The Hidden!: End Scene exit stage left


16 May 2020

End Scene exit stage left

End Scene exit stage left 

On a completely unrelated note, You know the nature of the universe isn't all random chaos not at all in fact its quite ordered and planned, and its structured to be as energy efficient as possible while doing so, if it wants something done and a certain result to be reached, it makes it happen in the most perfect of ways, its the fractal nature of it, the beginning and the end are both one and the same, its the initial state and "instruction" values multiplied by itself an infinite amount of times, the end result is always fed back into itself producing a giant bubble wrapped in a finite but infinite moment of time, while it seemingly "choose's" from one of an infinite number of predetermined pathways with every conceivable answer and result reached by becoming both the beginning and end of time simultaneously thereby having the whole selection of answers from across the whole of space and time to pick from, so its bound to pick the winners, for example its like numbering every single point on a slice of a single photon dissected shredded and collected and quanta-fied and then chucked into a feed-back loop of space and time giving it a massive boost in power and infinitely so (lol) to find the right piece with a number selected at "random" first time while blindfolded riding a donkey at max warp speed backwards through a field of cacti and still getting it right, which also logically proves it is sentient form of intelligence governed system or the universe is following such a complex set of rules that it appears to have sentience, either way lol, the system is so flawless it can select the optimal way to do anything and save energy and while expending the minimal amount of energy, while the potentials that are unsuitable self annihilate and the wave form collapses removing the expenditure of energy leaving only the gathered energy and leaving only 1 perfect answer, its why everything is connected, its universal quantum entanglement and causality,,,,,,,,Things can always change over time from zero potential at rest to maximum fuckery, even for things we think of as immutable and unchanging, this is wrong an error in judgement by presumption, and even if the initial force acting is only minuscule it will always have a cumulative effect over time, this principle is like all the principles governing our reality and is quite predictable ill give you an example of the same principle applied to life, namely mine, As you know 1 year ago today my life was heading in a much different direction, i was planning my wedding and getting everything ready for the event, i was So happy and terrified all at the same time, i thought nothing could happen that could change my world, but it did, a single moment and thought brought it all down caused by a irrational emotional state and instead of being the most happiest time of my life, it ended up being one of the worst times in my life and I've been through a lot, Strange that such a simple small insignificant thing as a mental perception can change your fate so much, and the people who you thought would always be there can fade into a nothing but a distant sound and memory lost in the visual horizon of your mindscape never to be seen again, just another in a long line of invisible people filling up the back room of my mind and as an empath thats not fun for me, but needless to say a good example of how small things can effect a change into a really big thing through causality, a im here now writing this for you to read so there has to be some reason in it, so all i can assume that my purpose must be an important one to merit such a loss but im still waiting to see how it all plays out, so ill let you know when i do what that particular result is, you know heres a secret i use many of the same principles to govern my life as the ones that govern reality, for example my goal is to free us all, which is no easy feet to accomplish by myself so i use the cumulative nudge effect, so what i do is when i meet people i absorb parts of their psyche and i imprint part of mine on theirs, i've been secretly spreading a mental contagion of the most virulent type there is for years, it's an idea its called Freeeeeeeeeedooooom
we all have purpose and were all here for a reason just what the universe has in mind for us all is at best a guess but im sure we'll all have a lot o fun finding out, but we can make an accurate rough guesstimate based upon past choices and experiences and information at hand that should roughly approximate an answer, we can say for a certainty that all things happen for a reason good or bad and usually its because there is something more important further down the line to do, and i know i like to think of the reason that im here is to give you hope, because if i can give you hope then I've halfway achieved my goal and pretty soon we will all be free and with that I Am Out,

Stay Free & Stay Woke

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