
22 Apr 2020



I do not know what is in your vaccine.
I do not believe your vaccine is safe.
I know that many vaccines have been found to contain toxic adjuvants and toxic foreign  materials.
I know that toxic contamination is present in vaccines which are easily preventable with current technology. This suggests intentional contamination of vaccines with toxic agents. 
I know that many vaccines are not effective and actually cause the ailment they are purported to mitigate.
I know that adjuvants are put into vaccines to “shock” the immune system into extreme response, and that causes biological “crisis”, stress and damage to the immune system, the blood and the whole body.
I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by media which receives billions of dollars in pharma advertising annually.
I know that vaccine death and injury statistics and information are suppressed by government in which pharmaceutical regulatory agencies are largely run and controlled by pharma industry executives, loyalists and lobbyists.
I know that vaccines kill hundreds of thousands of people per year. 
I am aware of reports that vaccine experiments have caused tens of thousands of cases of polio and other diseases and injuries in India, Asia, Africa, The Philippines and many other locations.  
I know that vaccines are so hazardous that the vaccine industry lobbied for, and received immunity from the harm vaccines are causing.
I know that taxpayers have paid billions of dollars to families who's members were injured or killed by vaccines.
I do not trust the vaccine industry, government agencies or international agencies which seem to be acting on behalf of vaccine sales and promotion and suppressing information of vaccine hazards. 
I know that most vaccines have not been tested or proven safe.
I know that under current law all physicians and healthcare workers must have my consent to administer medicine to me. My consent is hereby denied and refused.
I know that if someone is not a doctor, such as an elected official or bureaucrat, they may not administer medicine at all, much less “mandate” medical treatments for the general population.
I know it is possible to mitigate and control all contagious diseases with safer and more effective means than vaccination. 
Anyone who claims privilege to inject materials in my body without my consent is my enemy and is criminal. 
I will treat anyone who threatens to violate my body as a criminal assailant. 
No, you may not vaccinate me or my children. If you try, I will exercise my right to self defense against you and your accomplices to any extent I deem necessary to protect ourselves.
Forced vaccination is not authorized or permitted under Law. If there is a code or statutory “mandate” for forced medication, it is unconstitutional, unlawful and unenforceable.
You may not attempt or threaten non-consensual vaccination, and if you do, you will be dealt with in a manner to restore rule of law, justice and to protect our right to personal physical security.
Your ignorance of vaccine hazards and medical rights and your inability to understand the facts above do not give you any immunity or any license to commit the crime of forced non-consensual medication.
Can you name every ingredient of your vaccine? Presumably not.
Can you predict the physical effects of each of those ingredients? No.
Can you predict the consequences of combining those ingredients? No.
Have you offered to personally take full responsibility to pay for any harm your vaccine causes? No.
Therefore you do not have the slightest authority or privilege to forcibly administer vaccines.


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