Agent Margaritaville
On Feb 24th 2020 the Canadian Children’s Army dropped by the Colbourne Rotary Club to appreciate a presentation by some fine Cobourg city police ladies and Druggie Dougie Fords #OPPizzagate. Not surprisingly, the pedophiles who control the top of the #OPPizzagate have officers who are quite fine and noble people travelling across Ontario misinforming people to coverup the Crown’s $10B Adrenochrome and child trafficking industry. The reactions of the public will be shown in an upcoming video. 🤣😂😅 When we left the gathering to come to some meetings with others assembling to build #NewCanada, I was alerted to an offensive by Abel Danger founding executive member Kathy McHale, who has accused me of “working” for Kim Picazio. I’m going to lay it out here... My work is in continuing the promise I made to pedophile lawyer #markellis on the front page of The Toronto Star. (Google: CCAS Sues Man $50 million). The diet of fear continues in the war that will never end,... but along the way, one has to address blips in the road,.. like my association with Field McConnell and the appropriation of my Canadian Children’s Army, as a vehicle for Kathy and Tim Holmaeth to raise money selling hats and mugs and T-shirts’ for a Pentagon Pedophile Taskforce, which I always appreciated was a complete fiction, and have an email path to affirm. I was the person who asked The President for this specific army of digital soldiers and otherwise to battle pedophilia and child trafficking on Able Danger December 6th 2018. General Flynn contacted me on Twitter immediately after that broadcast. I warned Field about this TCH, KM, etc..conspiracy in writing, (which I can post at any time) however my caution was ignored. Beyond that, I cautioned all involved in this channel and in writing, to leave me out of their games.... I have a reason for doing what I do... and it’s not entertaining this nonsense. No I do not work for Kim Picazio, and no I’ve no idea what TCH has alleged about her. Anyone who has ever touched the Ukraine will be suspect in time, as Hillarwood is discovered,... but I would be the first to be surprised that Kim Picazio is anything but a sweet and decent woman. So if the world learned otherwise, I’d learn it standing in front of her before I would allow anyone who follows Able Danger from laying any harm to her door. It’s time to gather and pound plough shares folks! ... and Tim, if you have actually done what I’ve received a report of, you have signed your own warrant for destruction. I’m waiting for that number, ... and if it’s not forthcoming, but you chose to lie about me.... you will join Mike Eby and Paul Rawlinson on the tropical dance floor.