
29 Apr 2020

Covid 19 Control of Disease Act 1984

hello everybody today we're going to talk about AB rights when it comes to having a mandatory vaccine the UK Kovach laws were changed before all this kind of kicked off and one of the words that was used was mandatory vaccination so I wanted to have a look in to see what that meant mandatory usually means an order of some kind and it when comesA to communicable events I wanted to know what that meant really so I went and found a British Journal of medical practitioners article and it says the right to consent is the absolute so that's what you're looking for if you wanna look this up it has a legal framework and it reads a medical intervention without valid informed consent is a criminal offence and the physician can be charged with battery examples of such situations include treatment against the patient's will different treatment than the one consented for and treatments after consenting deliberately with wrong information and this is governed by the General Medical Council so that's the understanding of informed consent you have to be told the correct information the side effects everything that's associated with it everything that you want to know about it and give your consent knowing all of that if they've lied to you they do without your permission they've committed a criminal offense okay that's how it was before the co vid 19 happened then it talks about what happens about protecting the public against infectious diseases which cope in 19 is one okay and things slightly start to change now in order to protect the public from contagious infectious diseases the public health control of disease Act in 1984 regulates notification of diseases and mandatory treatment of conditions such as tuberculosis the individuals rights to consent is severely restricts in two areas firstly information about the patient's diagnosis has to be given to the relevant authorities so that's confidentiality so if you wanted to talk to a doctor in confidence that's gone out the window now because they can discuss you with anybody secondly patients suffering from communicable diseases can be forced to take their medication by supervised administration or involuntary in paid treatments so you can be forced to take your medication that's a vaccine and it sites here that's in the North Manchester General Hospital the act was used to prevent the spread of TB to the wider public by forcing treatment onto an individual who is not compliant okay so they can do that anyway yeah so under kovaydin 19 so what's happened so I looked up the control of disease Act 1984 and I printed it out and it's here and it deals with for the first half of it infectious diseases coming through ports airports by ship and all that kind of stuff which you get past that you'll go to you'll find a domestic stuff how it applies to us as people our property and our things just to let you know that the first thing that will strike you when you look at this act on the government website it says changes to legislation and this has been updated on the 27th of April 2020 so just a day or so ago and it's coming to force on that day so this is applicable from now this is in operation now okay so what can they do to us answer so this concerns essentially these orders can be given by a justice of the peace in relation to a person if they suspect a person to be in effect or contaminated ie hang on a vaccine the infection or contamination is one which prevents and could present significant harm to human health there is a risk that the person might infect will contaminate others and it's necessary to make the order in order to remove and reduce the risk okay so that's why they're doing it so what happens to us so we have to submit to a medical examination we can be removed to a hospital or other suitable establishment taken from your home and taken to a hospital or other detention center area be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment so that's what they've just said is that inpatient treatment but this is saying you can be detained and there's a bit more detail later on explaining that to be kept in isolation or quarantine you may be disinfected or contaminated a person wear protective clothing so that's like an all-in-one jumpsuit like I'm gonna tell them obey or something person provide information or answer questions about person's health or other circumstances a person's health we monitor the results reported a person's attending training or advice sessions how to reduce the risk of infecting or contaminating others well that's room what I want isn't it you know re-education which I'll have to be Sibley but you'll be subjected to person be subjected to restrictions on where person goes or whom they associate with and the person that stays from work or training and then it goes on essentially to talk about again sort of risk to human health and more hobbyist they keep repeating that so that's what can happen to you we'll go back in a bit more detail in a second but I just quickly wanted to go through this and to let you know what's happening and what's going to be happening to us from the 27th of April so with when it comes to your possessions your things it says they can seize or retain your things the thing be kept in isolation or quarantine the thing be disinfected or dinked decontaminated and the thing be destroyed or disposed or social things at your personal property whatever you've touched cuz you're a contaminated or infected person wherever you touch whatever it is can be taken as all your things in your house everything they can take but what happens to the owner well the owner of the thing or any person who has had any custody or control of the thing friends have been in your house someone's being else your mom's been in your house its relates to them everything is if someone has touched any pit part of your property it refers to them so what do they have to do you have to provide information or answer questions about the thing including in particular informational questions about where the thing has been or about the identity of any related person or the whereabouts of any related thing so you are going to be interrogated and then it goes on to say about building so much of the same applies to the building so they can close your place of business down stop you from trading to remove the risk and then it says in the case of a conveyance or a movable structure it can be detained so if you've got a mobile business or anything like that it can be detained by the states and then it can be disinfected or decontaminated or in the case of a building convenience or structure the premises be destroyed so they can take all your things and they can then destroy your premises we go on talks about think of groups so every complies with people they can take you they can medically examine you give you force medication on your back and then it talks about arrest a seizure of things property with no notice to be given and so essentially all that can happen but they don't have to tell you that they're going to do it they don't have to give you notice if a justice of the peace considers it necessary to do so the justice may make order without a person having been given such notice so it deals with a person with parental responsibilities husbands and wives it does with society essentially that they don't have to give you notice they can just take you so they've also made the they've given themselves powers to invent offenses so they can invent an offense creates an offense they call it in here they can create an offense for anything that they desire and also they have given themselves the power for this to be enforced permanently there was no suggestion here this is any technique temporary so let's talk about enforcement so what happens when you how do you commit a crime now a person commits an offense if the person fails without reasonably excuse to comply with restriction or requirement imposed by the order willfully obstructs anyone acting in the execution of the order so if you say no we don't want the vaccine they can't deliver the vaccine to you commit you have to be violent you don't have to all you have to do is fail to give a reason excuse why don't you want it because they don't know what's in it you're having it no I'm not you committed an offense straight away willful obstruction is just trying to stop them from delivering it to people I guess or you yourself so you commit an offense again and that's a 5,000 pound fine or up to a 5,000 pound fine and each day that that doesn't get paid off that fine they are allowed to add more debt on to you but they can also the court has the power to impose a requirement that a person be detained or kept in isolation or quarantine in a place so they can detain you it's as part of the thing indefinitely it takes a judge to get you out the person leaves that place conscious requirement a constable may take the person into custody and return the person to that place they can arrest you off the street takes the PlayStation into custody then take you to a hospital that's disappearing people your family won't know where you've got you won't know where you are you'll just be you'll arrive in a hospital or one of these detention centres do you have the right to prosecute? no you don't they have given themselves a get out jail free card so you can't even prosecute them, so if you're wealthy you can't take them to court in fact you can't take the relevant health protection authorities court or anyone who's administer than anything or anything to do with it basically and it says here at final but last but not least crown property of Her Majesty this law does not affect them it only affects you so please sign up to WWF owk to vote for the independent testing of any covert vaccine that they produce because if this is mandatory this is what we're going to have to deal with yeah so at least you want to know that it's safe there's actually not going to harm you stop me give you cancers it's not gonna make you infertile there's no additives in there because otherwise you're gonna commit an offense by saying you don't want it are you going to question it so go to to get this in front of Parliament so the great if we can get more thanks for watching and please share this because people need to know what the control of disease Act is all about and the powers that they can force on you and the rights that you don't have anymore thank you for watching



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