How the nwo governmental lock-down procedures are designed to enable the spread of respiratory illness in the old and vulnerable and those with and organs failing due to SARS + influenza aka CV with the aid of immune suppressants fields aka 5g, The 5g field as we all know by now act's to suppress the immune system and cause oxygen deprivation (see links at the bottom for facts), and if your unable to go out side and get fresh air and re-oxygenate your blood eventually you will die as the toxins build up in your body and you need fresh air to re-oxygenate your blood, especially for those with limited mobility like the old or very young, whats more the governments they know this and are in fact making it worse on purpose to kill you and make money IE profit from your deaths Via your stock price, Your birth certificate is really a bank note, which means you, the citizen are what is known in the stock market as a "commodity" and to them you are worth more dead than alive, isn't is obvious by the way they have shut down most medical facilities and no one is getting treatments and all peoples are denied access, unless your pretending to be ill just like a puppet of theirs, (Cough cough Boris and the rest of their ilk) while they are claiming to be "treating people" and they arent, what they are doing however is they are charging for people that don't exist and dead peoples and billing the people from taxpayers money! and are killing the ones off who do go for "treatments" to recover the commodities in your name and take over the world in their NWO takeover and death to the people scam, I give you my word as an Englishman and a gentleman its all true, for all the worlds health organisations to get it all so wrong its highly improbable, i mean come on FFS just how could they all be so incompetent? unless they are playing along and complicit in their actions with this crime against the peoples of Earth, we have seen them using all the wrong kind of treatments for this including trying to Push forced Vaccinations and denial of public services and using Intubation methods that are barbaric and respirators and as all that does is make your lungs fill with too much pressure from the respirators and suffocates you. as for the "forced isolation" aka "self quarantine" "Guidelines" they are not lawful at all but people are complying with them under the threat of violence or arrest by corrupted public servants which is also illegal, all of their actions on every level of government are completely the wrong thing to do in all cases, and as for Bill gates and the other genocidal Nazis promoting malaria drugs and other nasty nano contaminated "vaccines" aka Harmacuiticles, well they all know that that will also kill you, believe it or not but its the truth, they're all satanists working together to destroy humanity and that is not a joke, the correct course of treatment for this fuckery for those with suffering health from their plans is oxygen therapy of which there are many kinds available to us and relatively cheaply to produce, such as oxygen enriched atmospheric tents or ozone infused nano bubble water deployed by nebulisers and can be used util the body recovers, both of these will work for peanuts and that's a fact, yet the government is forcing you to shelter indoors like sheeple ready to be sacrificed, you need to wake up and rise up and take back your planet from these evil beasts, you know i have been right the whole time and every word i write is always the truth, like George Washington and the Cherry Tree myth, "I Cannot Tell A Lie", i hope these words reach you in time and that you take their seriousness and truth to be of the highest importance to you and your lives and the lives of your families, So lets show these beasts how we really play the game, stand up for yourselves and your fellow human beings, stand up and fight for your your very lives, because they have already tried to kill you and they haven't finished yet, So Stand to men and women of valor and honorable peoples of the world, to arms and fight these beast back to the hell from which they came, Fight in anyway you can against them and their plans to kill you and yours, your best weapon is your mind so use it, stand up and think for yourselves and fight the fuckery that is upon you whether you want it or not, the very future of our species rest with you and me and the goode peoples of earth, and although your actions and choices are yours and yours alone you are not alone, so choose wisely and go for the best ending to this story that you can hope for and we can write the final chapter of this tale together.
#May the force be with you,
#peace be with you and yours
Your friend D. AKA the Hidden
(see Hemoglobin levels and acute radiotherapy-induced toxicity #WakeUp
5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects—A Pragmatic Review Based on Available Studies Regarding 6 to 100 GHz
Fixed Wireless Communications at 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties #WakeUp 😈💩👎