even distant cells manifesting various biological effects.Copyright ©2015, The Egyptian Society of Radiation Sciences and Applications. Production And hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(
The Great Pyramid was a fractal resonator
Systems according to the present disclosure provide one or more surfaces that function as power transferring surfaces for which at least a portion of the surface includes or is composed of “fractal cells” placed sufficiently closed close together to one another so that a surface (plasmonic) wave causes near replication of current present in one fractal cell in an adjacent fractal cell. A fractal of such a fractal cell can be of any suitable fractal shape and may have two or more iterations. The fractal cells may lie on a flat or curved sheet or layer and be composed in layers for wide bandwidth or multi-bandwidth transmission.…/transport-properties-of-e…
Quantum transport properties in fractal magnetically modulated structures are studied by the transfer-matrix method. It is found that the transmission spectra depend sensitively not only on the incident energy and the direction of the wave vector but also on the stage of the fractal structures. Resonance splitting, enhancement, and position shift of the resonance peaks under different magnetic modulation are observed at four different fractal stages, and the relationship between the conductance in the fractal structure and magnetic modulation is also revealed. The results indicate the spectra of the transmission can be considered as fingerprints for the fractal structures, which show the subtle correspondence between magnetic structures and transport behaviors.…/the-great-pyramids-conspi……/science-unwittingly-vindi…
science unwittingly vindicates me yet again on my pyramid power plant theories,,,
and we can also make some starling conclusions from the evidence that has gone unnoticed by the mainstream and can be proven Via the paper :Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration:

firstly it's a multi purpose piece of high technology that has encoded in its dimensions a message and advanced mathematical and geometrical and astrological and scientific information, is also a resonant power generation and management system and a planetary emergency defence network and the emergency exit.

during times of extreme solar activity and high radiation from space it channels the "useful" radiation safety into the earth grid for use and dissipates any harmful residual energy out the other side of the planet by charging the existing resonant bubble of energy with anti particles created from the "useful energy" that has been collected, where as the harmful radiation and energies follow the path of least resistance and is channelled from the skin effect around the outside of the bubble and on towards the next planetary body Via planetary charged plasma attraction and so on,

and it's also the emergency exit for just in case when the poles shift and flip and if the cosmic radiation levels spike to e.l.e (extinction level events), levels during that time the energy will be projected outwards as the poles have inverted hence the process is reversed it's flipped.
Remember; The electron probability density is sensitive to the thickness of the barrier one is trying to breach #Fact

and there is also a clearly a much larger structure hidden beneath the sand's with a massive central shaft located centrally beneath the pyramid, its a type of a giant vaulted resonating chamber like the grand gallery but much bigger, and its made visible in red you can even see the waveguide pattern.

The Great Pyramid’s conspicuous speed of light latitude is no accident. a rework by DL aka moi…/306097887_The_Great_Pyramid'…

The Great Pyramid
(Allegedly:DL.) The Great Pyramid was built ∼4500 (more like 450,000+ DL it was just a refit 4500 to repair the insulation casing stones) years ago but a neighbouring monument exhibits
considerably greater signs of ageing. Sea levels were appreciably lower at the end of the Ice Age when Giza was situated at the intersection of the lengthiest geodesic and parallel over land, a record of a carving of the Sphinx appears to have commemorated. The Sphinx patiently weathered a hostile climate until the Great Pyramid was constructed, whose latitude in degrees tallies with the speed of light, c=299,792 km·s−1, to six significant digits. The pyramid’s geometry showcases both π and the golden ratio, φ,
with the conjunction π−φ2≈π/6≈φ2/5 not only providing a natural basis for the cubit/metre ratio but also approximating the speed-of-light latitude in radians. Its scaling reflects the size of the Earth and its rotation rate. By relating cubits to metres and days to
seconds, this mighty monument quite deliberately encodes the value of c,

(speed of light 3x10 8)

Speed of Light
Name Symbol Value
Speed of light in a vacuum c 3.00 × 108 m/s


permitting the conversion of energy to mass. Parallels exist with a recent analysis of Avebury,

(a man made natural form of a closed circuit magnetic loop a S.E.G constructed to generate power from rotational energy DL)

which also demonstrates ancient knowledge of modern physics.
standing wave and wave propagation and the DNA effects

Targeted and non-targeted effects of ionizing radiation Q7 Omar Desoukya,*, Nan Dinb, Guangming Zhouba Radiation Physics Department, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt Department of Space Radiobiology, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China Article info Article history:Received 26 February 2015Accepted 6 March 2015Available online xxxKeywords:Target theoryBystander effectAdaptive response Radiation protection Linear non-threshold abstract For a long time it was generally accepted that effects of ionizing radiation such as cell death, chromosomal aberrations, DNA damage, mutagenesis, and carcinogenesis result from direct ionization of cell structures, particularly DNA, or from indirect damage through reactive oxygen species produced by radiolysis of water, and these biological effects were attributed to irreparable or faultily repaired DNA damage in cells directly hit by radiation. Using Linear non-threshold model (LNT), possible risks from exposure to low dose ionizing radiation (below 100 mSv) are estimated by extrapolating from data obtained after exposure to higher doses of radiation. This model has been challenged by numerous observations, in which cells that were not directly traversed by the ionizing radiation exhibited responses similar to those of the directly irradiated cells. Therefore, it is nowadays accepted that the detrimental effects of ionizing radiation are not restricted only in the irradiated cells, but also to non-irradiated bystander or even distant cells manifesting various biological effects.Copyright ©2015, The Egyptian Society of Radiation Sciences and Applications. Production And hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(


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