MPEC 2020-D104 : 2020 CD3: Temporarily Captured Object
this is apparently the best image nasa could hustle up after all the near infinite
amounts of funding for orbital and deep space satellites like hubble (and that's old) that it could just swing around and take a good look at it with, but i guess they are not allowed to, just like they are not allowed to use it on our actual moon

The following Minor Planet Electronic Circular may be linked-to from your own Web pages, but must not otherwise be redistributed electronically.

M.P.E.C. 2020-D104 Issued 2020 February 25, 22:53 UTThe Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusualon behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by theminor planets and routine data on comets. They are published Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDUCambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network URL ISSN 1523-67142020 CD3: Temporarily Captured ObjectOrbit integrations (Gray, Project Pluto; Micheli, ESA NEO CoordinationCentre; Naidu, CNEOS; and Spoto, MPC) indicate that this object is temporarilybound to the Earth. No evidence of perturbations due to solar radiationFurther observations and dynamical studies are strongly encouraged.pressure is seen, and no link to a known artificial object has been found. Observations:K20C03D C2020 02 15.51624 13 03 34.52 +09 13 03.6 VED104G96K20C03D* C2020 02 15.51114 13 03 33.11 +09 10 43.1 20.0 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 15.52133 13 03 35.96 +09 15 21.9 VED104G96K20C03D C2020 02 15.54582 13 03 44.70 +09 26 11.1 19.6 GVED104G96K20C03D C2020 02 15.54547 13 03 44.54 +09 26 01.3 20.4 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 15.54564 13 03 44.64 +09 26 05.9 20.2 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 15.54599 13 03 44.77 +09 26 15.4 19.3 GVED104G96K20C03D KC2020 02 16.00401313 18 38.39 +12 15 14.7 20.3 GVED104L01K20C03D IC2020 02 15.99551713 18 35.41 +12 12 02.1 20.5 GVED104L01 K20C03D KC2020 02 15.99740713 18 36.13 +12 12 45.4 20.3 GVED104L01 K20C03D KC2020 02 15.99983113 18 36.99 +12 13 40.9 20.3 GVED104L01 K20C03D KC2020 02 16.00563913 18 38.94 +12 15 51.7 20.2 GVED104L01K20C03D C2020 02 16.43984 13 25 07.63 +14 38 49.7 20.6 GVED104I52K20C03D KC2020 02 16.36395 13 25 20.45 +14 16 52.8 20.1 RoED104291 K20C03D KC2020 02 16.36653 13 25 20.43 +14 17 41.6 20.2 RoED104291 K20C03D KC2020 02 16.36916 13 25 20.38 +14 18 30.7 20.4 RoED104291 K20C03D C2020 02 16.43791 13 25 08.05 +14 38 18.0 20.9 GVED104I52 K20C03D C2020 02 16.44177 13 25 07.23 +14 39 20.8 20.8 GVED104I52K20C03D KC2020 02 17.07007713 34 45.60 +16 45 07.3 20.4 GVED104J95K20C03D C2020 02 16.44370 13 25 06.81 +14 39 52.0 21.0 GVED104I52 K20C03D IC2020 02 17.04053413 34 23.09 +16 43 52.2 21.4 GVED104L01 K20C03D KC2020 02 17.04662213 34 22.81 +16 45 14.6 21.0 GVED104L01 K20C03D KC2020 02 17.05106913 34 43.30 +16 40 45.9 VED104J95 K20C03D KC2020 02 17.05429713 34 22.44 +16 46 58.0 21.2 GVED104L01 K20C03D KC2020 02 17.08494213 34 46.67 +16 48 26.9 21.0 GVED104J95K20C03D KC2020 02 17.99825313 45 29.233+19 23 16.64 20.8 GVED104Z84K20C03D KC2020 02 17.10072613 34 47.27 +16 51 52.7 20.6 GVED104J95 K20C03D C2020 02 17.50800 13 38 02.17 +18 18 19.1 21.2 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 17.51003 13 38 01.60 +18 18 36.3 20.4 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 17.51206 13 38 00.99 +18 18 54.5 21.2 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 17.51409 13 38 00.38 +18 19 11.5 21.2 GVED104G96 K20C03D KC2020 02 17.98005113 45 25.930+19 19 39.42 21.2 GVED104Z84 K20C03D KC2020 02 18.01645713 45 30.942+19 26 49.53 21.5 GVED104Z84K20C03D C2020 02 20.41881 14 00 29.62 +23 35 56.9 21.8 GVED104G96K20C03D C2020 02 18.41465 13 47 52.48 +20 25 18.0 21.5 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 18.41523 13 47 52.30 +20 25 23.2 20.9 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 18.41581 13 47 52.14 +20 25 27.2 21.0 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 18.41639 13 47 51.93 +20 25 33.0 21.3 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 19.30167 13 55 16.82 +21 55 58.1 VED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 19.30392 13 55 16.91 +21 56 17.5 21.5 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 19.30618 13 55 16.96 +21 56 39.0 21.5 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 20.41956 14 00 29.39 +23 36 00.7 22.3 GVED104G96K20C03D C2020 02 21.29251 14 05 28.91 +24 31 37.6 22.0 GVED104V00K20C03D C2020 02 20.42032 14 00 29.14 +23 36 05.2 22.1 GVED104G96 K20C03D C2020 02 20.42107 14 00 28.88 +23 36 10.5 21.8 GVED104G96 K20C03D KC2020 02 21.09590114 03 49.976+24 21 03.47 22.0 GVED104Z84 K20C03D KC2020 02 21.12049214 03 42.513+24 23 16.74 21.7 GVED104Z84 K20C03D KC2020 02 21.14626814 03 33.897+24 25 23.50 21.7 GVED104Z84 K20C03D KC2020 02 21.17226814 03 24.721+24 27 15.50 21.6 GVED104Z84 K20C03D KC2020 02 21.19658114 03 16.142+24 28 46.33 21.8 GVED104Z84 K20C03D C2020 02 21.29164 14 05 28.87 +24 31 31.4 21.8 GVED104V00 K20C03D C2020 02 21.29426 14 05 28.84 +24 31 49.2 VED104V00291 LPL/Spacewatch II. Observer M. T. Read. 1.8-m f/2.7 reflector + CCD.Observer details:G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey. Observers T. A. Pruyne, K. W. Wierzchos, D. Rankin.Measurers E. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D.Grauer, H. Groeller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A.reflector + 10K CCD.Pruyne, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos. 1.5-mE. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H.I52 Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station. Observer D. C. Fuls. MeasurersRankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos. 1.0-m reflector + CCD.Groeller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, D.J95 Great Shefford. Observer P. Birtwhistle. 0.41-m f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain+ CCD.L01 Visnjan Observatory, Tican. Observers K. Korlevic, F. Valentine. MeasurerK. Korlevic. 1.0-m f/2.9 reflector + CCD.Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, R. A. Kowalski,V00 Kitt Peak-Bok. Observer A. R. Gibbs. Measurers E. J. Christensen, G. A.Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos. 2.25-m reflector + CCD.S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C.Orbital elements:Z84 Calar Alto-Schmidt. Observers M. Micheli, E. Schwab. Measurers M. Micheli, D. Koschny, L. Conversi, E. Schwab. 0.8-m f/3 Schmidt + CCD.M 117.06860 (2000.0) P Q2020 CD3 Earth MOID = 0.0166 AU Epoch 2020 May 31.0 TT = JDT 2459000.5 Spoto, Pikee 0.0172469 Incl. 0.64019 +0.31261219 -0.24817598n 0.95299584 Peri. 46.85193 -0.64148133 -0.76705846 a 1.0226854 Node 83.05382 +0.70055358 -0.59163333200215 G96 0.2+ 0.6+ 200217 L01 1.0+ 0.1+ 200219 G96 0.7- 0.6+P 1.03 H 31.5 G 0.15 Residuals in seconds of arc 200215 G96 0.2- 0.0+ 200216 I52 0.1+ 0.4- 200218 G96 0.1- 0.1-200215 G96 0.1+ 0.0- 200217 J95 0.1- 0.6- 200220 G96 0.2+ 0.1-200215 G96 0.4- 0.5+ 200217 L01 0.3- 0.2- 200219 G96 0.0- 0.9- 200215 G96 0.1- 0.7- 200217 J95 0.4- 0.3- 200219 G96 0.5+ 0.4- 200215 G96 0.3+ 0.6- 200217 L01 0.2- 0.2+ 200220 G96 0.3- 0.5+200215 L01 0.1+ 0.7+ 200217 G96 0.5+ 0.1- 200221 Z84 0.7- 0.7-200215 G96 0.1+ 0.2- 200217 J95 0.3- 0.2- 200220 G96 0.4+ 0.1- 200215 L01 0.3- 0.1+ 200217 J95 0.1- 0.6- 200220 G96 0.5+ 0.9+ 200215 L01 0.1+ 0.3+ 200217 G96 0.1+ 0.4+ 200221 Z84 0.6- 0.4- 200216 L01 0.3- 0.1- 200217 G96 0.3+ 0.5+ 200221 Z84 0.2- 0.1-200216 I52 0.0+ 0.1- 200218 G96 0.2- 0.2+ 200221 V00 0.6- 1.0-200216 L01 0.0+ 0.2+ 200217 G96 0.0- 0.1+ 200221 Z84 0.1- 0.3- 200216 291 0.1+ 0.3+ 200217 Z84 1.1- 0.1+ 200221 Z84 0.3+ 0.5- 200216 291 0.0- 0.3+ 200217 Z84 1.0- 0.3- 200221 V00 0.3- 0.2+ 200216 291 0.1- 0.0- 200218 Z84 1.0- 0.4- 200221 V00 0.2+ 0.1+ 200216 I52 0.1- 0.0+ 200218 G96 0.1- 0.3+2020 02 18 13 43 30.5 +19 41 14 0.0036810.9903 126.5 53.3 21.3200216 I52 0.1+ 0.3- 200218 G96 0.2+ 0.8- Ephemeris: 2020 CD3 a,e,i = 1.02, 0.02, 1 q = 1.0050 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2020 01 26 16 38 06.2 +44 21 22 0.0088650.9834 82.5 97.0 24.7 ... 2020 02 10 18 21 44.4 +49 17 43 0.0033000.9858 76.4 103.4 22.9 ... ...2020 03 26 14 16 43.4 +33 06 12 0.01316 1.0070 135.3 44.2 23.82020 02 24 14 13 01.9 +27 01 37 0.0064270.9931 123.9 55.8 22.6 2020 02 25 14 15 29.2 +27 41 48 0.0067970.9935 124.0 55.7 22.7 2020 02 26 14 17 35.0 +28 17 27 0.0071490.9939 124.1 55.6 22.8 ... 2020 03 03 14 25 07.4 +30 46 04 0.0089830.9966 125.6 54.0 23.2 ... 2020 03 11 14 28 03.5 +32 22 17 0.01086 1.0002 128.6 50.9 23.6 ...M.P.C. Staff (C) Copyright 2020 MPC M.P.E.C. 2020-D104