please support my work - protecting the children in a digital industrial age : https://www.patreon.com/shaidanon the effect of thermal and non thermal radiation on health https://emfkeepers.co.il/wp-content/u... David's paper on conflicts of interest in EMF studies - https://emfkeepers.co.il/wp-content/u... and a preface David wrote for a book that deals with the general issue of conflicts of interest in science - https://emfkeepers.co.il/wp-content/u... David's info - https://www.albany.edu/news/experts/8... a bit more - http://www.trueemfsolutions.com/dr-da... docs about milimeter waves - https://www.ahava528.com/wp-content/u... https://www.stralskyddsstiftelsen.se/... https://www.ahava528.com/wp-content/u... https://www.ahava528.com/wp-content/u...