
15 Mar 2020

you've heard of 5g well check this out 6g 😈💩👎

you've heard of 5g well check this out 6g

PS its obviously biased A.F as its pushing their agenda but its ok we'll pick the bones out for you.

With 5G networks still being deployed around the world and many areas of the globe still using 4G and even 3G networks, (good because 5g is a backwards step for us as it has only 2% of the signal strength in distance/range from a cell tower and harmful to us and the environment DL) it seems a bit early to throw around the term 6G. After all, what use do we have for 6G networks when relatively few people can even use a 5G network? (WE don't DL)

That said, technology always pushes forward (VIa planned obsolescence DL) and standards take a long time to mature, so we've always been on a path to a 6G world (Nope DL). If anything, the idea of 6G this early in the development of 5G simply indicates how quickly this technology moves forward (without any saftey testng i may add DL). We've managed to go from 1G to 5G in such a relatively short amount of time, so 6G is just the natural progression towards faster and better wireless connectivity. (you mean faster cooking times DL)
6G development is already in its early stages: 

(all of the following people at the institutes mentioned below you know you should be ashamed and disgusted and enraged with your peers responsible for this fuckery and they deserve the #StandardOps treatment DL)

The FCC has taken the first steps of opening up terahertz wave spectrum (frequencies between 95 GHz and 3 THz), citing that it will "expedite the deployment of new services in the spectrum above 95 GHz."
In early 2018, the University of Oulu in Finland announced the funding of their 6G Flagship program to research materials, antennas, software, and more that will be required to launch 6G. The idea is to start developing the hardware needed to implement 6G and explore how the new technology might be used.
6G research has begun from Virginia Tech and companies like Samsung and LG.
Shortly after China launched 5G in 2019, the Ministry of Science and Technology announced that they'd be starting 6G research and development through the help of government departments, research institutes, universities, and enterprises.

6G Benefits (None at all DL)

Anything that you use a network connection for right now will be greatly improved on a 6G network. Literally every single improvement that 5G brings will manifest as an even better, enhanced version on a 6G network.

We’re already destined to have more powerful VR and AR systems with 5G, plus interconnected smart cities and farms, AI at our fingertips, intelligent robotics working in factories, car-to-car communication, and more. 6G will continue to support all of those areas while also providing even more bandwidth that will ultimately expand innovation even further, maybe even into fields that we haven’t tapped in to yet or even considered.

For example, Marcus Weldon of Nokia Bell Labs, says that 6G will be a “sixth sense experience for humans and machines” where biology meets AI.

Much of what makes 5G so great is its low latency of around 4 ms, but 6G networks might bring this down even further, maybe even to the point that we can safely say that there’s virtually zero latency. The start time for movies, TV, and games will be limited only by how long it takes the screen to power on, and video calls can be as crystal clear as standing in front of the other person.

As we’ve seen in the past with 3G, 4G, and 5G, as the capacity of a network increases, so too will its applications. This will cause an amazing effect where new products and services can be built to utilize 6G’s bandwidth and other improved features to their fullest extents.


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