statement for reading out for an indictment of a crime
i bringing to your attention a
scientifically established fact about
the rollout of 5g technology and
experimental LED carrier assets an
indictable offences under the domestic
and international laws and crime against humanity in the
environment Phe (public health england) have already warned of the health risk
your involvement in the deployment and deception
misinformation and cover-up in the wider
community and your continued to be a part in this
crime have been noted and any further support of
this indictable offense provided by you
once you have been informed by this
letter will demonstrate your real intent
in regard to this crime to mitigate your
involvement we demand that you cease and
desist from your role in the roll-out of
5g so that the main architecture of the
criminal enterprise can be held
accountable, while those who have been
coerced into the involvement
can be seen to have acted in less
serious role accesses abattoirs act
1861 as amended by the criminal law at
1977 covers all those who can be shown
to have known of the human rights crime
yet have not acted in accordance with
the law