
21 Feb 2020

P.R.S (Problem Reaction Solution)

i find it useful to keep a healthy balance in my observations, im a skeptical believer i keep an opened mind but not that much that i just begin blindly accepting the biased and heavily scripted and filtered narrative view of their so called "Top scientists" and "Leading Experts" and "Nobel prize wieners" (lol) of the "M.S.M" (mainstream media) (A.K.A the controlled puppet propaganda networks) that have created a false historical timeline and fake "official" narrative that is used to support their own or their respective governmental or current political parties or regimes views and ideologies, by creating your standard problem reaction solution spiced up with fear to sway the course of events by exerting mental pressure on civilians and their lives, P.R.S (Problem Reaction Solution. (Latin: Ordo ab Chao) is a mass mind control system of psychological and mental manipulation. It is used to make people accept unlawful and unconstitutional changes to the law made under the threat of extreme violence to the lives of its citizens and at great risk to their personal safety or the lives of their families to coerce them by force to comply under duress to unlawful and highly illegal commands, that the citizens would not normally accept otherwise. there are many methods they use against the peoples of the world as they have weaponized pretty much everything they can from your phone to your T.V, Food, Water even Air, there's Eco-Bio-Cyber-Electronic-Microwave-Emf-Dew-Psychotronic-Esp-Temporal Manipulation,Weather Manipulation, Economic Terrorism Spiritual Warfare, War Mongering and Profiteering from the illegal arms trade, Psychological Terrorism, Financial Crisis, False Flags, Poverty, Drugs, Alcohol, Racial Hatred, Human Trafficking, Satanism, Ignorance, Religion / Cults and Systemic Corruption both in the public and private sectors and all other institutions in between, T.V & News Media, Movies, Music, Social Media etc. and all of them are being promoted as the social "norm" or good for you or the next big thing and the latest must have fad, when in fact they are anything but normal and definitely not benign or for your benefit, none of it is or ever has been for us, it's about control over you and me and everything for total world wide domination and mostly achieved by covert means by waging hidden wars on civilians and utterly destroying them and not just physically, but their hearts and minds and their very souls too, you see by causing a social inversion they make people think all that is bad is good and good is bad, they constantly promote and indoctrinate people by confusing the truth of things with a lie and by switching them visa versa in the "media/propaganda pages" to make you think that it must be normal if its on tv or other people are doing it, like the promotion of the occult practices and satanism even in kids cartoons, so they the people corrupt themselves in the end by wanting to emulate and be like their favourite TV star and they do the dirty work of the devil themselves, which when these social inversions and injustices are seen by the woke and the sane, it acts to demoralise free thinkers and reduce the amount of global mental resistance to their illegal fuckery through apathy, you see it's all made possible by the weakening the social fabric of the society, as a strong free willed society will not be controlled and will hold on tightly to their rights and freedoms dearly, so by reversing social norms and promoting that which is not good they actively encourage you defile yourself and to not care or take action when seeing something that one knows to be morally wrong, while they are busy destroying us and the planet and our unique traditions and global culture, wiping out all traces of our individual heritage's wipes out our sense of individuality in a group collective and our connection to the past, it is our differences which is the very thing that makes us unique and beautiful as a species , it gives contrast to life and like a garden it is the difference in the blooms that make it special, so while they are portraying the inversion to be the norm and others are blindly going along with the plan without a thought, just say No!! and refuse to be a part of it all as its all just another psychological program to reduce the amount of potential resistance, so that the ones pushing fear on the people get the desired reaction they want by subtle means, such methods have been used by governments for the premise of invading other countries and starting wars on peaceful nations, which is so they can hide the fact that they are stealing the countries assets such as oil and gold and people and breaking international law to do it, another example of such a P.R.S is the Manufacture of a "potentially life threatening" situation triggering a fear reaction, like increasing the number of mass shootings in the media, which are 98% of the time crisis actors, cgi and false flag psychological programs, and then using them as examples for going after your rights and weaken you by trying to unlawfully enforce a gun control policy and trying to remove your constitutionally protected activity despite them being "constitutionally protected" the wording is quite clear in the constitution so they try to either flat out ignore it hoping no one says anything about it or they subvert the meaning of the words to circumvent the law. #Facts 

how a P.R.S (Problem Reaction Solution) works
Create a problem
Let the mainstream media only broadcast/print the side of the problem you want to show 
wait for it to get worse
Provide a pre-prepared solution at maximum cost to the public
claim it will be good for them or planet with claims like it will avert wars, stop corporate tax-cuts, increase the welfare budget, stop wage cuts, dolphin friendly etc. and be 100% beneficial in nature
make it mandatory by law for everyone to do so
criminalise the ones who refuse and remove them 

The latin phrase Ordo ab Chao is a Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos. A motto of the Thirty-third Degree Freemason, and having the same allusion as lux e tenebris, 

a government P.R.S (Problem Reaction Solution) is a deceptive cash cow and a total scamola on the taxpayers by using a lot of misdirection, it's a ruse for claiming government funding and grants for research, that they always say it is "beneficial to humanity" but it never is, and the bit it would potentially have benefit is not the part with you or I in it, and to further take the liberties the contractors and companies they use to do these test and "psychological events" are owned by them privately, so in effect they charge themselves what they want knowing full well they will get it paid from the taxpayer, and the grants that are claimed for studies and research well mostly their results are faked or untestable and are just used to prop up other unsubstantiated half theories or unprovable claims like climate change or even older theories of their "esteemed" peers and using them as Truth or Scientific fact, but without showing you any evidence if it, and cling to the theories even when they are clearly wrong and could lead to harm or injury, especially if used as an accurate "inaccurate" guideline or foundation to base other works or events off of, it's always the same scam create a fake need for funding applications for scientific research that cannot be independently corroborated or verified because they refuse to share all the data for national security reason pmsl, it's all propaganda and political theatre its all fake for cash, just like the news, i mean have you seen a unbiased open and completely honest story that isn't angled one way or another or that isn't tainted by the mainstream media's misdirection and misinterpretation of things done. so as to keep the people a sh-leep zzzzz, but it's time to wake up and see that the truth is plain to see, a message is still a message even an unintentional one like words unspoken, they can say a great deal, and is still relevant even if the message is written in crayons or set in stone for all time like the pyramids done so by the ones leaving it behind for you and me can still reveal many things, like hidden knowledge a message and a question in time, so they can preserve and pose it to later generations like "us" to discover and decode and remind us of our purpose and nudge us onwards towards the path to mental and physical enlightenment, as we go about tracking down the answers one crumb at a time, like a fractal and factual trail of scooby snacks and we're on some mad munchie mission, Nom, Nom, Nom, always leading us on and on, fed by our insatiable curiosity for the truth and the thirst for those elusive, yet totally yummy answers, answers that we seek while simultaneously hoping that attaining the hidden wisdom and understanding the information contained therein, will give us further truths and a deeper insights that may enable us to answer even more complexed questions like the Big "Why are we here?, and the ever more catchy {i think} "just where is here anyway, and is it even real?" which are just two of the fundamental questions at the heart of our very existences in our reality, questions that by their very nature which when answered correctly will create a whole new set of philosophical, moral and logical questions to be pondered, queried and debated and fact checked twice, put to the popular vote and then peer reviewed and then finally asked out loud to another person and then "fingers crossed", answered correctly, which then begins the process all over again, in a self sustaining repeating loop of advanced mental truth seeking fuckery, you see "Truth Seeking" is a bit like groundhog day but for the mind, because the thing about being sentient and aware and being naturally curious beings by nature, is it just happens involuntary, we seek answers both actively and passively in an attempt to better understand ourselves and life and our roles in the universe around us, even on a subconscious level we are always processing new data from our environment, and even if we don't want to, for an example; you can still remember if it was a unpleasant experience like a "bad" smell, but because we are sensory beings we just can't help but notice as we're hardwired for information gathering and the experiencing of our reality, so it's just kinda what we do, even if you try to empty your mind and don't think of anything at all you can't, your mind is still registering vision, sounds, tastes, smells, emotions, breathing and random thoughts and much more, and even when we are unconscious like in dreams, i suppose the answers are all dependent upon the initial variables we set up in our minds before posing "the question", that will shape the outcome of the question that is ultimately answered (obviously), but then the answer we get will shape more thoughts and drive us to ask the next question and so on and so on, it never ends, there are just more questions leading you ever onwards from one nugget of truth to another left behind as mental clues to compel the mind and therefore prompt us to ask the questions, as in such ancient works from the pyramids in egypt to angkor wat to puma punku and beyond,



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