
30 Mar 2020

CV19 2020 PLANdemonic Since 1996

avian flu in the jet stream is how it happens 2020 corona virus bodies stacking

aplanetruth 4u

hey folks welcome to another version of
hashtag the great hoax CB 19 here's some
more proof that this was planned 2013
June 21st
summer solstice some rap group I've
never heard of but I'm not into rap
anyway so let's listen to what they have
to say here did you hear that 2020 the
coronavirus bodies ace stacking" all right
let's play that once again so you can
hear what's going on a beginning of the

the virus

there is no way anyone watching can deny
that from 2013 now six years later and
that was done on the summer solstice
July June 21st by intention that this
was not a planned
demmick this has all been designed for a
very very long time and the idiocracy
now is off the hook and Thank You Shelly
Michelle Lewis for bringing that out
their video was put out by dr. creep do
you need to know anymore I want to start
this by telling that what's been taken
what quote writes we used to enjoy have
been taken away by this social
distancing that the Trump Meister has
just decided is now going to go on to
the end of April so much for his Easter
hope opium they just a limited trial by
jury by your peers one judge sets the
rules now no more jury by trial freedom
to assemble has just been eliminated by
order of one man or one woman whether it
be the USA Inc president of the CEO
corporation over the channel or whether
it be a governor corporation over that
channel freedom to assemble has just
been eliminated think about that now one
man's decided to shut down all
non-essential businesses and gun shops
by sole decree how can one person decide
that for an entire quote country unless
we were obedient and they knew that we
would obey them because they had us
under the greatest psyops the world has
ever seen you oughta watch the left hand
while the right hand showing you what
they're doing
surveillance and 5d are being
fast-tracked under the pretext of
fighting the Coronas they just passed
the technology act under under the guise
of you know signing bills they're still
signing bills to take away our rights as
the check up check out check up point
check points go up in all state borders
Florida's announces they're going to be
checking at state borders you saw
yesterday Rhode Island announced the
National Guard we're going door-to-door
recovered about the infant's being taken
away from their mothers Texas national
troops could go door to door to checkups
you're seeing a lockdown of states folks
this is what's happening they're gonna
have border patrols along all the states
and they're not gonna let anybody
through unless you have your papers so
what if the National Guard goes
door-to-door out they get infected
uh-huh aren't people going to get the
aren't they're gonna get it too if
everybody has the corona virus like
they're predicting the hundreds of
thousands and millions on the National
Guard going to put themselves in harm's
way and just do yes sir
you obey or are they foreign mercenaries
brought in by academia's II formerly
known as Blackwater being trained
overseas in wars like Afghanistan and
Iran and Iraq and Haiti all Syria and
all the other countries we put our
foreign mercenaries our contractors in
and I reported earlier in another video
how the body counts are just being
grossly overstated
according to no small institution like
Stanford University and the New England
Journal of Medicine and here they are
they're fun games here
the corona virus pandemic is sickened
more than six hundred and ninety six
thousand and six hundred people and at
least 33,000 people have died show me
the bodies as I said Trump extended
social distancing guidelines now through
April thirtieth haircuts basic things
basic everyday life how are we going to
get our haircuts who's going to get
haircuts when their hair starts growing
we're going to have to learn our old
skills again this is the new old
back to the lands going back to basics
they're forcing us to do this and in
some ways it's going to be good we're
gonna have to learn new skills we're
gonna have to talk to our children get
them off the computers folks don't let
them just sit there in Park it that's
part of their game plan too they're
taking away the sports and all the
infotainment and the bread and circuses
and all they do is pump the coronavirus
all they do is pump it 24/7 into the
heads it's it's meant to drive people
crazy that's the whole plan here
meanwhile millions of Americans are
about to lose their health insurance and
the pandemic well then they all have to
go to the state like California has
covered care so everybody is under the
state state guys this is what I'm saying
for a long time pee genie or Pacific Gas
Electric Company is going to be absorbed
by the states of the power the
healthcare the water and the energy are
all going to be run by state operations
as they lock down the borders this is
happening in real time right now
and this should disturb you big time
I've been over this website now called
dragonfly how the camera detecting not
only temperature heart rate and
respiration but even when a person is
coughing it will be outfitted with
special sensor computer vision systems
that monitor your heart your temperature
respiratory weights weights as detect
people sneezing and coughing and crowds
and other places where groups of people
may work or congregate you're going to
be under constant surveillance when they
lift the ban if they lift the ban you
even have a video to show you how this
works and this device it costs thirty
three thousand dollars there's that
number again but look at here's their
social distancing how they can read your
temperatures your breath rate your heart
rate your temperature and your actions
total surveillance under an executive
contract with a budget of one and a half
million dollars we put into place as we
and here's more proof for you New York
PD using aerial footage the police
social distancing in parks make sure you
keep your space moolah apart you're not
allowed to stand next to another person
and get away get away it's beyond the
pale folks I just wear a lot of words
sometimes describe what's going on and
how the sheeple have just accepted their
servitude I'm sure many of you are
frustrated as well and then we're
getting some journalists now some
investigative putting on YouTube how you
know here's a video of Japan from a guy
from Italy showing it's in Italian but
he's showin a nishes normal everyday
life in Japan everybody's calm why is
this a crisis why are they canceling the
Olympics everybody look at these people
just walking around no social distancing
going on there right they do all have
their masks on but there's no panic and
no stay at home shelter in place is
going on I mean again it's all just a
lie here check out these ones here are
these hospitals let's see
doctor with his mask on everything
look at that nobody completely empty
this is police know you and okay so I
came to the the hospital to see if I
mean if it's you know chaos and people
just running in screaming and coughing
up blood
do you have corona virus yeah do you
know anywhere do you know anyone with
corona virus what's the virus honestly
well I but what is it like what is a
virus me either man hello
and it just does see it is there I know
a lot of people coming in like okay do
you guys do coronavirus testing okay
the F coronavirus do you have
coronavirus me personally yeah do you
know anyone who has chronic virus we
knew you person I like in your life
I think I overshot where did you go
looking from the front desk right guys
you guys have crowd buddies
you guys know anyone who has coronavirus
anyone who knows what is the virus
oh yeah what is the fire
it ain't nobody in these hospitals bro
it's just normal shit if not for the TV
telling us that it was a that it was a
black plague going around and no one
would have thought a single thing is
different and yet they interrupt in your
income over it they are there telling
you what you can and can't do over
nothing and no one has a problem with
because they believe everything they see
on TV
well here's news for you you should
leave everything you see on my Instagram
story because I'm being ironic but
actually you should you should leave a
lot of the things you should look into
it and okay so I and if the police are
gonna be on your side folks just take a
look at all the badges Colorado New York
Iowa Illinois Indiana Michigan
Massachusetts free mason state trooper
West Virginia State Police all with free
Masonic symbols this gentleman I could
play the recording but he was he was an
insider saying yep they're all part of
the same team so are there fire
captain's at the Cal Fire out here and
whatnot that's why I didn't want to
listen to me about directed-energy
weapons and we're coming at me when I
was trying to talk to their subordinates
and educate them that they are under
great risk going to these these laser
fires these attacks on our honor sit on
our persons and our lands and our
children you know in this with just who
the hell can tell us we cannot gather
peaceable peaceful assembly the right to
get together and we don't try and do it
we're not going out and saying fu we're
gonna go play in the parks with our kids
we're not afraid of the fake virus we're
gonna go out and hang out and have
barbecues they got a snitch program
going on where your neighbors are snitch
and I so what tell us we can't get
together and all these police that are
gonna come and get you aren't they
afraid of getting a corona virus if they
come together
huh we're just being little obedient
sheep Oh guys even the truthers gather
your clan go out and show you're not
afraid give hugs to people shake hands
with people at least reach out and try
show you're not for afraid show you're
not going to give in show it's a hoax
show me some about the coronavirus and
I'm gonna go give him a hug on TV and
I'll show you let's prove that this is
all a bunch of bullshit please the lies
are massive they're showing it over and
over and over again
there's nobody in these hospitals it's
all theater it's all a Truman TV show
there's no one in these hospitals folks
they're empty yet they're saying
thousands of celebrities are getting in
and prime ministers are getting it watch
the Pope's going to get it now next on a
bet it's all a pack of well-planned
lies a plan Demick do not give in to the
fear show proof you're not gonna give in
to the fear and again show us the bodies
I mean if this many people were dying
folks use your common sense cultivate
your common sense where's the funerals
where's the mourning families where's
all the dead bodies being stacked up I
mean we're not seeing any of that yet
they're saying hundreds of thousands
hundreds of thousands are dying well
wouldn't the morgues be stacked up right
now and yes we've been chronicling how
the five G is being put in everywhere
the invasive species and the schools are
installing them all school's out putting
them in the schools for what reasons
we're about to find out I think but also
be aware that it's just not five G on
the ground
it's Skynet all the five G Elon Musk
says they're going to beaming five G
down from the tens of thousands high
altitude platforms aka satellites that
they're beaming down five G from this is
just one part of the conversation we
need to understand this is full spectrum
domination look at the US the US Air
this was written in 1996 US Airforce
Department of Defense joint vision 2020
emphasizes full-spectrum dominance joint
vision 2020 blueprint for the department
offense follow the future this is about
dominating the air above us in a full
spectrum dominance by the US Air Force
Department of Defense as well
do not give allegiance to those that
want to control you through all their
planning over the decades now that
they're implementing it now it's game on
so let me close with this document the
date May 26 2017 notice Lee Castle in
the front Tartarian multi-domain
confusion all domains are not created
equal so this is the beginning of wisdom
is definition of terms Socrates these
are these little guys planning their
takeover of humanity folks it's 1947 the
National Security Act signed into law
beginning of the taking away of the
freedoms and all the happy white guys
the ownership Society in 1996 the
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
published a thirty four page document
joint vision 2010 it was the first of
that week of a series of future joint
concepts into the 21st century the
concept represented a bold expression of
the unipolar attitude of American
exceptionalism following the end of the
Cold War and the heavy success of Desert
Storm full spectrum dominance as the
ability to feed any adversary or control
any situation across the full range of
military operations and theorized about
creating an asymmetric advantage by
attacking cross-dimensional in 2000 a
revised document called joint xx vision
2020 further elaborated the notion of
full spectrum dominance which implied
that US forces are able to conduct
prompt sustained and synchronized
operations with access to and freedom to
operate in all domains space sea land
air and
a formation thereafter domain provide to
be extremely catchy and quickly
propagated since the word is commonly
used to describe Internet protocols the
nebulous fifth domain of information was
recast as cyberspace as decidedly more
excessively assessable term that also
reflects the prominence of the Internet
culture as well as promises and exciting
new technology frontier for war war on
world people this is their this is their
model here full spectrum dominance they
got the technological innovations
remember 1994-95 the internet was
released by DARPA this is when they were
planning to get us under the Information
Technology umbrella of control and
getting us to desire and getting
everybody tap-tap tap-tap heads down and
then information superiority dominant
maneuver precision engagement focus
logistics full dimension preventional
protection decipher decisive operations
now we see what they've been planning
all this time so as possible that can be
found in a forgotten section of the
capstone concept for joint operations
version 2.0 released in August 2005 this
version attempted to describe multiple
domains as across any potential
operating quote space through which the
target system can be influenced not only
the domains of land sea air and space
but also and including the virtual
information and cyber and human
cognitive moral and social domains
well so far mission accomplished guys my
hats off to you for executing your plan
well it's time for us to wake up and
it's time for us to step up now okay
there's no more of this waiting around
to see what's going to happen next we
know their plans we know what their
action the items are it's now time for
us to come together in our communities
reach out to your neighbors share this
information with all


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