re shared = comment thread
This is laughable, you need a lobotomy if you believe this.
Copied from Miri 👍🏼
This is so completely insane. The BBC has a cartoon video showing how the vaccine is going to save us by "introducing the virus to the body in a weakened form so the body knows how to fight it when it encounters it for real" RIGHT NEXT TO A STATEMENT saying that recovery from the virus, confers no immunity.
For the hard of thinking, let me break down what they are saying. That contracting the full, actual virus and having successfully fought it off - so your body knows exactly what it looks like, because you've had it and recovered from it - doesn't protect you, but being exposed to a modified, weakened form of the virus in a vaccine DOES.
If anyone is seriously so cognitively impaired as to fall for this, I think they have had one too many vaccines already
The World Health Organization says people who have recovered may not be protected against reinfection.The World Health Organization says people who have recovered may not be protected against reinfection.
They will discover no immunity after immunizations either. I call that a 2 part poison. One seems harmless, mix with the other harmless substance, you die. So the can keep injecting you and lock you down while they tear apart the world.
exactly but its OK for the US things are about to turn the way of the people, if only the UK got their asses in gear and fixed up and wake up then we may have half a chance, do you know who the most powerful piece is in chess?, well thats who is behind the whole game, isn't it about time for a change of management?, ,,,,,,,,😁😁😁😁😎🌍☮️
Next time the government offers a vaccine against whatever, remember you can end up with syphilis or worse. Checkmate.
i wouldn't know i come from a long line of unvaxed peoples, and thats the way we likes it
Tuskegee Study - Timeline - CDC - NCHHSTP
I'm actuall allergic to flu vaccine, was on my dogtags in the Marine Corps.
its OK i have an allergy to penicillin, and its perfectly natural to have an allergic reaction to contaminants too, but mine was only localized to where i was, i started to develop an auto immune response "spontaneously" but it was an easy fix for me, i had to go get a hydrocortisone and burn it off lol i was in a high 5g area at the time the whole place was covered with dew led "lights" and many illegal urban scanners and microwave radiation frequency launchers and fuck tons of mimo's and many, many, phased array antenna systems, not that i noticed looooolz pmsl joking obviously about that last bit, i could feel the pulsed emf at night, hear the frequency constantly and it was audible to "normal" hearing too, i have this thing where i can feel the vibration of sounds and energy i hear way above the normalized frequency range way over 20,000 -80,000 hrtz anyone can do it, its just like forcing your eyes to grow stronger cones, all it takes is time and patience and the right application of knowledge and understanding, shit i can probably even make a super man with the right funding not artificially of course, just by naturally improving what we have, but thats a whole other story and would require a level of cellular descriptions that i can do without having to explain given its taken me ages just to write these comments, and i wanna roll me last blunt of the night, so you know?, seems fair right lol 😂😂😂😂😂😂😁😎😎😎🌍☮️
I'm also allergic to penicillin, had a reaction to it also. Delirium, disoriented, dizzy. In 1976.
had an allergic reaction to it.
yeah they're behind every major disease out break there has been this century and last
It's all a joke and there is no full recovery from COVID as it leaves permanent damage but I don't see this being reported. The lungs are left scared which then leaves you susceptible to recurring pneumonia and obviously another hit of COVID which will probably finish you off the second time.
most the scaring is from the ventilators.
I've had pneumonia now 4 times been told the next will be my last. The last bout left me with COPD the scaring on my lungs from this is bad. Im Frontline and the question is will I be having this amazing new vaccine........ No F ing way 🤣🤣🤣
im going to publish this comment thread on my blog and leave all your names and links on, any objections???? say now and ill edit your name and abbreviate it for your privacy Much Love D.
go for it
Adele Wright Bravo
it was the BBC in who first reported the death rate was probably closer to .2% in an elderly population and that the projects were probably way off. Think the story was "do we have the right data?". crown princess cruiseliner story. They are a propaganda outfit, but they tend to get some stories out there so when the lies get exposed they can double down and say they reported it.
ive been telling every one its only 0.1% the whole time and even about the status of Bullshit 19 being changed pre lockdown to a non high consequence infectious disease and the illegality of the current situation for tiiiiiiiiime now of stupid stooge enforcers who have gone beyond their mandated powers and privileges as outlined in the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 1 and 4 respectively, (26 Corrupt or other improper exercise of police powers and privileges
(1)A police constable listed in subsection (3) commits an offence if he or she—
(a)exercises the powers and privileges of a constable improperly, and
(b)knows or ought to know that the exercise is improper.) and their making the whole country suffer for the illegitimate "act" made by an illegitimate fake corporate government enforcing them is illegal and at the very least is a hate crime and a violation of human rights and genocide and murder economic terrorism and fraud assisted deaths by nhs suicide squads all blindly going along with it "allegedly" i think they know full well what they are doing which is murdering people for profit which even if they were a legitimate government that hasn't just tried to kill us all, (which they are) they still have no legal right or recourse to remove your rights as a human beings, in fact as they are a corporate structure they can be taken to court and prosecuted under corporate law as well as criminal as they have to have regulatory bodies and court systems to deal with crimes against the state and people, after all its a crime of the highest caliber against the safety and security of the nation and people, i need more support in the UK to get this moving, the police and army and ex service and security personal do have good people in them or retired, and i know the sas would love the chance to help their own people, its what we do were British, but we need the chief of police to fix up at local and national level to ensure we can reopen this country back up and fucking get rid of those criminal entities who have chosen to subvert justice and oppress the nation and let the St squad's to roll in on our side to back them up, should it be required, it would make a nice change for the good guys to show up before the final scene as thats not good for anyone, final scenes imply finality for all, it is better that the game still be played than to not play at all, unless its tik tac toe in which case you can play indefinably with only 1 rule and win, always fight for your corner first and then the opposite and the rest of the game is just a test of patience waiting for the other player to lose interest and get bored and make a mistake, its either that or how about a nice game of chess?????.
the data has been out there for over a month. End of February I was saying it.
· 31m
BBC World Service - Business Daily, Do we have the right data on coronavirus?BBC World Service - Business Daily, Do we have the right data on coronavirus?
3500 passengers mostly elderly, the affected demographic. 700 confirmed cases with symptoms. 7 deaths. .2% in a 60+ crowd. filter in the general population, this goes down to .01%, same as regular flu. Air craft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, 2800 crew, 600 confirm positive, 1 death. Majority of younger adults asymptomatic.
this was from March 23, 2020
yeah i know i said it was the 5g too as it was the only geographical constant on all of their ships with the "outbreaks" its radiation poisoning from 5g
Time everyone stood up to this nonsense